Quick Search: Articles, newspapers, books and ebooks, videos and more. Results primarily available online but may also include books available in the library or articles that can be requested for email delivery from ILLiad.
Library Information: Pages on library web site, for example research guides, library policies and procedures, hours and events.
Photograph of gamblers at a roulette table in the Aladdin Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, circa early 1970s (PH 0333 0138)
UNLV Libraries Special Collections was recently awarded a $129,600 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to process three significant archival collections on gambling. "America’s Great Gamble: A Project to Promote the Discovery of Sources About the Expansion of Legalized Gambling Across the United States" will increase the discoverability and usability of the Katherine Spilde Papers on Tribal Gaming (1974-2012), the Eugene…Read More
Wild horses roam the Nevada Test Site. U.S. Department of Energy Photograph Collection on the Nevada Test Site PH-00282
In honor of International Day of Climate Action on October 24, archival collections assistant Lindsay Oden ('15 MA History) has written a thoughtful blog post on our many important collections that document the history of environmental activism work in Las Vegas and southern Nevada.
As Oden notes, "These collections help researchers explore how and why Southern Nevada became such a highly contested region to activists, anti-war protesters, and the military. Moreover, these collections illustrate fundamental aspects about Nevada’s history: they portray complicated interplays between humanity and the land, indigenous and non-…Read More
Students examine material from the Syphus-Bunker Papers (T-85) for a class assignment.
Have you ever wondered what comes out of the research conducted in Special Collections? A new blog post for UNLV Research Week, "A Laboratory for the Study of Las Vegas and Gaming," provides some insight into the many scholarly works that have utilized our important historical manuscript collections and books. We hope that it will inspire students and faculty in a variety of disciplines to think about…Read More
Alex Kupfer with the Binions Horseshoe Collection MS-00325
Alex Kupfer received his doctoral degree from the Department of Cinema Studies at New York University in fall 2015. His research and teaching interests focus on American film history, nontheatrical motion picture exhibition, and sports culture. He is currently working on a book project which examines the relationship between intercollegiate football, higher education, and American film industries before television.
At UNLV Special Collections, Kupfer will conduct research illuminating the relationship between sports media and…Read More
Angela Moor, UNLV PhD candidate and Special Collections intern, 2015
Before beginning my internship in Special Collections this summer, I hoped I might come across materials that would be useful for my doctoral dissertation about the history of weddings and divorce in Las Vegas during the 1930s and 1940s. When I worked on the Dorothy Keeler Papers (MS-00195), I was excited to find some great materials about the early Las Vegas wedding industry and 1930s in Southern Nevada.
Dorothy Keeler portrait, undated
Dorothy Keeler and her husband Charles came to Las Vegas from Reno in the late 1920s. Charles Keeler…Read More
For many in the LGBT community, summer is a season of travel and celebration. Beginning in June, cities across the United States hold LGBT Pride parades and festivals that draw thousands from the community and its allies. Las Vegas is no exception—the Las Vegas Pride Night Parade will be held on September 18th this year. The Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc. (SNAPI) has been in charge of planning Las Vegas LGBT Pride since 1995 and Special Collections has some of the records of one of its executive members, Strutt Hurley, from the early years of the organization.
Hurley was the Director of Entertainment of SNAPI in 1996 and 1997 and her collection features documents that demonstrate how the parades and Pride events were constructed. Among the documents…Read More
Illustrations: Paradise Palms housing development brochure. From the Farnsworth Collection MS-00497.
Special Collections Curator Peter Michel has created a new exhibit about mid-century modern home design in Las Vegas. The exhibit cases feature original architectural designs drawn from UNLV's collections on architects Elmo Bruner, James B. McDaniel and Dale Scheideman as well as the Las Vegas Historical Building Survey Collection, historical housing development…Read More
Some of our award-winning staff: Su Kim Chung, Lindsay Oden, Cyndi Shein, and Michael Frazier. Not pictured: Silvia Southwick.
The spring 2015 semester saw a number of Special Collections staff honored for their work both in the UNLV Libraries and campus-wide. Please join us in congratulating our staff on their accomplishments!
Special Collections Head of Public Services Su Kim Chung was selected as "McPhee Librarian of the Year" by her peers in the UNLV Libraries. She was nominated by Director of Special Collections, Michelle Light. …Read More
Steinberg is a Doctoral Candidate in Art History at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her work focuses on the intersections of humor, identity, and contemporary art in the global context. She has contributed to exhibition catalogues including “The Abstract Impulse” (New York, 2007), “The Commonist” (Baku, 2012) and the Venice Biennale’s “Love Me, Love Me Not: Contemporary Art from Azerbaijan” (Venice, 2013); and is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Art and Art History at Tufts University.
Within UNLV Special Collections, Steinberg will conduct research for an article-length project examining aspects of chance and risk that informed…Read More