Call Number:
E185.61.N246 N38x 1982
Papers of the NAACP. Subject files on labor conditions and employment discrimination, 1940-1955, papers of the NAACP pt. 13, ser. B.
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, Labor, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1940 - 12/31/1955
UNLV Microforms
The establishment, operation, and demise of the FEPC (Fair Employment Practices Committee) and the decades-long effort to resurrect it and make it a permanent federal agency, provides the main focus of this 25 reel collection. A. Philip Randolph is a major presence in these files as well as traditionally black and white liberal voluntary organizations enlisted to the cause, labor unions, and communist organizations. pt. 1. Meetings of the Board of Directors, records of annual conferences, major speeches, and special reports, 1909-1950 / editorial adviser, August Meier ; edited by Mark Fox -- pt. 2. Personal correspondence of selected NAACP officials, 1919-1939 / editorial adviser, August Meier ; edited by Randolph Boehm -- pt. 3. ser. A & B. The campaign for educational equality, 1913-1950 -- pt. 4. The voting rights campaign, 1916-1950 -- pt. 5. The campaign against residential segregation, 1914-1955 -- pt. 6. The Scottsboro case, 1931-1950 -- pt. 7. ser. A & B. The Anti-Lynching campaign, 1912-1955 -- pt. 8. ser. A & B. Discrimination in the criminal justice system -- pt. 9. Discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces, 1918-1955 -- pt. 10. Peonage, labor, and the New Deal, 1913-1939 -- pt. 11. Special subject files, 1912-1939 - pt. 12. Selected branch files, 1913-1939 -- pt. 13. Ser. A-C. The NAACP and labor, 1940-1955.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword, title, author, and subject. Papers of the NAACP. Part 13. Series B: Cooperation with Organized Labor 1940 - 1955 (MICRO E185.61.N246 N38x 1982 Pt 13 Ser.B Guide). Besides a reel index, the guide also includes a subject index.