Call Number:
F799 .U55x 1851a
Interior Department territorial papers, New Mexico, 1851-1914
National Archives (M364, 15 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1851 - 12/31/1914
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, New Mexico, 1851-1914 (MICRO F799 .U55x 1851a Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U662x 1851a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Central Superintendency, 1851-1880
National Archives (M234, 16 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1851 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 16 reel collection contains a chronological arrangement of letters related to the history of Missouri, the Great Plains, and the U.S. Government's policy and relationships with the Indians under the authority of Central Superintendency during the Age of Manifiest Destiny, The Civil War, and the Reconstruction. Reel 55. 1851-1856 -- Reel. 56. 1857-1860 (R440) -- Reel 57. 1860 (R527)-1862 (1867) -- Reel 58. 1862 (K184)-1867 -- Reel 59. 1868-1870 -- Reel 60. 1871-1872 (B1093) -- Reel 61. 1872 (C801-W628) -- Reel 62. 1872 (W1221)-1873 (M745) -- Reel 63. 1873 (N33)-1874 (H876) -- Reel 64. 1874 (H902-W2041) -- Reel 65. 1875 (A1-I1388) -- Reel 66. 1875 (I1407)-1876 (G235) -- Reel 67. 1876 (G314-T324) -- Reel 68. 1876 (W18)-1877 (N296) -- Reel 69. 1877 (N307)-1878 (R870) -- Reel 70. 1878 (S99)-1880 (W2207)
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
KF122.C26 A25x 1950
Records of the District Court for the Northern District of California and predecessor courts, 1851-1950
National Archives (T717, 125 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1851 - 12/31/1950
UNLV Microforms
Various collections concerning Northern District of California and predecessor courts District Court records, law reports, digests, records, etc.
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO KF122.C26 A25x 1950 Guide].
Call Number:
F801 .U588 1954a
State Department territorial papers, New Mexico, 1851-1872
National Archives (M17, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1851 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. March 3, 1851-December 8, 1860 -- Reel 2. January 2, 1861-December 23, 1864 -- Reel 3. January 6, 1865-March 15, 1871 -- Reel 4. April 28, 1871- November 16, 1872.
Call Number:
KF122.C26 A24x 1978a
Private land-grant case files in the Circuit Court of the Northern District of California, 1852-1910
National Archives (T1207, T1214 - T1216, 31 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1852 - 12/31/1910
UNLV Microforms
Various collections concerning Northern District of California private land-grant and land-title case files in the Circut Court, etc.
Call Number:
E93 .U9549x 1853a
Records of the Utah Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1853-1870
National Archives (M834, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1853 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
This two reel collection consists of letters and records from the Utah Superintendency and is a source of US Government policy and relationships with the Utah Indians. The time period spanned by this collection includes, the age of western expansion, the Black Hawk War, the Bear Creek Massacre, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction. Reel 1. Letters received from the Commissioner (1859-70). Miscellaneous sources (1858-70). Letters sent (1857-67) -- reel 2. Miscellaneous records (1853-70)
Finding Aids:
Guide available (MICRO E93 .U9549x 1853a Guide)
Call Number:
E78.N77 J48 1987
The Pacific Northwest tribes missions collection of the Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus / [edited] by Robert C. Carriker and Eleanor R. Carriker.
Wilmington, DE : Scholarly Resources
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1853 - 12/31/1960
UNLV Microforms
This 34 reel collection features thirty-thousand manuscript pages prepared by Jesuit missionaries between 1853 and 1960. Materials included in the collection are diaries, letters, financial account books, correspondence, census records, other miscellaneous papers, and a House Diary. This dairy is a valuable resource for determining the daily and/or weekly activity at the mission.
Finding Aids:
Guide to the microfilm edition of the Pacific Northwest tribes missions collection of the Oregon Providence Archives of the Society of Jesus(MICRO E78.N77 J48 1987 Guide). This index includes a listing and short history of each mission, biographies of the Jesuit Missionaries, and reel content notes.
Call Number:
JK1598.U8 A8 1967
Records relating to the appointment of federal judges, attorneys, and marshals for the territory and state of Utah, 1853-1901.
National Archives (M680, 14 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1853 - 12/31/1901
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. 1853-1869 -- Reel 2. 1869-1885 -- Reel 3. 1885-1889, A-K -- Reel 4. 1885-1889, L-Z -- Reel 5. 1889-1893, A-G -- Reel 6. 1889-1893, H-M -- Reel 7. 1889-1893, N-S -- Reel 8. 1889-1893, T-Z -- Reel 9. 1893-1897, A-G -- Reel 10. 1893-1897, H-L -- Reel 11. 1893-1897, M-O -- Reel 12. 1893-1897, P-Z -- Reel 13. 1897-1901, A-P -- Reel 14. 1897-1901, Q-Z.
Call Number:
F826 .U588 1942a
State Department territorial papers, Utah series 1853-1873
National Archives (M12, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1853 - 12/31/1873
UNLV Microforms
reel 1. Apr. 30, 1853-Dec. 24, 1859 -- reel. 2. Jan. 5, 1860-Jan. 3, 1873.
Call Number:
HD243.U8 S87x 1981a
Correspondence of the Surveyor General of Utah, 1854-1916
National Archives (M1110, 86 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1916
UNLV Microforms
Records of the Bureau of Land Management, Record Group 49 of 234 volumes of correspondence held in the National Archives, Denver Branch.
Finding Aids:
Correspondence of the Surveyors General of Utah 1854-1916 (MICRO HD243.U8 S87x 1988 Guide).
Call Number:
F886 .U54x 1854a
Interior Department territorial papers, Washington, 1854-1902
National Archives (M189, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1902
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection highlights Washington's history, politics and government.
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Washington, 1854-1902 (MICRO F886 .U54x 1854a Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U667x 1980
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: procedural issuances : orders and circulars, 1854-1955.
National Archives (M1121, 17 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1955
UNLV Microforms
This 17 reel collection consists of circulars and ordinances related to procedure, issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It is a source of US Government politics, policy, and relationships with the Indians of every region of the US. The dates of the collection include the era of westward expansion, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, and the modern age.
Call Number:
F801 .U43x 1854a
Registers of letters received and letters received by Headquarters, Department of New Mexico, 1854-1865.
National Archives (M1120, 30 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1865
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (MICRO F801 U43x 1854a Guide)
Call Number:
F891 .U588 1942a
State Department territorial papers, Washington series 1854 -1872
National Archives (M26, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F685 .U588 1953a
State Department territorial papers, Kansas, 1854-1861
National Archives (M218, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1854 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Official correspondence, May 30 1854-April 30, 1861 -- Reel 2. Executive minutes, June 29-December 26, 1854 and September 9, 1856-January 1-3, 1859.
Call Number:
AN2 .S72
St. Louis Luminary, Saint Louis, Missouri
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
11/22/1854 - 12/15/1855
UNLV Microforms
First issue published on November 22, 1854, this weekly publication was devoted to science, religion, general intelligence, and the news of the day, It provided exposition of the favorable side of Mormonism.
Call Number:
F666 .U588 1955a
State Department Territorial papers, Nebraska, December 31, 1854 - March 27, 1867
National Archives (M228, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
12/31/1854 - 03/27/1867
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E184.M5 C457x
Chicano Studies Library serial collection
Bay Microfilm
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1855 - 12/31/1990
UNLV Microforms
This 382 reel collection is a rich primary source for scholars. It contains Chicano and Mexican-American periodicals, journals, and newspapers published throughout the United States during the years 1855 - 1990. The newspapers are as far east as New York, north to Detroit, south to Texas, and covers the entire West Coast. There are over 250 different newspapers published in both Spanish and English. The microfilm collection is divided into eleven sections. The sections are not chronological so it is imperative to use the guide.
Finding Aids:
Chicano Studies Library Serial Collection (MICRO E184.M5 C457x Guide) lists titles, places and dates of publications. The guide is not chronological but each section lists the titles alphabetically. There is also a guide at the Microforms Counter called Mexican American Serials which lists some of the serials in this collection along with subject information.
Call Number:
DK220 .K57 1905a
Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie pri Aleksandrie II, 1855-81: istoricheskie ocherki / A.A. Kornilov.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1855 - 12/31/1881
UNLV Microforms
Social movement in Russia during the reign of Alexander II spanning, 1855 - 1881; including social conditions, intellectual life, and aspects of secret societies.
Call Number:
F847.A1 C68 1996
The county records microfilm project : records of Douglas, Lyon, Ormsby, Storey and Washoe counties, and the Utah and Nevada territories
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1855 - 12/31/1964
UNLV Microforms
This 685 microfilm collection contains Nevada county records from 1855 - 1964. The records come from agencies such as the Board of Commissioners, Board of Trustees, County Clerk, County Recorder, District Courts, Probate Court and Supreme Court. Records include assessment rolls, court files, court records, court minutes, deeds, judgment dockets, judgment files, judgment records, locations and laws of mining districts, naturalization records, estate and guardianships, and birth and death registers as well as many other miscellaneous county records. Each reel is marked with a call number and each county is marked with its own county designator which is as follows: DG for Douglas, LY for Lyon, NT for Nevada and Utah territory, OR for Ormsby, ST for Storey, and Wa for Washoe. Example: F847.A1 C68 1996 OR8 is the eighth reel for Ormsby County.
Finding Aids:
County records microfilm project: guide to the records of Douglas, Lyon, Ormsby, Storey and Washoe counties, and the Utah and Nevada Territories (MICRO CD3367.A1 C68x 1991). This guide features a reel index and a general subject index to the collection. At the end of the guide is a list of errors indicating which pages were missing or unlabeled from each reel. A 1982 edition of this guide is available in the Special Collections Department.
Call Number:
F849.C3 C31 1993
Record book A--early maps, Genoa and Carson, 1855-1860 / Carson County, Utah (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1855 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F849.C3 C313 1994
County book of Carson County court; County court records A ; County Court, Nevada Territory ; Probate records of Carson County, 1855-1861 ; Record of the Probate Court of Carson County, 1855-1861 ; Probate Court of Carson County, 1861. . .
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1855 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F391 .U663x 1856a
Letters sent by the Department of Texas, the District of Texas, and the 5th Military District 1856-1858 and 1865-1870
National Archives (M1165, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1856 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (F391.U663x 1856a Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U956x 1857a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Wichita Agency, 1857-1878
National Archives (M234, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1857 - 12/31/1878
UNLV Microforms
This three reel collection contains letters and reports sent by the Wichita Agency, and is a source concerning US Government relationships and policy with the Indians of Kansas. The dates of the collection also include the age of westward expansion, the great cattle drives and the rise of the railroad and ranching industries, the turbulence of "Bleeding Kansas", the Civil War, and the Reconstruction. Reel 1. 1857-1866 -- Reel 2. 1867-1875 -- Reel 3. 1876-1878.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
F591 .U545x 1857a
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior relating to wagon roads, 1857-1881.
National Archives (M95, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1857 - 12/31/1881
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Letters sent 1857-1871 -- Reel 2. Register of letters received, 1857-1867 -- Reel 4. Letters received (general) relating to the Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon road, 1857-1861 -- Reel 5. Reports relating to Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey lake wagon road, 1857-1861 -- Reel 6. Letters received (final) relating to the eastern and central divisions of the Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey lake wagon road, 1857-1864 -- Reel 7. Journals and field books relating to the eastern and central division of Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon road, 1857-1859. -- Reel 8. Records relating to western division of Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon road, 1857-1860 -- Reel 16. Letters received relating to miscellaneous wagon roads and wagon road in general.
Call Number:
Z6034.U5 A6 1983
Geology of the Grand Canyon : an annotated bibliography, 1857-1982, with an annotated catalogue of Grand Canyon type fossils
Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, c1983-1992
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1857 - 12/31/1991
UNLV Microforms
This fiche collection contains the annotated bibliography of the geology of the Grand Canyon as well as the supplements which covers the years from 1857 - 1991.
Call Number:
KLA2025 .C55 1858b
Opyty po istorii russkago prava / B. Chicherina. Izdanie K. Soldatenkova i N. Shchepkina.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1858 - 12/31/1858
UNLV Microforms
Subject primarily concerning law in Russia. 389 pages. Published in 1858.
Call Number:
B945 .P4 1977
Works. 1977. Microfiche collection : complete published works, including selected secondary materials / Charles Sanders Peirce
Johnson Associates, 1977.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1858 - 12/31/1914
UNLV Microforms
This 149 fiche set is the complete published works, including secondary materials of Charles Sanders Pierce. Charles Pierce is most noted for being a logician, mathematician, and a philosopher. However, his interests included: geodesy, astronomy, chemistry, psychology, metaphysics, history of science, engineering, inventions, photometric research, and gravity. Pierce was a prominent reviewer of books for "The Nation." Included in this set are book reviews, reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, articles published in various journals about philosophy, psychology, mathematics, astronomy, and science. Some publications are in the French and German Languages. This collection features some of the Atlantic Almanacs, The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1889-fiche 47-88); and a partial Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1902-fiche 123-128). Fiche are primarily in a chronological sequence from 1858 to 1914.
Call Number:
B945 .P4 1977 Supplement
Works. 1986. Microfiche supplement to the Charles S. Peirce microfiche collection
Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, 1986
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1858 - 12/31/1914
UNLV Microforms
This 12 fiche collection is a supplemental works collection. It provides corrections to and supplies materials omitted from the author's : Complete published works, including selected secondary materials : microfiche collection. Greenwich, Conn : Johnson Associates, 1977 (B 945 .P4 1977)
Call Number:
PN2067 .V53x 1983
Theatre costume design in the Victoria and Albert Museum
Emmett Microform, Ltd., 1983.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1859 - 12/31/1983
UNLV Microforms
This color reproduction microfiche collection contains over 3,000 original theater costume drawings, watercolors, and design from 1859 to date for the ballet, opera, pantomime and theater by nearly 300 artists. Designs are arranged alphabetically by artist and then title of the production.
Finding Aids:
A printed catalog with the same title accompanies the set and has the same alphabetical arrangement. In addition to artist names and dates for each design, the details of the character and even the person playing the part as well as the theater and date of production have been included if known. A title index is also included (MICRO PN2067 .V53x 1983 Index).
Call Number:
F849.C3 C312 1993
Record book B--deeds, mining and real estate; Record book C--deeds, mining and real estate ; Record book D--surveys, volume D and index : 1859-1861 / Carson County, Utah and Nevada (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1859 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F780 .U588 1941a
State department territorial papers, Colorado series, 1859-1874
National Archives (M3, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1859 - 12/31/1874
UNLV Microforms
v. 1. Incoming letters and their enclosures, proclamations, petitions, and memorials, Dec. 28, 1859-April 22, 1874.--v. 2. Transcripts of the executive proceedings of Governor Gilpin and printed documents, July 8-November 18, 1861.
Call Number:
F786 .L9342x 1992
Lummis, Charles Fletcher papers, 1860 - 1956.
Tucson, Ariz. : University of Arizona, 1956?
Subject Category:
Anthropology & Archaeology, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1956
UNLV Microforms
This 14 reel collection includes journal, correspondence, writings, notebooks, and photographs chiefly from 1890 - 1920, relating to Charles Lummis' family and career with the Southwest Society, Southwest Museum, Sequoya League, Los Angeles Public Library, and other institutions. Letters to his wife Eva Frances in 1892 are from Peru, where Lummis was a member of the Villard Expedition. One of his notebooks chronicles his time as a reporter during the Apache campaign of 1886. Photographs include cyanotypes of antiquities, landscapes, pueblos, and Native Americans in New Mexico and Arizona.
Finding Aids:
Charles Fletcher Lummis papers, 1860 - 1956 guide (MICRO F786 .L9343x 1956).
Call Number:
HD243.I2 I23x 1989a
Idaho federal land records, 1860-1934
National Archives (M1620, 23 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1934
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1860 C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County and Providence City. Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States 1860, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M653, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
J84 .N33x 1860a
Interior Department Appointment Papers, Nevada, 1860-1907
National Archives (M1033, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1907
UNLV Microforms
Selection and appointment of Nevada officials and employees. Roll 1. Surveyor General, 1861-1907 -- Roll 2. Land Offices, 1860- 1907 -- Roll 3. Indian Agencies, 1860-1907.
Call Number:
HA261.5 1860 .C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. California. Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860, California (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M653, 18 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Alameda and Amador counties -- Reel 2. Butte county -- Reel 3. Calaveras, Colusa, and Contra Costa counties -- Reel 4. Del Norte and El Dorado counties -- Reel 5. Fresno, Humboldt, Klamath, and Los Angeles counties -- Reel 6. Mariposa, Marin, Memdocino, Merced, and Monterey counties -- Reel 7. Napa and Nevada counties -- Reel 8. Placer and Plumas counties -- Reel 9. Sacramento county -- Reel 10. San Bernardino, San Diego, and San Joaquin counties -- Reel 11. San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Clara counties -- Reel 12. Santa Cruz, Shasta, and Sierra counties -- Reel 13. City of San Francisco, districts 3, 11, 10, 12, 6, 5, 2 -- Reel 14. City of San Francisco, districts 1, 9, 4, 8, 7 -- Reel 15. Siskiyou, Solano, and Sonoma counties -- Reel 16. Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, and Trinity counties -- Reel 17. Tulare, Tuolumne counties -- Reel 18. Yolo and Yuba counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA531.5 1860 .C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. New Mexico. Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States 1860, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M653, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Arizona, Bernalillo, Dona Ana, and Rio Arriba Counties -- Reel 2. San Miguel County -- Reel 3. Santa Fe and Socorro Counties -- Reel 4. Taos County -- Reel 5. Santa Ana and Valencia Counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA591.5 1860 .C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. Oregon. Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860, Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M653, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Benton, Coos, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, and Linn counties -- Reel 2. Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Umpqua, Wasco, Washington, and Yamhill counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA661.5 1860 C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. Utah. 8th census, 1860, Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T7, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Microfilm copy of the original population census schedules taken in longhand by the census enumerators.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA691.5 1860 .C45
Census of the United States (1860). Population. Washington. Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860, Washington (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M653, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1860
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Island, Whatcom, Clallam, Kitsay, Jefferson, Klickitat, Pacific, Chelalis, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Spokane, Snohomish, Thurston, Lewis, Pierce, King, and Walla Walla counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
F849.C3 C314 1994
Deeds, volume A ; Deeds, volume B and indexes : 1860- 1861 / Carson County, Utah and Nevada (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1860 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F776 .U553x 1963
Interior Department territorial papers, Colorado, 1861-1888
National Archives (M431, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1888
UNLV Microforms
Letters received relating to the penitentiary at Canon City, Jan. 18, 1868-Dec. 27, 1875 and miscellaneous subjects Oct. 26, 1861-May 31, 1876.
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Colorado, 1861-88. (MICRO F776 .U553x 1963 Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U663 1824a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Dakota Superitendency, 1861-1880
National Archives (M234, 24 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 24 reel collection contains chronologically arranged letters and records relating to the history of the Dakota indians and the policy of the US Government towards the indians in North and South Dakota. The period covered in this collection includes The Battle of Little Bighorn.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U95x
Letters received by the office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Nevada Superintendency, 1861-1880.
National Archives (M234, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 8 reel collection consists of official reports and other correspondence from the Indian agents assigned to Nevada and is source material for Nevada History, as well as documents concerning policy towards the Western Shoshone and Paiute Indians. The period covered includes the birth of Nevada as a state, the era of the silver rush, as well as the signing of the Ruby Valley Treaty. Reel 538. 1861-1869 -- reel 539. 1870-1871 --reel 540. 1872-1873 - - reel 541. 1874-1875 -- reel 542. 1876-1877 -- reel 543. 1878 -- reel 544. 1879 -- reel 545. 1880.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
F839.5 .U58x 1975
United States city directories, Nevada Territory, 1861-1882
New Haven, Conn. : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1882
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection includes comprehensive sources of historical and personal information about "ordinary" people. Directories might provide the following: lists of city residents, occupations, place of residence, heads of families, firms and names of businesses, city and county officers, street directories. In addition information on the following may be included: churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary and other associations and banks. Directories include advertising, often illustrating products being sold.
Finding Aids:
City directories of the United States, 1860 - 1901: a guide to the microfilm collection, Nevada Territory, 1861 - 1882 (MICRO F839.5 .U58x 1984a). A comprehensive guide to the microfilm collection which includes reels that the library does not own (MICRO Z5771.2 .C58 1984).
Call Number:
UA24.A7 A554x 1861a
Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (main series) 1861-1870
National Archives (M619, 17 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 A554x 1861a Guide).
Call Number:
F841 .U588 1942
State Department territorial papers, Nevada series.
National Archives (M13, 2 reels - one reel is copy no. 2)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1864
UNLV Microforms
Vol. 1 of the Nevada territorial papers, May 13, 1861-October 31, 1864; v. 2 is included in the series Territorial Papers of the United States.
Call Number:
HA501.5 1861 N38
Nevada Territory manuscript census, 1861-1864 and Nevada state manuscript census for Washoe County, 1875
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1875
UNLV Microforms
This one reel microfilm census includes manuscript census for Nevada Territory for 1861 - 1864. It also includes Washoe County for 1875 as well as a partial index for Storey and Ormsby Counties.
Call Number:
JK8551 .N9 1987
Executive records and papers of James Warren Nye : governor, Nevada territory 1861-1864
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1864
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F849.C3 C318 1993
Record book 2--real estate deeds ; Record book 3-- mortgages npd trust deeds and indexes : 1861-1862 / Carson County, Nevada (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1862
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F849.C3 C317 1993
Record book 1--real estate deeds and index, 1861 / Carson County, Nevada (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F849.C3 C316 1994
Plats, contracts and powers of attorney, volume 4 ; Agreements, powers of attorney ; Mortgages, volume A ; Surveys, volume A and indexes : 1861-1862 / Carson County, Utah and Nevada (Ter.), Recorder.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1862
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E519.2 .A1 1986
Records of the Adjutant General, Nevada Territory and State : Civil War muster rolls for First Battalion, Nevada Volunteers, Cavalry and Infantry / Nevada Adjutant General
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1865
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F655 .U588 1959a
State Department territorial papers, Dakota, 1861-73
National Archives (M309, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1861 - 12/31/1873
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HE2791 G747 1984
Great Northern Railway Company papers part 1, 1862-1922 / editor, W. Thomas White.
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1862 - 12/31/1922
UNLV Microforms
This 25 reel microfilm collection is divided into three series. Series A focuses on Corporate History which includes minutes of the Board of Directors, by-laws, financing, and other matters vital to the planning and execution of management's policies. Series B documents the experiences of those who worked for the Northern Pacific and is hence labeled the Labor section. Topics in this section include wages and working conditions; labor organizations; strikes; the impact of race, ethnicity, and gender in the workforce; federal intervention and legislation affecting the railroad; and other related matters. Series C focuses on the settlement and development of the territories it serviced. Great Northern launched strenuous campaigns to recruit farmers and others to settle newly opened lands and it played an important role in various irrigation and reclamation projects, primarily on the Great Plains, and west of the Rocky Mountains, on the Great Columbia Plain.
Finding Aids:
Great Northern Railway Company Papers: guide. (MICRO HE2791 .G747 1985 Guide) This guide includes a reel and subject index for each series.
Call Number:
HD8072 .A4892x 1985
American Bureau of Industrial Research : manuscript collections on the early American labor movement, 1862-1908 / general editor, Melvyn Dubofsky.
Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History US, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1862 - 12/31/1908
UNLV Microforms
The materials in this 12 reel collection have been reproduced from the holdings of the Wisconsin Historical Society. It includes articles about and by labor union officials and focuses on the concepts of what organized labor is and ought to be. Included are papers from: John Samuel, Joseph P. McDonnell, Albert R. Parsons, Edward H. Rogers, Ira Steward, Thomas Phillips, and several labor organizations.
Finding Aids:
A Guide to the American Bureau of Industrial Research: Manuscript Collections on the Early American Labor Movement, 1862-1908 [MICRO HD8072 .A4892x 1985 Guide].
Call Number:
F849.C3 C343 1994
Certificates of incorporation, volume 1; Certificates of incorporation, volume 2 and indexes : 1862-1864 / Nevada (Ter.), Secretary of the Territory.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1862 - 12/31/1864
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E612.L6 F43 1975
Federal officers kept in Libby Prison. vol. 100, entry 132
National Archives Record group 249 (1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1862 - 12/31/1865
UNLV Microforms
Holographic lists of federal officers in Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia, during the Civil War. Records of the United States. Office of Commissary General of Prisoners.
Call Number:
E93 .U66x 1824a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824 -1881, Arizona superintendency, 1863-1880
National Archives (M234, 26 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 26 reel collection documents the history of U.S. Government relations with the Indians of Arizona between 1863 and 1880.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U661x 1863a
Records of the Arizona Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1863-1873
National Archives (M734, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1873
UNLV Microforms
This eight reel collection consists of letters and official records from the Arizona Superintendency of Indian Affairs, and is a source of Arizona history as well as a source for US Government policy and relationships with Arizona Indians. Reel 1. Registers of letters received, 1868-72 -- Reel 1-7. Leters received, 1863-73 -- Reel 8. Letterbook of Charles D. Poston, 1863-64. Letters sent, 1865-73.
Call Number:
HJ3317.9 .A8x 1863a
Internal revenue assessment lists for the territory of Nevada, 1863-1866 / Internal Revenue Service.
National Archives, (M779, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1866
UNLV Microforms
Roll 1 includes District 1, annual, monthly, and special lists, from February 1863 - November 1865. Roll 2 includes District 1, special lists January - December 1865; annual, monthly, and special lists, January - December 1866. Introduction on beginning of each reel includes explanation of Internal Revenue Act of July 1, 1862, and subsequent amendment modifications.
Call Number:
F801 .U42x 1863a
Headquarters records of Fort Cummings, New Mexico, 1863-1873 and 1880-1884.
National Archives (M1081, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1884
UNLV Microforms
This publication contains information on: United States. Army. Continental Command, Dept. of New Mexico -- Records and correspondence, Fort Cummings (N.M.) -- History
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO F801 .U42x 1863a Guide]
Call Number:
F849.C3 C345 1994
Certificates of incorporation, volume C, 1863-1864 / Nevada (Ter.), Secretary of the Territory.
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1864
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F849.C3 C344 1994
Certificates of incorporation, volume B, 1863 / Nevada (Ter.), Secretary of the Territory.
Nevada State Library & Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1863
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F746 .U588 1963a
State Department territorial papers, Idaho series, 1863-72
National Archives (M445, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1863 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HE2791 .N855 1984
Northern Pacific Railway Co. papers. Part I, 1864-1922 / editor, W. Thomas White
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1922
UNLV Microforms
This 25 film collection is divided into three series. Series A focuses on Corporate History which includes minutes of the Board of Directors, by-laws, financing, and other matters vital to the planning and execution of management's policies. Series B documents the experiences of those who worked for the Northern Pacific and is hence labeled the Labor section. Topics in this section include wages and working conditions; labor organizations; strikes; the impact of race, ethnicity, and gender in the work force; federal intervention and legislation affecting the railroad; and other related matters. Series C focuses on settlement and development of the territories it serviced. The Northern Pacific launched strenuous campaigns to recruit farmers and others to settle newly opened lands and promoted the development of Yellowstone National Park and the tourist industry.
Finding Aids:
Northern Pacific Railway Company Papers part 1, 1864-1922 (MICRO HE 2791 .N855 1985 Guide) This guide includes a reel and subject index for each series.
Call Number:
F746 .U54x 1950a
Interior Department territorial papers, Idaho, 1864-1890
National Archives (M191, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Executive proceedings and official correspondence, July 6, 1880-December 14, 1885 -- reel 2. Executive proceedings and official correspondence, January 12, 1886-December 23, 1889 -- reel 3. Letters received June 21, 1864-November 24, 1890.
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Idaho, 1864-90 (MICRO F746 .U54x 1950a Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U668x 1864a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Kiowa Agency, 1864-1880
National Archives (M234, 12 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 12 reel collection contains chronologically arranged letters and records from the Kiowa Agency concerning the history of, and US Government policy towards the Kiowa and Comanche Indians of Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, and the southern Great Plains. Reel 375. 1864-1868 -- Reel 376. 1869-1870 -- Reel 377. 1871-1872 -- Reel 378. 1873 -- Reel 379. 1874 -- Reel 380. 1875 -- Reel 381. 1876 -- Reel 382. 1877 -- Reel 383. 1878 (A263-H1917) -- Reel 384. 1878 (H1959)-1879 (H309) -- Reel 385. 1879 (H324-Y114) -- Reel 386. 1880.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
ML174 .C86 1865a
Scriptorum de musica medii oevi novam seriem a Gerbertina alteram / collegit nuncque primum edidit E. de Coussemaker.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1876
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (AZ-021 to AZ-058). This 4 volume, 38 microfiche series emphasizes music history, theory and criticism from the years 500 to 1400.
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
F811 .U588 1961a
State Department territorial papers, Arizona series, 1864-72
National Archives (M342, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F731 .U588 1961a
State Department territorial papers, Montana, 1864-1872
National Archives (M356, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1864 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
JK8560.6.C65 A1 1991
Nevada, State Controller, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
JK8560.6.T74 A1 1991
Nevada, State Treasurer, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
HV7278.A1 N43 1991
Nevada, Board of Pardons, annual reports, 1865-1930; Nevada, State Police, annual reports, 1909-1930; Nevada, State Prison, annual reports, 1865 - 1930; Prison, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
HD184.N3 A3 1991
Nevada, Surveyor General and state land register, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
L174 .B18 1991
Nevada, Superintendent of Public Instruction, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
Education, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
JK8560.6.S43 A1 1991
Nevada, Secretary of State, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
JK8551.A1 N4 1991
Nevada, Governor's messages, annual reports, 1865-1931
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1931
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
JK8553.A3 A1 1991
Nevada, Adjutant General, annual reports, 1865-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
JK8516 .N387 1991
Nevada, State Librarian, annual reports, 1865-1930; Nevada, State Printing, annual reports, 1883-1930 ; Nevada, Clerk of the Supreme Court, annual reports, 1875-1924
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1865 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
F801 .U432x 1865a
Letters received by Headquarters, District of New Mexico, September 1865-August 1890
National Archives (M1088, 65 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
09/01/1865 - 08/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (F801.U432x 1865a Guide).
Call Number:
KFN1051.A335 A8
State of Nevada record of land patents/ Secretary of State
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
11/01/1865 - 06/01/1990
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Nov. 1, 1865-March 3, 1874 -- Reel 2. July 22, 1873-July 25, 1878 -- Reel 3. July 25, 1878-May 29, 1883 -- Reel 4. May 29, 1883-Feb. 4, 1886 -- Reel 5. Feb. 5, 1886-July 26, 1888 -- Reel 6. Nov. 2, 1887-Nov. 7, 1892 -- Reel 7. Nov. 7, 1892-Nov. 1898 -- Reel 8. Nov. 1898-Aug. 1901 -- Reel 9. Aug. 1901-Nov. 1903 -- Reel 10. Nov. 1903-Aug. 1906 -- Reel 11. Sept. 1906-May 1909 -- Reel 12. May 1909-Nov. 1910 -- Reel 13. Nov. 1910-June 1913 -- Reel 14. June 1913-April 1916 -- Reel 15. April 1916-May 1917 -- Reel 16. May 1917-Aug. 1919 -- Reel 17. Aug. 1919- Feb. 1922 -- Reel 18. Feb. 1922-Aug. 1926 -- Reel 19. Aug. 1926-May 1931 -- Reel 20. May 1931-July 1943 -- Reel 21. Aug. 1943-Sept. 1947 -- Reel 22. Sept. 1947-May 1953 -- Reel 23. June 1953-Sept. 1965 -- Reel 24. Nov. 1965-June 1, 1990.
Call Number:
F811 .U542x 1866a
Headquarters records of Fort Verde, Arizona Territory, 1866 -1891.
National Archives (M1076, 11 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1866 - 12/31/1891
UNLV Microforms
This publication contains information on: Fort Verde (Ariz.), Arizona -- History, Military -- Records and correspondence, United States. Army.
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO F811 .U542x 1866a Guide]
Call Number:
QE137 .A1 1991
Nevada, State Mineralogist, annual reports, 1866-1878
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1866 - 12/31/1878
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
AN2 .C35
California Chronik, San Francisco, California
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
04/28/1866 - 11/03/1866
UNLV Microforms
A weekly German language publication, later published as the Sunday edition of the California Demokrat. This paper featured articles of general interest to the local community, local news, summaries of world events, and some literary works such as short stories and poetry.
Call Number:
F731 .A258x 1950a
Interior Department territorial papers, Montana, 1867-1889
National Archives (M192, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1867 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F391 .U6633x 1867a
Headquarters records of Fort Stockton, Texas, 1867-1886.
National Archives (M1189, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1867 - 12/31/1886
UNLV Microforms
This publication contains information on: United States. Army. Continental Commands, Fort Stockton (Tex.) -- Records and correspondence, Texas -- History, Military
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO F391 .U6633x 1867a Guide]
Call Number:
UA25 .A22 1965
1-5th military districts: selected documents
National Archives (Record group 98, 1 reel).
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1867 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Includes selected letters sent and received from the 1 - 5th army military districts after the Civil War but before 1900.
Call Number:
E467.1.C99 G45x 1968a
General court martial of Gen. George Armstrong Custer.
National Archives (T1103, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
10/11/1867 - 10/11/1867
UNLV Microforms
This publication contains information on: Courts-martial and courts of inquiry, Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876, United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.
Call Number:
SH11 .A248x 1968
Alaska file of the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1868-1903: [Record Group 22] / United States Dept. of the Treasury.
National Archives (M720, 25 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1868 - 12/31/1903
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Index to letters received relating to fur sealing, 1868-1903 (16 mm) -- Reel 2-18. Letters received relating to fur sealing: Reel 2, April 23, 1868-December 30, 1879 -- Reel 3. January 5, 1871-December 29, 1877 -- Reel 4. January 2, 1878-December 26, 1885 -- Reel 5. January 23, 1886-December 30, 1889 -- Reel 6. January 7-December 20, 1890 -- Reel 7. January 2-December 3, 1891 -- Reel 8. January 9, 1892-December 31, 1893 -- Reel 9. January 9-December 29, 1894 -- Reel 10. January 4-June 29, 1985 -- Reel 11. July 1-December 31, 1895 -- Reel 12. January 2-June 24, 1896 -- Reel 13. July 3-December 30, 1897 -- Reel 14. January 2-December 31, 1898 -- Reel 15. January 3-December 31, 1898 -- Reel 16. January 1, 1899-December 31, 1900 -- Reel 17. January 2, 1901-June 30, 1902 --Reel 18. July 4, 1902-June 24, 1903 -- Reel 19-21. Letters received relating to salmon fisheries: Reel 19. April 20, 1889- December 20, 1897 -- Reel 20. January 7, 1898-December 12, 1901 -- Reel 21. January 4, 1902-July 3, 1903 -- Reel 22-24. Reports from collector of customs: Reel 22. Alaska and California, ca. 1895-1902 -- Reel 23. New York. (cont.) and other ports, ca. 1895-1902 -- Reel 24. Oregon and Washington, ca. 1895-1902 -- Reel 25. Miscellaneous records: Printed documents and maps, February 3, 1869-December 30, 1897.
Call Number:
F811 .U55x 1868a
Interior Department territorial papers, Arizona, 1868-1913
National Archives (M429, 8 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1868 - 12/31/1913
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
PR4699.F5 Z46 2003
Michael Field & fin-de-siecle culture and society :
the journals, 1868-1914, and the correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith
Cooper / from the British Library, London
Adam Matthew
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1868 - 01/01/1919
UNLV Microforms
The Journals, 1868-1914, and Correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper from the British Library, London
(Add Mss 46776-46804, 45851-45856 & 46866-46897)
Katharine Harris Bradley (1846-1914) and her niece, Edith Emma Cooper (1862-1913), collaborated in writing verse and drama as ‘Michael Field’ - and were “closer married” than many of their heterosexual friends.
They were familiar figures in the art world and were close friends with Berenson and Ruskin.
Robert Browning was the first to acclaim their 'genius' in poetry and they were widely published in periodicals.
They also wrote 27 dramas, mainly based on legends and historical figures, many of which explore the relationship between love and death.
This project brings together all 30 volumes of diary material of ‘Michael Field’, together with 8 bound volumes of correspondence between Michael Field and others, held in the British Library.
These sources explore all of their interests and activities and will be widely used by those exploring: Victorian Literature and Culture; Sexual promiscuity and homosexuality from the 1890s onwards; the Fin de Siecle; the Aesthetic Movement; the Yellow Book and Arts and Crafts. There is much on Death, Religion, Sex, Art and Literature.
Finding Aids:
Online guide
Call Number:
AN38 .V63
Voce Del Popolo, San Francisco, California
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
01/04/1868 - 03/08/1905
UNLV Microforms
The Italian language newspaper was devoted to reporting events of interest to the local Italian community ranging from politics, commerce, science, literature, arts, and theater. It also contained general interest social columns and reports of local organizational activity. By 1890, the emphasis was on the news as opposed to literature and the arts.
Call Number:
F761 .U588 1945a
State Department Territorial papers, Wyoming series, July 25, 1868-January 9, 1873
National Archives (M85, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
07/25/1868 - 01/09/1873
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F909 .U54x 1963a
Interior Department territorial papers, Alaska, 1869-1911
National Archives (M430, 17 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1911
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Alaska, 1869-1911 (MICRO F909 .U54x 1963a Guide).
Call Number:
QE74 .L47x 1869a
Letters received by John Wesley Powell, director of the Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region, 1869-79
National Archives (M156, 10 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1879
UNLV Microforms
This 10 reel collection contains letters pertaining to the history, exploration, and geology of Colorado and the Rocky Mountains region of the Western United States.
Finding Aids:
Letters received by John Wesley Powell : Director of the Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1869-79 (MICRO QE74 .L47x 1965 Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U953x
Records of the Nevada Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1869-70
National Archives (M837, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
This reel consists of letters received, sent, and miscellaneous records (1869-1870). Account book of disbursements and receipts (1869-1870). It is a source of US Government policy and relationships with the Indians of Nevada.
Finding Aids:
Guide available (MICRO E93 .U953x Guide)
Call Number:
E180 .C69
The Cox Library : county, state & local histories : a microfilm offering from Americana Unlimited. Parts I - I V
Tucson, Ariz. : Americana Unlimited
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West, Law & Legal History, Native Americans, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1948
UNLV Microforms
The library has many U.S. Western States. These primary source materials are invaluable to historians. Townships, boundary disputes, land claims, water rights, politics, courts and lawyers, Indian Wars, military affairs, and social development, manners, morals and customs are all represented in unaccustomed detail. Developments of a county, territory, state, commercial practices, manufacturing methods, accounts of cattle drives, ship movements from major ports, even the price of bacon, whiskey and fabric may be documented in these reels.
Finding Aids:
The Cox Library: county, state and local histories (MICRO E180 .C69 Guide). This 156 page guide is primarily a reel guide to accompany the collection.
Call Number:
DB2603 .D48 1962
Despatches from United States Consuls in Prague, 1869-1906.
National Archives (T-663, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1906
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection includes letters, memos, and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. These records include notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S. Each roll is marked with dates of documents.
Call Number:
DK511.B3 S2 1869b
Iuri Samarins anklage gegen die Ostseeprovinzen Russlands : Uebersetzung aus dem russischen / Eingeleitet und commentirt von Julius Eckardt.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1869
UNLV Microforms
Commentary on German involvement in the Baltic Provinces of Russia. 269 pages. Published in 1869.
Call Number:
RC445 .N33 R45 1991
Nevada, Nevada Hospital for Mental Diseases, annual reports, 1869-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1869 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
F761 .U55x 1951a
Interior Department territorial papers, Wyoming, 1870-1890
National Archives (M204, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
This 6 reel collection highlights Wyoming history, politics and government.
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Wyoming, 1870-90 (MICRO F761 .U55x 1951a Guide)
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1870 C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County and Providence City. Population schedules of the Ninth census of the United States1870, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M593, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA504 .U65 1979
Nevada, 1870 : Federal census index.
Washington, D.C. : Census Office
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
This 5 reel collection lists census of population of Nevada in 1870, alphabetically by last name and includes occupation. Chinese in Nevada are listed at end of reel 5. This index was a bicentennial project of the Las Vegas, Nev. Branch of the Genealogical Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Call Number:
KF122.U8 A25x 1985a
Case files of the U.S. District Courts for the Territory of Utah, 1870-1896
National Archives (M1401, 38 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1896
UNLV Microforms
Various collections concerning Utah Territory District Court records, law reports, digests, records and correspondence, etc.
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO KF122.U8 A25x 1987 Guide].
Call Number:
HA241.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Arizona. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Arizona (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA261.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. California. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, California (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 26 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Alameda county -- Reel 2. Aloine and Amador counties -- Reel 3. Butte and Calaveras counties -- Reel 4. Colusa, Contra Costa, and Del Norte counties -- Reel 5. El Dorado, Fresno, and Humboldt counties -- Reel 6. Inyo, Kern, Klamath, Lake, Lassen, and Los Angeles counties -- Reel 7. Mann, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Mono, and Monterey counties -- Reel 8. Napa and Nevada counties -- Reel 9. Placer county -- Reel 10. Plumas and Sacramento counties -- Reel 11. San Bernardino and San Diego counties -- Reels 12-18. City of San Francisco, wards 1-12 -- Reel 19. San Joaquin county -- Reel 20. San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, and Santa Barbara counties -- Reel 21. Santa Clara county -- reel 22. Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, and Siskiyou counties -- Reel 23. Solano county -- Reel 24. Sonoma county -- Reel 25. Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, and Tulare counties -- Reel 26. Tuolumme, Yolo and Yuba counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA271.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Colorado. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Colorado (Manuscript Census).
National Archives(M593, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Arapahoe, Bent, Boulder, Clear Creek, Summit (part), Conejos, Costilla, Douglas, and El Paso counties -- Reel 2. Fremont, Gilpin, Greenwood, Huerfano, Jefferson, Lake, Larimer, Las Animas, Pueblo, Saguache Summit (part), and Weld counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA331.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Idaho. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Idaho (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA481.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Montana. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Montana (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA501.5 1870 C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Nevada. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Nevada (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 834 Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, Ormsby -- Reel 835 Storey, Washoe, White Pine.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA531.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. New Mexico. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States 1870, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Bernalillo, Colfax, Dona Ana, and Grant Counties -- Reel 2. Lincoln, Mora, and Rio Arriba Counties -- Reel 3. San Miguel and Santa Ana Counties -- Reel 4. Santa Fe, Socorro, and Taos Counties -- Reel 5. Valencia County.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA591.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Oregon. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States 1870, Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas -- Reel 2. Grant, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Linn -- Reel 3. Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook -- Reel 4. Umatilla, Union, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA661.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Utah. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870. Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. (329-731A). Millard, Morgan, Piute, Rich, Rio Virgin, Kane, and Salt Lake Counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA691.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Washington (State). Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Washington (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Chehalis, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, Whitcom, Snohomish, and Yakima counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA721.5 1870 .C45
Census of the United States (1870). Population. Wyoming. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Wyoming (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M593, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
F391 .U66x 1870a
Letters sent by headquarters, Department of Texas, 1870-1894 and 1897-1898
National Archives (M1114, 10 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1870 - 12/31/1898
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (F391.U66x 1870a Guide)
Call Number:
UA24.A7 A555x 1871a
Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (main series) 1871-1880
National Archives (M666, 65 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1871 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HV990.N3 A1 1991
Nevada, State Orphans' Home, annual reports, 1871-1930 ; Nevada, Florence Crittenton Mission, annual reports, 1919-1926 ; Nevada, School of Industry, annual reports, 1916-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1871 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
HF5429.4.N6 M87 1871a
Business records, 1871-1876 / Murphy & Co.
Ft. Stanton, N.M. : [S.n.]
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
05/01/1871 - 01/31/1876
UNLV Microforms
This one reel of microfilm details the ledgers for the mercantile store at Fort Stanton, New Mexico from May 1, 1871 to December 31, 1872; the mercantile stores at Fort Stanton and Lincoln, New Mexico from May , 1873 to January 28, 1874; and the mercantile store at Lincoln, New Mexico from January 1, 1875 to January, 1876.
Call Number:
E93 .U964x 1874a
Miscellaneous letters sent by the Pueblo Indian Agency, 1874-1891
National Archives (M941, 10 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1874 - 12/31/1891
UNLV Microforms
This 10 reel collection contains letters sent by the Pueblo Indian Agency and is a source of information concerning US Government policy and relationships with the Indians of New Mexico during the Progressive Era.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by a guide: (MICRO E93.U964x 1874a Guide)
Call Number:
JX756 1874
Treaties, etc. Recueil des traites et conventions conclus par la Russie avec les puissances etrangeres : publie d'ordre du Ministere des affaires etrangeres / par F. Martens ..
Microcard Editions, 1966.
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1874 - 12/31/1909
UNLV Microforms
This microfiche set contains treaties made by Russia with Germany, Austria, Great Britain, and France. Published in both Russian and French.
Call Number:
HA501.5 1875 N38
Census of the inhabitants of the State of Nevada 1875
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1875 - 12/31/1875
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number. Index to the 1875 Nevada census on microfiche (HA502 .N35 ).
Call Number:
KFN1027.5.A8 A1 1991
Nevada, Attorney General, annual reports, 1875-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1875 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
LD3751 .N33 1991
Nevada, University and regents reports, annual reports, 1875-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
Education, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1875 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
DB926.3.U5 A283 1961
Despatches from United States consuls in Budapest, 1876-1906
National Archives (M531, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1876 - 12/31/1906
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection includes letters, memos and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. These records include notes between the Department of State and Foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S. Each roll is marked with dates of documents.
Call Number:
E83.876 .U556x 1964a
Proceedings of a court of inquiry concerning the conduct of Major Marcus A. Reno at the Battle of the Little Big Horn River on June 25 and 26, 1876
National Archives (M592, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
06/25/1876 - 06/26/1876
UNLV Microforms
This two reel collection contains the proceedings of a US Army inquiry concerning Major Reno, who played a role in the Battle of Little Bighorn. It is a source of information for Montana history, Sioux History, and military history. It also contains information regarding US Governent policy and relationships with northern plains indians during the era of the Reconstruction.
Call Number:
PN4700 .A54 1981
American centennial newspapers : Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada.
New York : Kraus Thomson
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
07/04/1876 - 07/04/1876
UNLV Microforms
This 1 reel microfilm contains collection of newspapers from American cities that were printed during the week of July 4, 1876.
Call Number:
G4351.G475 1877 .F57
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Nevada
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1877 - 12/31/1972
UNLV Microforms
This one reel collection features Sanborn and other fire insurance maps primarily from 1877 - 1912 with corrections to 1972, but not for all cities. Aurora (1890 with undated corrections) -- Caliente (1928 with corrections to 1940) -- Carlin (1927 with corrections to 1952) -- Carson City (1907 with corrections to 1923 and 1907 with corrections to 1952) -- Dayton (1895 with corrections to 1902) -- Gold Hill (1877) -- Las Vegas (1928 with corrections to 1961) -- Lovelock (1923 with corrections to 1952) -- Mina (1917 and 1923) -- Pioche (1924) -- Reno (1879, 1918 with corrections to 1933, 1918 republished in 1955 with corrections to 1972) -- Sparks (1925 with corrections to 1930) -- Virginia City and Gold Hill (1890 with corrections to 1904: 9 of 13 sheets) -- Winnemucca (1912 with corrections to 1952: 3 1/2 of 5 sheets). "Filmed from unique holdings of the Nevada Historical Society, Reno and the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas."
Call Number:
QE76 .G46x 1964a
Letters received by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1901
National Archives (M590, 118 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1879 - 12/31/1901
UNLV Microforms
This 118 reel collection includes letters and monthly reports sent to the United States Geological Survey documenting the geology of various regions within the United States.
Call Number:
QE76 .G45x 1949a
Letters sent by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1895
National Archives (M152, 29 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1879 - 12/31/1895
UNLV Microforms
These 29 reels contain letters pertaining to the the geology, history, and exploration of various regions within the United States.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1880 C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Rhode Island: S. Kinstown, Richmond, Westerly, Providence. Population schedules of the Tenth census of the United States 1880, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (T9, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA241.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Arizona. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Arizona (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA261.5 1880 .c45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. California. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States 1880, California (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 26 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Alameda (part) -- Reel 2. Alameda (part), Alpine -- Reel 3. Amador-Calaveras (part) -- Reel 4. Calaveras (part)-Contra Costa -- Reel 5. Del Norte-Humboldt (part) -- Reel 6. Humboldt (part)-Los Angeles (part) -- Reel 7. Los Angeles (part) -- Reel 8. Marin-Merced -- Reel 9. Modoc-Napa -- Reel 10. Nevada-Plumas -- Reel 11. Sacramento, San Benito (part) -- Reel 12. Benito (part)-San Diego, City of San Francisco (part) -- Reel 13-19. City of San Francisco (part), San Joaquin -- Reel 20. San Joaquin (part)-San Mateo -- Reel 21. Santa Barbara, Santa Clara (part) -- Reel 22. Santa Clara (part)- Sierra (part) -- Reel 23. Sierra (part)-Solano -- Reel 24. Sonoma-Sutter (part) -- Reel 25. Sutter (part)-Tuolumne -- Reel 26. Ventura-Yuba.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA271.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Colorado. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States,1880, Colorado (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 7 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Arapahoe county (part) -- Reel 2. Arapahoe (cont'd.), Bent, and Boulder (part) counties -- Reel 3. Boulder (cont'd.), Chaffee, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla, and Custer counties -- Reel 4. Douglas, Elbert, El Paso, Fremont, Gilpin, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, and Huerfano (part) counties -- Reel 5. Huerfano (cont'd.), Jefferson, La Plata, and Lake counties -- Reel 6. Larimer, Las Aminas, Ouray, Park, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Routt, Saguache, San Juan and Summmit (part) counties -- Reel 7. Summit (cont'd.) and Weld counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA331.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Idaho. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Idaho (Ter.) (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA481.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Montana. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Montana (Ter.) (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA501.5 1880 C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Nevada. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Nevada (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 758 Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, and Lyon -- Reel 759 Nye, Ormsby, Roop, Storey, Washoe, and White Pine.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985). Accompanied by Index (Soundex) 3 microfilm reels, 16 mm (HA501.5 1880 C45 Index). [Guide on how to use the Soundex is located at the assistance counter]
Call Number:
HA531.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. New Mexico. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States 1880, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Bernalillo, Colfax, Dona Ana, Grant and Lincoln counties -- Reel 2. Mora, Rio Arriba and San Miguel counties -- Reel 3. Santa Fe, Socorro, Taos and Valencia counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA591.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Oregon. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Baker, Benton, Clakamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas (pt.) -- Reel 2. Douglas (pt.) Grant, Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Lane (pt.) -- Reel 3. Lane (pt.), Linn, Marion, Multnomah (pt.) -- Reel 4. Multnomah (pt.) Polk, Tillamook -- Reel 5. Umatilla, Union, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA661.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Utah. Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Beaver, Box Elder, and Cache (part) counties -- Reel 2. Cache (cont'd.), Davis, Emery, Iron, Juab, Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, and Rich counties -- Reel 3. Salt Lake, San Juan and Sanpete (part) counties -- Reel 4. Sanpete (cont'd.), Sevier, Summit, Tooele, Uintah, and Utah (part) counties -- Reel 5. Utah (cont'd.), Wastach, Washington and Weber counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA691.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Washington (State). Population schedules of the tenth census of the United States, 1880, Washington (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Chehalis, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Island, Jefferson, King (part) counties -- Reel 2. King (cont'd.), Kitsay, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum (part) -- Reel 3. Wahkiakum (cont'd)., Walla Walla, Whatcom, Whitman, Yakima.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA721.5 1880 .C45
Census of the United States (1880). Population. Wyoming. 10th census, 1880, Wyoming (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T9, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1880 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
AN2 .D469
Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
01/02/1880 - 12/31/1940
UNLV Microforms
First issued on Nov. 21, 1867, as the daily edition. Named Deseret Evening News on Nov. 27, 1867, a name which it retained until 1920, when the original name resumed. For the weekly edition from Jun. 15, 1850 - Jan. 28, 1880, see call number AN2 .D47. Title varies: Deseret News.
Call Number:
UA24.A7 A556x 1881a
Letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General (main series) 1881-1889
National Archives (M689, 53 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1881 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 A556x 1881a Guide)
Call Number:
DK265 .S847 1922b
Zapiski o revoliutsii / Nik Sukhanov.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1882 - 12/31/1940
UNLV Microforms
Russian history with information concerning Nikolai Nikolaevich Sukhanov from 1882 - 1940, Revolutionary history of the Soviet Union from 1917 - 1921, and biographies of journalists and editors in the Soviet Union. Seven volumes.
Call Number:
QC984.N3 A1 1991
Nevada, Weather Service, annual reports, 1883-1904
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1883 - 12/31/1904
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
G4311.G475 S45 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Colorado
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healy
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
09/01/1883 - 01/30/1963
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4321.G475 S45x 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. New Mexico
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healy
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
10/01/1883 - 05/31/1957
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4261.G475 S45 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Wyoming
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
11/01/1883 - 11/30/1960
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
HX843.7.G65 E43 1990
The Emma Goldman papers : a microfilm edition / edited by Candace Falk, Ronald J. Zboray and Daniel Cornford.
Alexandria, Va. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History World, Labor, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1884 - 05/31/1942
UNLV Microforms
This 69 reel collection features the story of Emma Goldman's life. Emma Goldman came out of a unique and expressive subculture that flourished in America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The participants include some of the nation's most creative and iconoclastic artists, writers, and intellectuals, most of them libertarians, some of them revolutionaries. The philosophies that brought them together was their rejection of the burgeois culture and politics and their embrace of such causes as the labor movement, sexual and reproductive freedom, feminism, atheism, anarchism, and socialism. During her lifetime, Emma was denounced for godlessness, de bauchery, free thinking, subversion, and for exposing people through her writings and speeches of radical and unconventional ideas. She was deported to Russia and gives us a glimpse through her papers about the promise of the Russian revolution to American radicals and their subsequent disillusionment with its betrayal. Her exile also brought her into the Spanish civil war and still another chapter in the turbulent history of radicalism in the twentieth century.
Finding Aids:
Emma Goldman : a guide to her life and documentary sources (MICRO HX 843.7.G65 E43 1995 Guide). This guide includes a chronology of Emma's life, reel list, and indexes of writings including drafts, publications, speeches, and newspaper and periodical articles. Government documents are listed by name, title and subject.
Call Number:
G4361.G475 S45 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. California.
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1884 - 04/30/1962
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4341.G475 S45x 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Utah
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healy
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1884 - 08/31/1950
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4291.G475 S45x 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Oregon
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
04/01/1884 - 02/28/1962
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4281.G475 S45 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Washington (State)
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
07/01/1884 - 12/31/1952
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4251.G425 S45 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Montana
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwick-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
09/01/1884 - 12/31/1958
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
G4271.G475 S45x 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Idaho
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
12/01/1884 - 12/31/1956
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
E99.P2 U55x
Indian census rolls, 1885-1940
National Archives (M595, 42 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1885 - 12/31/1940
UNLV Microforms
These census rolls were usually submitted each year by agents or superintendents in charge of Indian reservations, as required by an act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat. 98). The data on the rolls vary to some extent, but usually given are the English and/or Indian name of the person, roll number, age or date of birth, sex, and relationship to head of family, Beginning in 1930, the rolls also show the degree of Indian blood, marital status, ward status, place of residence, and sometimes other information. For certain years--including 1935, 1936, 1938, and 1939--only supplemental rolls of additions and deletions were compiled. Most of the 1940 rolls have been retained by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and are not included in this publication. There is not a census for every reservation of group of Indians for every year. Only persons who maintained a formal affiliation with a tribe under federal supervision are listed on these census rolls. Reel 1. Introduction, indexes by tribe and reel number, Albuquerque School (Pueblo and Navajo Indians) 1904-1911 -- reel 12. Bloomfield Seminary 1924. California special: 1907- 1911 (part) -- reel 13. California special (cont'd.) 1912-1913-- reel 14. California special (cont'd.) 1914-1915 -- Reel 17. Cantoumens (Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians) (cont'd.) 1917-1927 -- reels 18-21. Carson (chiefly Paiute, Shoshoni, and Washo Indians) 1909-1939 -- reel 45. Coeur d'Alene (Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, and Kutenai Indians) -- reels 46-48. Colorado River (Mohave, Chemehuevi, Walapai, Cocopa, Yuma, etc.) 1885-1940 --reel 97. Devils Lake (Sioux and Chippewa Indians) 1903-1905 -- reel 104. Fallon (Paiute Indians) 1909-1924 -- reel 137. Fort Bidwell (Paiute, Pit River and Digger Indians) 1915-1930 -- reel 138-144. Fort Hall (Shoshoni and Bannock Indians) 1885-1887, 1890-1891, 1894-1901 -- reel 139. 1902-1909 -- reel 140. 1910-1918 -- reel 141. 1919-1926 -- reel 142. 1927-1931 -- reel 143. 1932-1934 -- reel 144. 1935-1939 -- reel 149. Fort Lewis (Southern Ute Indians) 1904-1908, Fort McDermitt (Paiute Indians) 1910-1923 -- reel 150. Fort Mojave (Mohave and Chemehuevi Indians) 1892, (Hualapai Indians--total only) 1905-1915 -- reel 167. Goshute (Goshute, Shoshoni, Paiute, Kanosh, and Pahvant Indians) 1917-1923, Grand Portage (Chippewa Indians) 1912-1921 -- reel 199. Kaibab (Paiute and Goshute Indians) 1910-1927, Kaw 1905-1911 -- reel 224-228. Klamath (Klamath, Modoc, Paiute or Snake and Pit River Indians) 1885-1906 -- reel 225. Klamath, Modoc and Yahooskin, Band of Paiute or Snake Indians, 1907-1920 -- reel 226. 1921-1929 -- reel 227. Klamath, Modoc, Paiute, and other Indians 1930-1933 -- reel 228. 1934-1939 -- reel 252. Lovelocks (Paiute Indians) 1910-1912, Lower Brule 1897-1924 -- reel 268. Moapa River (Paiute Indians) 1910-1926, Moqui 1906-1914 -- reel 288-289. Nevada (Paiute Indians) 1886-1921 -- reels 330-334. Paiute (Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Indians) 1928-1939 -- reel 410. Pyramid Lake (Paiute Indians) 1931-1932 -- reel 425. Red Moon (Cheyenne Indians) 1909-1912, 1914-1916 -- reel 460. Salt Lake special (Paiute Indians) 1913, and letter for 1915, Salt River (Camp McDowell, Lehi, and Salt River Indians) 1913-1927 -- reel 471. San Jacinto (Mission and other Indians) 1904-1906 -- reel 497. Shivwits, 1910-1922 -- reel 543. Southern Utah (Shivwits or Shebits and Kaibab Indians) 1897-1905, Southern Ute (Ute & Jicarilla Apache Indians) 1885-1892 -- reels 608-612. Uintah and Ouray (Uintah, Uncompahgre, and White River Ute Indians) 1885-1929 -- reels 613-614. (Ute Indians) 1930-1939 -- reel 615. (Paiute and Ute Indians) 1940-1944 -- reels 629-630. Walker River (Paiute Indians) 1897-1924 -- reel 631. (Paiute, Monache, Shoshoni, and Washo Indians) 1925-1929 -- reels 632-634. (Paiute and other Indians) 1930-1935 -- reels 640-645. Western Navajo (Hopi Indians, and Navajo and Paiute Indians for 1929) 1905 (letter), undated Hopi Roll, 1915-1920, 1922, 1923 (letter), 1924-1927, 1929 -- reel 641. Navajo Hopi and Paiute Indians, 1931 -- reel 642. 1931 -- reel 643. 1932 -- reel 644. 1933 (with birth and dealth rolls, 1925-1933) -- reel 645. 1934-1935 -- reels 646-648. Western Shoshone (Shoshoni and Paiute Indians) 1885-1939.
Call Number:
HD8055.A63 A6
State labor proceedings : AFL, CIO, and AFL-CIO conventions, 1885-1974
[Bethesda, MD] : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History US, Labor, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1885 - 12/31/1974
UNLV Microforms
This microfiche collection brings together separate editions of state convention proceedings providing a look at union involvement in electoral politics, legislative lobbying, political education, and reform programs. Documented in the proceedings are: organized labor's attitudes towards the following political and social issues: civil rights, women in the labor force, progressivism, the New Deal, the Great Society, the welfare state, militarism, foreign affairs, the Red scares, and etc. The collections features the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Finding Aids:
State Labor Proceedings: A Bibliography of the AFL, CIO, and AFL-CIO Proceedings, 1885 - 1974, held in the AFL-CIO Library [MICRO HD8055.A6 F55]. Guide has two parts: section one includes background information, references, and annotations, listed alphabetically by state; section two includes bibliography listed alphabetically by state.
Call Number:
G4350 .A1 S26x 1979
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Nevada
San Pablo, CA : Vlad Shkurkin
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1885 - 03/31/1950
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
S451.N3 A1 1991
Nevada, Board of Agriculture, Farm, Apiary, Sheep, Stock, Livestock, and Fish commissions, annual reports, 1885-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1885 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
DB2650.L53 D48 1962
Despatches from United States consuls in Liberec (Reichenberg), 1886-1906
National Archives (T664, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1886 - 12/31/1906
UNLV Microforms
This 3 reel collection includes letters, memos, and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. These records include notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S. Each roll is marked with dates of documents.
Call Number:
G4331.G475 S45x 1983
Sanborn fire insurance maps. Arizona
Teaneck, N.J. : Chadwyck-Healy
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
07/01/1886 - 12/31/1949
UNLV Microforms
This collection is a valuable research source for the development of urban America especially during its period of major growth from 1867 to 1950. These maps record the creation and decline of cities and towns, building by building, in detail. The maps may contain information on the following: building size, shape, and construction, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, buildings use, house and block numbers, textual information on construction, information on building use, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery. Within each state, the maps are arranged by city name in alphabetical order. Within each city, each edition of maps is in chronological order. Each edition (if it has more than one sheet) is preceded by a key sheet showing the sheet number for each part of the area covered by the edition. The sheets follow in numerical order, each sheet being clearly identified by its sheet number.
Finding Aids:
Guide for this collection unless otherwise noted is Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (MICRO Z6026.I7 U54 1981).
Call Number:
F699 .U54x 1971a
Interior Department territorial papers, Oklahoma
National Archives (M828, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1889 - 12/31/1918
UNLV Microforms
Includes letters relating to the opening of Cheyenne and Arapaho strip land opening, 1892-1894 and the Cherokee outlet land opening, 1889-1894; miscellaneous subjects, 1890-1906; other files and records relating to early Oklahoma, 1905-1918. Letters and papers relating to the Oklahoma Territory, Indian Territory and the state of Oklahoma from 1889-1918. This 2 reel collection highlights Oklahoma's history, politics and government.
Call Number:
HD8055.A5 A12x 1977
AFL-CIO pamphlets, 1889-December 1955, held in the AFL-CIO Library : a collection of the official publications of the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations from 1889 to the AFL-CIO merger in December 1955.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press ; Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History US, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1889 - 12/31/1955
UNLV Microforms
This 19 reel collection features the AFL-CIO official trade publications from 1889 - 1955. These publications include the American Federationist. Materials are organized chronologically by date and by trade organization. Each box is marked with this information.
Finding Aids:
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Pamphlets, 1889 - 1955 [MICRO HD8055.A5 A121x 1993]. Guide includes bibliography and subject index.
Call Number:
E83.89 .U54x 1974a
Reports and correspondence relating to the Army investigations of the Battle at Wounded Knee and to the Sioux campaign of 1890-1891
National Archives (M983, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1891
UNLV Microforms
This two reel collection consists of correspondence relating to the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 and wars against the Dakota Indians during 1890-1891. It is a source of South Dakota history and contains records about US Government relations with the Dakota Indians, especially the Sioux.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by a guide (MICRO E83.89U54x 1975 Guide)
Call Number:
HA481.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Montana. Special schedules of the eleventh census enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, Montana (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA501.5 1890 C45
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Nevada. Eleventh census of the United States, 1890, Nevada : schedules enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, Bundle 100. (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Reel 39, Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, Ormsby, Storey, Washoe, White Pine.
Call Number:
HA531.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. New Mexico. Special schedules of the eleventh census enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA591.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Oregon. Special schedules of the eleventh census (1890) enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA661.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Utah. Special schedules of the eleventh census (1890) enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA691.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Washington (State). Eleventh census of the United States, 1890, Washington (State) : schedules enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA721.5 1890 .C458
Census of the United States (1890). Population. Wyoming. Special schedules of the eleventh census (1890) enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War, Wyoming (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M123, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E93 .M65 1983a
The papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D. : including the papers of Maria Keller Montezuma Moore and the papers of Joseph W. Latimer
Scholarly Resources, 1983
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1929
UNLV Microforms
This nine reel collection offers researchers an important collection of native American history sources from the 1890's through the 1920's. Included are: correspondence, speeches, essays, medical notes, financial material and a virtually complete run of Dr. Montezuma's newsletter, Wassaja. Also included are letters and publications of Carlos Montezuma's attorney, Joseph W. Latimer, and the correspondence of his wife Maria Keller Montezuma Moore. The documents in this edition are drawn from over forty repositories and roughly sixty newspapers and periodicals.
Finding Aids:
Guide and index to the Scholarly Resources microfilm edition of the papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D., 1871-1952 : including the papers of Maria Keller Montezuma Moore, 1910-1952, and the papers of Joseph W. Latimer, 1911-1934 (MICRO E93 .M65 1983a Guide). This guide not only contains an index, but also contains an overview of the collection, a chronology of Carlos Montezuma, and manuscript collections, government documents, newspapers, and periodicals consulted.
Call Number:
E97.6.S18 U55 1966
Bureau of Indian Affairs records created by the Santa Fe Indian School, 1890-1918 / National Archives and Records Administration.
National Archives (M1473, 38 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1890 - 12/31/1918
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Bureau of Indian Affairs records created by the Santa Fe Indian School 1890-1918 Guide (MICRO E97.6.S18 U55 1992 Guide).
Call Number:
HD266.N6 A24x 1704a
Thomas B. Catron papers, 1704-1934. Series 301, land titles records, U.S. Court of Private Land Claims, Santa Fe District, 1891-1903
Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Law & Legal History, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1891 - 12/31/1903
UNLV Microforms
This 27 reel collection contains land title records, U.S. Court of Private Land Claims, letters about land claims, depositions, and maps of the Santa Fe District covering the years 1891 - 1903
Call Number:
HJ11 .A18 1991
Nevada, State Assessor, annual reports, 1891-1930; Nevada, State Bank Examiner, annual reports, 1908-1930; Nevada, State Auditor, annual reports, 1918-1928
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1891 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
TN24.N3 A1 1991
Nevada, Inspector of Mines, Mining Laboratory, Virginia City School of Mines, Assayer and Inspector, Ore Sampler, annual reports, 1893-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1893 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
E185.5.N277 R43 1993
Records of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, 1895-1992
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1895 - 12/31/1992
UNLV Microforms
This 26 reel collection details the club movement and leadership at local, state and national levels. Included are: convention proceedings from 1895 - 1992; news clippings on NACW Conventions, 1899 - 1939; Margaret Murray Washington Papers, 1900-1907; President's files 1918 - 1958; printed materials from the national office, state and regional offices; and National Association and National Notes.
Finding Aids:
A guide to the microfilm edition of the Records of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, 1895 - 1992 part 1 (MICRO E185.5.N277 R43 1993 part 1 Guide). This guide features a reel and subject indexes.
Call Number:
PN1993.5.A1 H57 1987
History of the cinema 1895-1940
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World, Theater, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1895 - 12/31/1940
UNLV Microforms
This 3900 piece collection contains a variety of articles, guides, and pamphlets written in several languages, published between 1895-1940. Books and pamphlets range in subject from contemporary studies in the sociology of the cinema to Hollywood novels, biographies of stars and how-to books on screenwriting.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by Guide [Micro PN1993.5.A1 H57 1987 Guide]. An alphabetical listing by author and the title of the piece(s) written.
Call Number:
CT1203 .R7 1896b
Russkii biograficheskii slovar ..
Microcard Editions, 1962.
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1896 - 12/31/1918
UNLV Microforms
This is a 25 volume(347 microfiche) biographical dictionary of Russian personalities issued between 1896 and 1918. I. Aaron-Imperator Aleksandr II. 1896 -- II. Aleksinskii-Bestuzhev-Riumin. 1900 -- [III] Betankur-Biakster. 1908 -- [IV] Gaag-Gerbel. 1914 -- [V] Gerberskii-Gogenloe. 1916 -- [VI] Dabelov- Diadkovskii. 1905 -- [VII] Zhabokritskii-Zialovskii. 1916 -- [VIII] Ibak-Kliucharev. 1897 -- [IX] Knapppe- Kiukhelbeker. 1903 -- [X] Labzina-Liashenko. 1904 -- [Xi] Naake-Nakenskii-Nikolai Nikolasvich Starshii. 1914 -- [XII] Obezianinov-Ochkin. 1905 -- [XIII] Pavel, prepodobnyi-Petr (Ileika) 1902 -- [XIV] Plavilshchikov-Primo. 1905. [XV] Pritvits-Reis. 1910 -- [XVI] Reitern-Roltsberg. 1913 -- [XVII] Romanova-Riasovskii. 1918 -- [XVIII] Sabanieev-Smyslov. 1904 -- [XIX] Smielovskii-Suvorina. 1909 -- [XX] Suvorova- Tkachev. 1912 -- [XXI] Faber-TSiavlovskii. 1901 -- [XXII] Chaadaev-Shvitkev. 1905 -- [XXIII] Shebanov-Shiutts. 1911 -- [XXIV] Shchapov-IUshnevskii. 1912 -- [XXV] IAblonovskii- Fomin. 1913.
Call Number:
HD5725.N3 A1 1991
Nevada Labor Commission, annual reports, 1915-1930 ; Nevada Industrial Commission, annual reports, 1913-1930 ; Nevada Insurance Commission, annual reports, 1896-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1896 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
SD426 .A534x 1965a
Forest lieu selection docket registers, Act of June 4, 1897
National Archives (T-1169, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1897 - 12/31/1908
UNLV Microforms
Documents taken from records of the Bureau of Land Management, Record Group 49.
Call Number:
DK38 .M65 1898b
Glavnyia techeniia russkoi istoricheskoi mysli. Tom 1 /P.N. Miliukov.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1897 - 12/31/1897
UNLV Microforms
A Russian historiography. 396 pages. Published in 1897.
Call Number:
PR6045.O72 Z46 1993
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts: from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection at the New York Public Library
Research Publications International, c1993.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1897 - 12/31/1941
UNLV Microforms
This 21 reel collection is filmed in four distinct categories: diaries (3 reels), manuscripts (9 reels), reading notebooks (1 reel), and correspondence (8 reels). Included in the correspondence reels are two reels devoted exclusively to letters written to Virginia Woolf by Vanessa Bell and Clive Bell. This collection reveals not only vital bibliographical information but very significant insights into Virginia Woolf's habits of reading and criticism. The manuscripts and reading notebooks contain substantial sections of manuscript notes compiled in the connection with the writing of her controversial feminist polemic Three Guineas and the biography of Roger Fry. This collection also features a sequence of eleven unpublished (and complete) stories and sketches dating in composition from around 1909 to 1930 and in addition, six unfinished draft stories and sketches as well as the complete Monk's House Papers, barring correspondence and a number of unmarked proofs and cuttings.
Finding Aids:
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts : guide (MICRO PR6045.O72 Z46 1993 Guide). The index provides an alphabetical access to the identified and cataloged manuscript pieces throughout the reels. Item numbers are assigned to aid in the location of specific documents.
Call Number:
E169.1 .A4787
American Popular Culture, 1897-1949
Xerox University Microfilms
Microfilm reels 1-48, Guide
Subject Category:
Literature, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1897 - 01/01/1949
UNLV Microforms
(alternate title: Popular periodicals)
1 Pic (New York, N.Y.) c1948 2 The shadow a detective magazine [microform] : c1931 3 The shadow detective monthly [microform] c1932 4 The shadow magazine [microform] c1937 5 Shadow (New York, N.Y.) c1946 6 Shadow mystery [microform] c1948 7 Shadow (Elizabeth, N.J.) c1949 8 Smith's magazine [microform] c1921 9 Success (New York, N.Y.) 1904 10 Success magazine [microform] c1911 11 Success magazine & The national post [microform]
Finding Aids:
Accompanying guide published in 1975. E169.1 .A4787
Link to finding aids
Call Number:
JV6455 .R44 1992
Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subject correspondence files
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History World, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1898 - 12/31/1941
UNLV Microforms
The library owns three items of this collection. Part 1, Asian Immigration and Exclusion, 1906 - 1913. This collection documents the numerous avenues through which Asian immigrants evaded federal inspectors to settle in America, as well as federal efforts to uphold the law. Included are analyses of employment opportunities for Asians (especially in Hawaii, which was exempted from the exclusionary law); the transfer of Asians from Hawaii to the mainland, the widespread smuggling of Asian laborers across the Mexican and Canadian borders; and the use of strategic marriages of Asian immigrants to naturalized Asians, especially in California. Many files also document the State Department's relations with China and Japan regarding the immigration problem. Supplement to part 1: Asia Immigration and Exclusion covers the years 1898 - 1941. During this period, American Immigration laws were under almost constant revision (especially before 1924). Revisions brought new policies in the administration of the law, and these files reflect those changes. Other highlights of the collection include responses to "tong wars" in Chinatowns across the United States, efforts by western and southern agribusiness to import Chinese laborers during World War I, surveillance of liquor and narcotics, smuggling, and crackdowns on prostitution. Part 2: Mexican Immigration, 1906 - 1930, documents the economic and political incentives behind the cross-border movement between Mexico and the United States. This collection documents not only the influx of Mexican aliens across the borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, but also the efforts to European and Middle Eastern emigrants an Chinese and Japanese immigrants to cross the Mexican border into the United States. Highlights of the collection include: U.S. - Mexican immigration negotiations; correspondence in the activities of the Immigration Service's Mexican Border District office in El Paso and its satellite offices and ports of entry; the issue of admission of Mexican peon labor; Border Officers' reports on the Mexican Civil War and its influence on the immigration and the refugee problem; smuggling of both human and liquid cargo; and general implementation of U.S. immigration laws and customs activities along the length of the U.S. - Mexican border.
Finding Aids:
A guide to the microfilm edition of Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subject correspondence files (MICRO JV 6455 .R44 1993 pt 1 Supp. Guide, pt 2 Guide) These guides have a reel and subject index.
Call Number:
HD8055 .A5
American Federation of Labor records pt. 1. Strikes and agreements file, 1898-1953. / Randolph Boehm, project editor ; guide compiled by Martin Schipper.
Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History US, Labor
Collection Dates:
01/01/1898 - 12/31/1953
UNLV Microforms
This 55 reel microfilm collection provides an inside view of operations and strategy of more than 2000 local unions throughout the United States and Canada. Files include: detailed accounts of strike and negotiating strategy; documents revealing government efforts to resolve disputes; reports of AFL field organizers; and advice of local unions from national headquarters and from prominent AFL legal counsels. Several major strikes of the 1930's and 1940's are well documented, including F.L.U. 's #18344 and #18486 involving machinists and office equipment workers at Remington Rand in New York State; F.L.U. #18242, Northwest lumbers workers; F.L.U. #18384, United Auto Workers in Toledo, Ohio; and F.L.U. #18499, Steelworkers Cooperative Union of Wisconsin to name a few. The collection contains files on only a few F.L.U.'s which existed prior to 1933.
Finding Aids:
A guide to the American Federation of Labor Records [MICRO HD8055 .A5 Guide]. Guide lists selected industries alphabetically on pages 47-49. Reel 55 of microfilm features a geographical index.
Call Number:
HJ2420.A1 N389 1991
Nevada Tax Commission reports and bulletins, State License and Bullion Tax Agent reports, 1899-1930
Nevada Statel Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1899 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
S451.N3 A15 1991
Nevada, University, Reno, Agricultural Experiment Station, annual reports, bulletins, 1889-1930
Nevada State Library and Archives
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1899 - 12/31/1930
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
State documents microfilm series : a preliminary guide to the reports of state officers and agencies, 1865-1931 / compiled by the Nevada State Library and Archives. (MICRO JK8531 .N45 1991) This is a reel guide only - see introductory pages as each reel in this collection has a distinctive call number.
Call Number:
E99.N3 A454x 1990
American Indian oral history collection
Southwest Micropublishing
Subject Category:
Anthropology & Archaeology, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1968
UNLV Microforms
This 11 reel collection is provided by the University of New Mexico,General Library, Special Collections. The oral histories are arranged alphabetically by tribe. The first page lists the subjects covered, name of person, the interviewer, and the date. Reel 1. Acoma #110 thru Isleta #9 -- reel 2. Isleta #10 thru Laguna #129 -- reel 3. Laguna #130 thru San Juan #202 -- reel 4. San Juan #227 thru Taos #432 -- reel 5. Taos #433 thru Zuni #511 -- reel 6. Navajo #1-72 -- reel 7. Nagvajo #73-163 -- reel 8. Navajo #164-246 -- reel 9. Navajo #247-315 -- reel 10. Navajo #316-376 -- reel 11. Navajo #377-406.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1900 C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Rhode Island: Newport County v. 3, Providence County and Providence City v. 4 pt. 1 - v. 9. Population schedules of the Twelfth census of the United States 1900, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (T623, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA231.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Alaska. 12th census of population (1900), Alaska (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by the catalog of schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA241.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Arizona. 12th census of population (1900), Arizona (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Indian Reservations.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA261.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. California. 12th census of population (1900), California (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 36 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA271.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Colorado. 12th census of population (1900), Colorado (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 14 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA329.1 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Hawaii. 12th census of population (1900), Hawaii (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA210 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA331.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Idaho. 12th census of population (1900), Idaho (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Nez Perce Reservation.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA481.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Montana. 12th census of population (1900), Montana (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 7 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Indian Reservations.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of schedules (Micro HA201 1900.U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA501.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Nevada. 12th census of the population, 1900, Nevada (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of schedules (Micro HA201 1900.U53 1985). Accompanied by Index (Soundex), 7 microfilm reels, 16 mm (HA501.5 1900 C45 Index). [Guide on how to use the Soundex is located at the assistance counter]
Call Number:
HA531.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. New Mexico. 12th census of population 1900, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 5 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Bernalillo, Chaves, Colfax (part) counties -- Reel 2. Colfax (cont'd.) Dona Ana, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe counties -- Reel 3. Lincoln, Mora, Otero, Rio Arriba, San Juan counties -- Reel 4. San Miguel, Santa Fe, Sierra counties -- Reel 5. Socorro, Taos, Union, Valencia counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (MICRO HA201 1900. U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA591.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Oregon. 12th census of population (1900), Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 9 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Indian population schedules. Reel 1. Baker, Benton, Clackamas -- Reel 2. Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Douglas -- Reel 3. Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake -- Reel 4. Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Morrow -- Reel 5-6. Marion, Multnomah (part) -- Reel 7. Multnomah (cont'd.), Polk, Sherman, Tillamook -- Reel 8. Umatilla, Union, Wallowa -- Reel 9. Wasco, Washington, Wheeler, Yamhill.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA661.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Utah. 12th census of population (1900), Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 7 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Indian population schedules
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA691.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Washington (State). 12th census of population (1900), Washington (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 14 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Arranged by county, includes Indian population schedules. Reel 1741. Adams, Asotin, Chehalis -- Reel 1742. Chelan, Challam, Clark, Columbia, Colitz, Douglas -- reel 173. Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Island, Jefferson, King (pt.) -- reel 1744. King (pt.) -- reel 1745. King (pt.) -- reel 1746. Kitsap, Kittitas, Klicitat, Lewis (pt.) -- reel 1747. Lewis (pt.), Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific -- reel 1748. Pierce (pt.) -- reel 1749. Pierce (pt.), San Juan, Skagit, Skamania -- reel 1750. Snohommish, Spokane (pt.) -- reel 1751. Spokane (pt.) -- reel 1752. Stevens, Thruston, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla -- reel 1753. Wahtcom, Whitcom (pt.) -- reel 1754, Whitcom (pt.), Yakima, and Indian schedules.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of the schedules (Micro HA201 1900 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA721.5 1900 .C45
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Wyoming. Twelfth census of population (1900), Wyoming (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (T623, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by catalog of schedules (MICRO HA201 1900 .U53 1985).
Call Number:
PG3337 .K4 1900b
Works. 1900. Poln oe sobranie sochinenii Alekseia Stepanovicha Khomiakova
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1907
UNLV Microforms
Eight volumes.
Call Number:
JV6450 .V65 1988
Voices From Ellis Island: an Oral History of American Immigration
University Publications of America, 1988. (8 Reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History World, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 12/31/1986
UNLV Microforms
A series of oral histories of 185 people who entered the United States via Ellis Island or worked there between the turn of the century and 1954. Interviews were conducted in 1985 and 1986. In addition to describing the journey to the Ellis Island, these oral histories concern life on the lower East Side, the Bronx, and various cities the interviewees dispersed to after arriving in New York, as well as accounts of such matters as schooling, social lives, working conditions, and home situations -- in short, the entire process of Americanization. Some became shopkeepers, teachers, engineers, union members, and even a Hollywood producer, Endre Bohem ( #140). Interviewees Joseph Talese (#61) and Euterpe Dukakis (#91) became parents of famous sons (author Gay Talese and governor Michael Dukakis, respectively). The countries represented are: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Palestine, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, United States, Wales, and Yugoslavia.
Finding Aids:
Voices From Ellis Island: An Oral History of American Immigration [MICRO JV6450 .V65 1988 guide]
Call Number:
HC102.5.H8 F35 2000
FBI file on Howard R. Hughes
Scholarly Resources, inc
Link to title
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Miscellaneous
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 01/01/1980
UNLV Microforms
2 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Notes Title on container: FBI file on Howard Hughes
Finding Aids:
Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Howard Hughes.
Online access
Call Number:
HN49.R33 R32 1986
Radical pamphlets in American collections: House Un-American Activities Committee collection, 1900-1970
Link to title
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, Labor, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1900 - 01/01/1970
UNLV Microforms
LIB. HAS = pt. 3 (microfiche 3.1.1-3.1.3504), pt. 3 guide.
Finding Aids:
Call Number:
HA501.5 1900 C455
Census of the United States (1900). Population. Nevada. Descriptions of the enumeration districts of the 12th census, June 1900, Nevada
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (T-1210, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
06/01/1900 - 06/30/1900
UNLV Microforms
Districts includes Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, and New York.