Call Number:
E93 .U994x 1800a
Letters received by the Office of the Secretary of War relating to Indian affairs, 1800-1823
National Archives (M271, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1823
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection contains chronologically arranged letters and reports received by the Secretary of War, and is a source of early US government politics, policy, and relationships with the Indians during the days of the early republic. The time period covered by this collection includes the Lousiana Purchase and The War of 1812. Reel 1. 1800-1816 -- Reel 2. 1817-1819 -- Reel 3. 1820-1821 -- Reel 4. 1822-1823.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1800 C45
Census of the United States (1800). Population. Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent and Providence Counties. Population schedules of the second census of the United States 1800, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census)
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M32, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1800
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
JN979 .B57 1987
The Helen Blackburn pamphlet collection from Girton College, Cambridge
Brighton, Eng. : Harvester Press Microform Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
This 29 reel collection contains a wealth of material in every significant aspect of women's lives, including education and employment, temperance, suffrage, and social and domestic duties. There is a strong international perspective with works from eleven different countries.
Finding Aids:
The Helen Blackburn pamphlet collection from Girton College, Cambridge (MICRO JN979 .B57 1987 Guide). This guide is divided into 2 parts: Part 1covers reels 1-14 and Part 2 covers reels 15-29.
Call Number:
UA24.A7 A55x 1800a
Letters sent by the Office of the Adjutant General : main series, 1800-1890
National Archives (M565, 63 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (MICRO UA24.A7 A55x 1800a Guide)
Call Number:
UA24.A7 W36x 1800a
Letters sent by the Secretary of War relating to military affairs, 1800-1889
National Archives (M6, 110 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 W36x 1800a Guide)
Call Number:
UA24.A7 N36x 1800a
Registers of letters received by the Office of the Secretary of War, main series, 1800-1870.
National Archives (M22, 134 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 N36x 1800a Guide)
Call Number:
The Food, Cookery and Catering Microfiche Library
Oxford Microform Publications/Pergamon Group
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
This set of predominantly 19th century books on cookery, written by 837 professional cooks and caterers, is from the John Fuller Collection. The selections cover a wide range of topics from confectionery cooking to housekeeping instructions to royal court cooking.
Finding Aids:
Search the library catalog under the title Food,Cookery, and Catering MicroLibrary to obtain a list of titles and authors. It is also possible to search Fuller, John as an added author.
Call Number:
HD715 .K657 1905b
Ocherki po istorii obshchestvennago dvizheniia i krestianskago diela v Rossii / A.A. Kornilov.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
Russian History concerning social conditions of the peasantry in both Russia and Poland in the 19th century. 473 pages.
Call Number:
DK221.C5 A31 1929b
Vospominaniia : Moskovskii universitet / Vstupitelnaia statia i primechaniia S.V. Bakhrushina.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
Memoirs of Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin at Moscow University in the 19th century. One volume.
Call Number:
AC65 .K34 1859b
Works. 1859. Sobranie sochinenii / K. Kavelin.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1859
UNLV Microforms
Collected works of Kavelin. Monographs on Russian History, 19th century, pre-revolutionary concerning psychology and law.
Call Number:
AC65 .K34 1897b
Works. 1897. Sobranie sochinenii / K.D. Kavelina.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1897
UNLV Microforms
Collected works of Kavelin. Monographs on Russian History 19th century, pre-revolutionary concerning law, psychology, and ethnology. Four volumes.
Call Number:
DK5 .S63 1800b
Works. 1966. Sobranie sochinenii Sergieia Mikh ailovicha Soloveva / Sergei Mikhailovich, Solovev.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
Russian History...19th century...general
Call Number:
N6911 .E23 1980
The Early Alinari photographic archive of art & architecture in Italy
Subject Category:
History World, Miscellaneous
Collection Dates:
01/01/1800 - 12/30/1899
UNLV Microforms
This 122 microfiche collection comprises reproduced photographs, mainly taken in the nineteenth century, in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and represents only a small portion of the currently available Alinari archive. Photographs are arranged topographically, in alphabetical order by town. With towns, the sequence is generally in alphabetical order by building, and by artist in the galleries and museums. This collection is organized mainly in three sections: Town A-Z; Florence; and Rome.
Finding Aids:
The Early Alinari photographic archive or art and architecture in Italy. (MICRO Arch N 6911 .E23 1980 Guide) This guide features two separate alphabetical indexes : artists, architects, and sculptors; and churches, museums and important buildings.
Call Number:
E93 .U995x 1800a
Letters sent by the Secretary of War relating to Indian affairs, Nov. 17, 1800-Apr. 26, 1824
National Archives (M15, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
11/17/1800 - 04/26/1824
UNLV Microforms
This 6 reel collection contains over 460 pages of chronologically arranged letters sent by the Secretary of War during the days of the early republic and is a source of information concerning US Government politics, policy, and relationships with Indians. The dates this collection covers include the Lousiana Purchase, the War of 1812, and the Monroe Doctrine. v. A. November 17, 1800-April 20, 1804 -- v. B. April 23, 1804- July 5, 1809 -- v. C. July 8, 1809-December 31, 1816 -- v. D. January 8, 1817-July 31, 1820 -- v. E. August 3, 1820-October 25, 1823 --v. F. October 28, 1823-April 26, 1824.
Call Number:
KF8202 1801a
Documents relating to the negotiation of ratified and unratified treaties with various tribes of Indians, 1801-69
National Archives (T494, 10 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1801 - 12/31/1869
UNLV Microforms
This 10 reel collection contains letters and other documents related to the negotation of treaties with various Indian tribes, making it a source of history, politics, and policy regarding US Government relations with North American Indians. Reel. 1. Introduction and ratified treaties, 1801-26 -- Reel. 2. Ratified treaties, 1827-32 -- Reel. 3. Ratified treaties, 1833- 37 -- Reel. 4. Ratified treaties, 1838-53 -- Reel. 5. Ratified treaties, 1854-55 --Reel. 6. Ratified treaties, 1856-63 -- Reel. 7. Ratified treaties, 1864-68 -- Reel. 8. Unratified treaties, 1821-65 -- Reel. 9. Unratified treaties, 1866-67 -- Reel. 10. Unratified treaties, 1868-69.
Finding Aids:
Full collection available online at
Call Number:
UA24.A7 N38x 1801a
Letters received by the Secretary of War, main series, 1801-1870
National Archives (M221, 317 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1801 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 N38x 1801a Guide)
Call Number:
PG2975 .I9 1911b
Istoriia russkoi obshchestvennoi mysli : individualizm i mieshchanstvo v russkoi literaturie i zhizni XIX v / Ivanov-Razumnik.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1801 - 12/31/1917
UNLV Microforms
This includes history and criticism of 19th century Russian literature as well as social problems in Russian literature. Also included is information on Russian intellectual life from 1801 - 1917. Two volumes.
Call Number:
DK194 .P9 1908b
Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii pri Aleksandrie I. / A.N. Pypina.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1801 - 12/31/1825
UNLV Microforms
Social movement in Russia during the reign of Alexander I spanning, 1801 - 1825; including social conditions, intellectual life, and aspects of secret societies. 587 pages.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U542x 1803a
Records of the Choctaw Trading House under the Office of Indian Trade, 1803-1824
National Archives (T500, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1803 - 12/31/1824
UNLV Microforms
This six reel collection consists of records and correpondence from the Choctaw Trading House, and is a source of Choctaw History and Mississippi History. It is also a source of US Government relations, commerce and policy towards the Choctaw. The records span the time period of the early republic, including the Lousiana Purchase, the War of 1812, the Treaty of the Choctaw Trading House, and the Monroe Doctrine. Roll 1. Indent book, 1805-20 and miscellanneous accounts, 1803-10 -- Roll 2. Miscellaneous accounts, 1811-1815 -- Roll 3. Miscellaneous accounts, 1816-24 -- Roll 4. Daybooks, 1808-1813 -- Roll 5. Daybooks, 1814- 1816 -- Roll 6. Daybooks, 1817-1819.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U522x 1948a
Letter book of the Arkansas Trading House, 1805-1810
National Archives (M142, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1805 - 12/31/1810
UNLV Microforms
"Reproduction of one volume of handwritten copies of letters sent and received by the agent of the Arkansas Trading House for the entire period of operations from 1805 to 1810"--Intro. For further content information, see "Introduction" at the beginning of reel 1.
Call Number:
PN2000 .A53.
American theatre periodicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Research Publications, inc
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1805 - 12/31/1929
UNLV Microforms
The Thespian mirror; The Dramatic mirror; The Prompter's whistle; The
Prompter; The Stage (Philadelphia); The New York clipper almanac/annual (reel 1)
-- The New York clipper almanac/annual; The Play bill; The Stage (Philadelphia)
(reel 2) -- The Stage (Philadelphia) (reel 3) -- The Stage (New York);
Conjurers' monthly magazine (reel 4) -- New York star; The Drama : a quarterly
review (reel 5) -- Le Chat noir; The Dramatic mirror quarterly; Mahatma (reel 6)
-- The Drama : a quarterly review; The Drama : a monthly review (reel 7) -- The
Drama : a monthly review (reels 8-9) -- The Drama : a monthly review; The
Theatrical weekly record; The Theatrical budget or Actor's regalio (reel 10) --
Figaro! or, Corbyn's chronicle of amusements (reel 11) -- The Drama; The
Theatrical weekly record; Theatrical budget (reel 12) -- The Boston weekly
magazine (reel 13) -- The Drama : a quarterly review (reels 14-15) -- The Drama
: a monthly review (reel 16) -- The Drama : a monthly review; The Little theatre
monthly (reel 17) -- The Drama in combination with the Little theater monthly
and the little theatre news; The Little theater monthly; The Drama; The Little
theatre (reel 18) -- The Theatrical record; Gus Hill's national theatrical
directory; Julius Cahn's offical theatrical guide (reel 19).
DESCRIPT = 19 microfilm reels :
LIB. HAS = reels 1-19, guide.
Finding Aids:
PN2000 .A53.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U577x 1806a
Letters received by the Superintendent of Indian Trade, 1806-1824
National Archives (T58, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1806 - 12/31/1824
UNLV Microforms
This reel contains a chronological arrangement of letters sent to the Superintendent of Indian Trade and is a source of information about US Government policy, relationships, and commerce with Indians during the days of the early republic. The time period covered begins just after the Louisiana Purchase and includes the War of 1812.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U578x 1807a
Superintendent of Indian Trade, letters sent, Oct. 31, 1807-Apr. 18, 1823
National Archives (M16, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
10/31/1807 - 04/18/1823
UNLV Microforms
This six reel collection consists of chronologically ordered letters sent by the Superintendent of Indian Trade. It is a record of US Government policies, relations, and trade with various Indian tribes during the days of the Early Republic. v. A. October 31, 1807-May 27, 1809 -- v. B. June 1, 1809-June 26, 1812 -- v. C. June 26, 1812-April 16, 1816 -- v. D. April 12, 1816-April 11, 1818 -- v. E. March 21, 1818-July 20, 1820-- v. F. July 11, 1820-April 18, 1823.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U56x 1809a
Letterbook of the Natchitoches--Sulphur Fork factory, 1809-1821
National Archives (T1029, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1809 - 12/31/1821
UNLV Microforms
Contains copies of letters sent from June 21, 1809 to December 31, 1821 to the Superintendent of Indian Trade in Washington, D.C., to military officers, merchants and other persons regarding commerce and US Government policy.
Call Number:
E457.32 .L416 1993
A Lincoln learner's original
Greensboro, N.C. : Schnappsburg University Press : Distributed by Anacomp
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1809 - 12/31/1865
UNLV Microforms
This 35 piece microfiche collection is divided into three parts featuring extensive works about Abraham Lincoln. Part 1 includes: three works by James J. Cathey: Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction; The Genesis Of Lincoln; The Genesis of Lincoln(1939 ed.); and three works by James C. Coggins: Abraham Lincoln A North Carolinian; Abraham Lincoln A North Carolinian With Proof; and The Eugenics of President Abraham Lincoln. Part 2 includes: three works by Ward M. Lamon: Life Of Lincoln; Lamon's Suppressed Chapter XXI, Revised; James Cathey's, The Genesis Of Lincoln (1939 ed.); A.T. Bledsoe's Review Of Lamon's Life Of Lincoln; The Sorrows of Nancy by Lucinda Boyd; The Matrix by Maria Thompson Davies; and The Administrative History of Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace by Gloria Peterson. Part 3 includes: Hernon's Lincoln (first ed. 1889); Nancy Hanks by Caroline Hanks Hitchkock; Reminiscences Of Lincoln by Joshua Speed; The Sad Story of Nancy Hanks by William Coleman; The Traditional Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Cabin by Benjamin H. Davis; The Ancestry Of Abraham Lincoln by Lea and Hutchinson; and The Genesis Of Lincoln (1939 ed.) by James Cathey .
Call Number:
HV8144.M37 L48 1996
Letters received by the Attorney General, 1809-1870. Western law and order
University Publications of America
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1809 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
This 11 reel collection contains letters received by the Attorney General over a 60 year period relation to Arizona Territory, Arkansas, California, Colorado Territory, Dakota Territory, Idaho Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana Territory, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico Territory, Oregon, Texas, Utah Territory, Washington Territory, and Wyoming Territory. Items include letters form officials, forms, reports, affidavits, and oaths of office. Topics include: judicial organization and establishment of law and order in the territories; enforcement of fugitive slave laws; Civil War era confiscations and Confederate sympathizers; interaction of military authority and civil law in the West; lawsuits brought against military personnel by private citizens; Hispanic affairs and boarder conflicts between the United States and Mexico; misconduct and questionable financial activities of territorial officials; privacy cases; vigilance committees; and land claims and ejectment of settlers from reservations.
Finding Aids:
Letters received by the Attorney General, 1809 - 1870: Western Law and Order [MICRO HV8144 .M37 L48 1996 Guide]. Includes introduction, reel index, principal correspondents index and subject index.
Call Number:
AN2.A2 R52
Rhode Island Republican, Newport, Rhode Island
Newport, R.I.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
03/22/1809 - 12/27/1820
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
AN2.A2 C66
Connecticut Mirror, Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford, Conn. : Charles Hosmer, Etc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
07/10/1809 - 12/15/1832
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1810 C45
Census of the United States (1810). Population. Rhode Island: Bristol and Providence Counties. Population schedules of the third census of the United States 1810, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M252, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1810 - 12/31/1810
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
CT3260 .A545x 1984
American women's diaries. Western women
New Canaan, CT : Readex Film Products
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1810 - 12/31/1920
UNLV Microforms
This 35 reel collection contains the diaries of known American women and reflects their commentary on life and travel in the American West in the 19th Century. Western areas of the country include: Nevada, Utah, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, and Texas. Samples of some diaries are listed below: Boyer, Florence M., b. 1890. Las Vegas: My Home for Sixty Years. Reel #24. Herndon, Sarah Raymond. Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865. Reel #16.Stenhouse, Mrs. T.B.H. Expose of Polygamy in Utah: A Lady's Life Among the Mormons. A Record of Personal Experience as One of the Wives of a Mormon Elder during a period of more than 20 years Reel #4.
Finding Aids:
American Women's Diaries, Western Women Reels 1 - 35. [MICRO CT3260 .A545x 1984 Guide].
Call Number:
BV2360 .A45x 1811a
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Unit 6, Missions on the American continents and to the Islands of the Pacific, 1811-1919
Research Publications
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1811 - 12/31/1919
UNLV Microforms
This 94 reel collection is arranged geographically by mission location and consists of correspondence (letters) to and from various missions in North America, Hawaii, and Micronesia. In addition this collection features various letters, journals, documents, papers, meetings, and other miscellaneous correspondence from Indian tribes listed: Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota, Ojibwa, Chicasaw, Osages, Pawnees, Oregon Indians, Mackinaw, Stockbridge Indians, Maumee Indians, and the New York Indians. Reels 721-735. Missions to Mexico -- Reels 736-793. Missions to North American Indians -- Reels 793-833. Hawaiian Islands Mission
Finding Aids:
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: Guide to the microfilm collection Unit 6 [MICRO BV2360 .A45x 1983 Guide v. 6].
Call Number:
E175.5 .B193
The George Bancroft papers at Cornell University, 1811-1901 / Herbert Finch, editor.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Collection of Regional History and University Archives, John M. Olin Library, Cornell University
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1811 - 12/31/1901
UNLV Microforms
This 7 reel collection contains some of the personal, business and professional, political and diplomatic correspondence of historian and diplomat George Bancroft. As an historian he is most noted for his History of the United States and as a diplomat for his ministries to Great Britain and Berlin. In reel 5, observations of the Civil War are documented.
Finding Aids:
George Brancroft papers at Cornell University, 1811-1901 / Herbert Finch, ed. [MICRO E175.5 .B193 Guide]. This 12 page guide includes George Brancroft's life chronology and a few biographical notes, as well as the reel contents of the collection. The first microfilm reel contains Reel Notes describing the contents of each microfilm reel (begin on page 8).
Call Number:
E93 .U6627x 1813a
Records of the Central Superintendency of Indian affairs, 1813-1878
National Archives (M856, 108 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1813 - 12/31/1878
UNLV Microforms
This 18 reel collection consists of records from the Central Superintendency of Indian Affairs and is a source of Western US History, Kansas History, and the history of the Great Plains, as well as a source for US Government policy and relations with Indians in this jurisdiction. The records in this collection cover the era of the early republic, westward expansion, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, and the rise of the progressive era.
Finding Aids:
Guide available (MICRO E93.U6627x 1813a Guide)
Call Number:
HB3743 .R35x 1975
Recessions, depressions, and economic panics in American history : collection of sources / a microfilm project of University Publications of America.
Arlington, Va. : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History US, Labor, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1815 - 12/30/1974
UNLV Microforms
This 7 reel set is a collection of books and government documents on depressions and monetary situations in the United States from 1815 to 1974. Titles include: Reginald C. McGrave's The Panic of 1837; Mr. Webster's Speech on the Currency; Causes of the General Depression in Labor and Business (1879); The Gold-Silver Controversy (1896); Agricultural Emergency Act to Increase Farm Purchasing Power (1933); and Reducing Unemployment to 2 Percent (1972).
Finding Aids:
A Guide to Recessions, Depressions, and Economic Panics in American History: Collection of Sources (MICRO HB3743 .R35x 1975).
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1820 C45
Census of the United States (1820). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County. Population schedules of the fourth census of the United States 1820, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M33, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1820 - 12/31/1820
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HV8195.A3 R49x 1820a
Rewards, pardons and secret service, 1820-1840 (HO 64).
Woodbridge, CT. : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1820 - 12/31/1840
UNLV Microforms
This seventeen reel collection contains a large number of secret service and police reports which provide an in-depth view of the attitudes and methods of those responsible for public law and order in England. It has an abundance of material relating to the offer of pardons and rewards in exchange for information leading to the arrest of criminals and troublemakers. There is also a file of Seditious Publications confiscated by local authorities. This material provides insight into the reaction of the governing elite toward urban and working class discontent and methods used to stamp out hints of sedition.
Finding Aids:
Check the microfilm for the finding aids.
Call Number:
PR5315 1822a
Scott's interleaved Waverley Novels
Pergamon Press/Aberdeen University Press with the National Library of Scotland, 1987
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1822 - 12/31/1829
UNLV Microforms
This microfiche reproduction contains the first 32 volumes of Scott's Waverly Novels complete with his manuscript annotations. Materials included are his novels, tales, and historical romances.
Finding Aids:
Scott's Interleaved Waverly Novels: An Introduction and Commentary (MICRO PR5315 .1822a Guide).
Call Number:
AN4 .S86
Sunday Times (London, England)
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
11/03/1822 -
UNLV Microforms
Issued weekly the Sunday Times is a leading conservative intellectual paper in England. During the suspension of publication from December 3, 1978 - November 11, 1979, the Sunday Telegraph was filmed in place of the Times.
Finding Aids:
Indexing is available for this newspaper. Please ask for assistance.
Call Number:
E93 .U66274 1824a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Cherokee Agency
National Archives (M234, 42 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1824 - 12/31/1881
UNLV Microforms
This 42 reel collection is arranged in chronological order and consists of official reports and other correspondence from the Indian agents assigned to the Cherokee people between 1824 and 1881. Not only is it a source of history and politics for several southern states and Oklahoma, but it also documents the policy of the U.S. Government towards the Cherokee during the Age of Expansion, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction. The period covered by this collection of letters includes the forced migration of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma along the Trail of Tears.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U67x 1824a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Osage agency, 1824-1880
National Archives (M234, 11 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1824 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 11 reel collection consists of a chronological arrangement of letters and records sent by the Osage Indian agents. Not only is this collection a source of Missouri history, but is also a source concerning US Government policy towards the Indians of Missouri. The scope of the collection covers correspondence during the Age of Expansion, the Civil War, and ends during the middle of the Reconstruction. Roll 631. 1824-1841 -- Roll 632. 1842-1846 -- Roll 633. 1847-1874 -- Roll 634. 1875 -- Roll 635. 1876 (A22-N421) -- Roll 636. 1876 (N435-W1390) -- Roll 637. 1877 -- Roll 638. 1878 (A261-G325) -- Roll 639. 1878 (G337-W2601 -- Roll 640. 1879 -- Roll 641. 1880.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U967x 1859a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Pima Agency, 1859-1861 and Piqua Agency, 1824-1830
National Archives (M234, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1824 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
This collection of letters and records from Indian Agents concerns the Pima Indians of Arizona and the Piqua Indians of Ohio. Not only are they a source of history about both tribes and states, but they contain information about US Goverment policy and relationships with the Pima and Piqua Indians. Piqua Agency records cover the period of early westward expansion through Ohio. Pima Agency records cover the latter days of the era of westward expansion up until the start of The Civil War.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
QK97 .C2 1824a
Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum, specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarium, juxta methodi naturalis, normas digesta / auctore Aug. Pyramo de Candolle.
Parisii : Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Wurtz
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1824 - 12/31/1824
UNLV Microforms
This seventeen-volume (23 reels) work is made up of contributions from several authors, for a complete analytical list of which cf. Pritzel, Thesaurus; also Catalogue Brit. mus. (Natural history). Vols. 8 - 17: Editore et pro parte auctore Alphonse de Candollo. Vols. 8 - 9: Sumptibus Fortin Masson et sociorum; vols. 10 - 16: Sumptibus Victoris Masson; vol. 17: Sumptibus G. Masson. Includes indexes.
Call Number:
DK209.6.C5 A31 1929b
Vospominaniia : Moskva sorokovykh godov / Vstup. stat'ia i primech. S.V. Bakhrushina.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1825 - 12/31/1855
UNLV Microforms
Includes Russian politics and government from 1825 - 1855; as well as social life, intellectual life, and customs of Moscow. Four volumes.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1830 C45
Census of the United States (1830). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County. Population schedules of the fifth census of the United States 1830, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M19, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1830 - 12/31/1830
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E183.9.A9 A283 1958
Despatches from United States consuls in Vienna, 1830-1906
National Archives (M242, 20 reels)
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1830 - 12/31/1906
UNLV Microforms
This 20 reel collection includes letters, memos and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. These records include notes between the Department of State and Foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S. Each roll is marked with dates of documents.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 5
Musikalische Spicilegien : uber das liturgische Drama, Orgelbau und Orgelspiel, das ausserliturgische Lied und die Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters / von P. Anselm Schubiger.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1830 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-014 to BD-017).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
F821 .U83x 1830a
Utah and the Mormons
Research Publications
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
06/01/1830 - 12/31/1905
UNLV Microforms
This 56 reel collection focuses on the doctrine and history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an indigenous American religious group. It includes periodicals doctrinal and controversial works both pro- and anti-Mormon contemporary works relating to the Church at various times and in different places, materials for the history of the more important branches of the Church, and sources for Utah history in the Territorial Period. It is not a complete collection but is rather an attempt by the compilers to make available as many as possible of the sources no longer in print or difficult to obtain.
Finding Aids:
Microfilm Index to Utah and the Mormons: a Collection Available on Microfilm (MICRO F821 .U83x 1967 Index)
Call Number:
E93 .U955x 1823a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Western Superintendency, 1832-1851
National Archives (M234, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1832 - 12/31/1851
UNLV Microforms
This four reel collection contains letters and other records from the Western Superintendency and is a source of US government policy and relationships with the indians in the Western United States. Reel 1. 1832-1836 -- Reel 2. 1837-1839 -- Reel 3. 1840-1846 -- Reel 4. 1847-51, and Western Superintendency Emigration, 1836-1842.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U9548x 1832a
Records of the Southern Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1832-70
National Archives (M640, 22 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1832 - 12/31/1870
UNLV Microforms
This 22 reel collection includes records of the Western Superintendency, 1834-51, and a few earlier records of the Choctaw Agency. Also includes correspondence and, in some cases, other records of additional superintendencies, agencies, and agents of the period, e.g.: Wichita Agency, Cherokee Agency, Special Agent for the Cherokee Nation Richard Fields, Confederate Arkansas Superintendency, Confederation Wichita Agency, etc. It is a source of information about Arkansas and Okalahoma Indians and documents US Government policy and relations. The time period covered by these records includes The Trail of Tears, Manifest Destiny, The Civil War and the Reconstruction.
Call Number:
E183.8.G3 A2836 1958
Despatches from United States consuls in Munich, 1833-1906
National Archives (M261, 13 reels)
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1833 - 12/31/1906
UNLV Microforms
This 13 reel collection includes letters, memos and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. These records include notes between the Department of State and Foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S. Each roll is marked with dates of documents.
Call Number:
BV2360 .A45x 1834a
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Unit 1, Letters to domestic correspondents, 1834-1919
Research Publications
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1834 - 12/31/1919
UNLV Microforms
This 11 reel collection is arranged chronologically by date and consists of official letters from the Board to those missionaries specifically working with Indians. Each box is marked with corresponding dates. On the front of each reel is a scant (not complete) index of names with references to frame numbers of letters written by the individual. Reel 1. Prelimimary series Letters: Indians May 3, 1832-Jul. 1, 1834. Letters: Indians Jul. 3, 1834-Aug. 18, 1836 -- Reel 2-11. Main series Letters: Indians Apr. 20, 1836-Nov. 12, 1883.
Finding Aids:
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: Guide to Unit 1 [MICRO BV2360 .A45x 1983 Guide v. 1-2].
Call Number:
DA25.Z5 1820 P82x
Public order, discontent and protest in England, 1820-1850
Woodbridge, CT : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Labor, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1837 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
This 15 reel set is only part three of a three part collection. It consists of the original correspondence and documents on public order and agitation sent to the Home Secretary by local authorities through out Britain during the era. It contains a wealth of manuscript and printed sources rising out of local crises. The papers provide a picture of the conflict and struggle of working class activities throughout the United Kingdom during the early years of the Industrial Revolution.
Finding Aids:
Arranged chronologically by date and county on microfilm boxes.
Call Number:
DA20 .C17
Camden Society (Great Britain.) Publications. Series 1, no. 1-105 (1838-72).
Washington: Microcard Editions Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1838 - 12/31/1872
UNLV Microforms
The Camden Society, an English historical society, was formed in 1838 "to perpetuate and render accessible to the reader publications of little known materials about the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Literary history of the United Kingdom." Types of materials include political treatises, general chronicles and histories, rolls of expenses and inventories, personal memoirs and diaries, travels and topography, genealogies, heraldry and antiquities.
Finding Aids:
A descriptive catalog of the series is available on microfiche (DA20 .C172).
Call Number:
HD266.N6 A242x 1704a
Thomas B. Catron papers, 1704-1934. Series 302-310, miscellaneous land title records, 1840-1920
Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Law & Legal History, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1840 - 12/31/1920
UNLV Microforms
This 15 reel collection contains miscellaneous land title records, maps, correspondence, deeds, wills, and other legal documents primarily from New Mexico, with some case records for land claims in the Arizona District. A general contents sheet of the entire collection is posted at the beginning of each roll of film.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1840 C45
Census of the United States (1840). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County. Population schedules of the sixth census of the United States 1840, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M704, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1840 - 12/31/1840
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
DK221.C5 A32 1932b
Vospominaniia : Puteshestvie za granitsu / Predisl., V.I. Nevskogo.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1840 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Memoirs on travelling abroad. 144 pages.
Call Number:
DS57 .W47 1800z
Western Books: The Middle East from the Rise of Islam
Gale Group
Link to title
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1840 - 01/01/1925
UNLV Microforms
These complete books are "sources of historical information and as cultural artifacts significant for the evidence they contain concerning the methods and cultural assumptions which shaped European and American perceptions and writing on Islam and the region over the centuries. At the same time, they include an abundance of material useful for reflecting on the history and cultural values of their Western authors"
Finding Aids:
Print guide in microform index area (DS57 .W47 1800z) or see online guide.
Online guide
Call Number:
HV6722.F7 .A87 1824b
De la passion du jeu, de l'infidelite des jouours, et de leurs ruses : Ouvrage anecdotique / Par J.A. ..
Paris : N. Pichard
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1842 - 12/31/1842
UNLV Microforms
This 1 reel of microfilm describes the history of gambling in France. The entire microfilm reel is in the French language.
Call Number:
AN2 .W39
WASP, Nauvoo, Illinios
Taylor and Woodruff
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
04/16/1842 - 10/29/1845
UNLV Microforms
A Mormon newspaper devoted to religion as well as local and general news of the day. An additional copy is available on Reel 38 and Reel 52 of the microfilm research collection entitled Utah and The Mormons; call number: F821 .U83x 1830a. Last issue published as the Wasp on Apr. 26, 1843 . It was absorbed by Nauvoo Neighbor and continued under that masthead.
Call Number:
E409 .T39x 1942a
Orders of General Zachary Taylor to the Army of Occupation in the Mexican War, 1845-1847.
National Archives (M29, 3 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1845 - 12/31/1847
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
UA24.A7 A553x 1846a
Indexes to letters received by the Office of the Adjutant General : main series 1846, 1861-1889.
National Archives (M725, 9 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1846 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
This microfilm publication reproduces 32 volumes of indexes to the letters received by The Adjutant General's Office for the years 1846 and 1861-89. The name indexes are in 30 volumes, one for each year, and the subject indexes are in 2 volumes, one each for the period 1861-70 and for the year 1871. The index volumes were originally numbered to correspond to the volume numbers of the Registers of Letters Received. To prevent confusion when referring to volume numbers, the index volumes have been renumbered by the National Archives in one continous sequence from 1 to 32. The entries in the indexes are generally arranged in alphabetical order by the first two letters. The 1846 volume, compiled after 1861, is a name index and entries refer exclusively to persons by names or titles. From 1861 to 1864, the indexes refer chiefly to persons by names or titles, but include a limited number of titles of offices and subjects appearing in the letters or in the endorsements. Inserted at the beginning of the 1846 index volume is a supplement, consisting chiefly of three name indexes (one for each year, 1846-48) of field officers who submitted reports or journals relating to principal battles and expeditions of the Mexican War. There is also a chronological list of engagements during the year 1847, and a list of reports transmitted by Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott. Reel 1, v. 1. name index 1846; v. 2-3. Subject indexes, 1861-71. -- Reel 2. v. 4-7. Name indexes, 1861-64. -- Reel 3. v. 8-10. Name indexes 1865-67. -- Reel 4. v. 11-15. Name indexes, 1868-72. -- Reel 5. v. 16-19. Name indexes, 1873-76. -- Reel 6. v. 20-23. Name indexes, 1877-80. -- Reel 7. v. 24-26. Name indexes, 1881-83. -- Reel 8. v. 27-29. Name indexes, 1884-86. -- Reel 9. v. 30-32, name indexes, 1887-89.
Finding Aids:
Guide available [MICRO UA24.A7 A553x 1864a]
Call Number:
E93 .U968x 1847a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Texas Agency, 1847-59
National Archives (M234, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1847 - 12/01/1859
UNLV Microforms
This 4 reel collection contains records and correspondance sent by the Texas agency of Indian Affairs concerning policy and relations with the various Texas Indians. The period covered begins during the Mexican war and includes the Age of Expansion and the rise of the ranching industry, making it a source of Texas and Indian history.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
HV6715 G74 1847
An exposure of the arts and miseries of gambling : designed especially as a warning to the youthful and inexperienced against the evils of that odious and destructive vice
Subject Category:
Hotel & Business
Collection Dates:
01/01/1847 - 12/31/1847
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F864 .U526x 1847a
Letter books : U. S. Adjutant General's Office.
National Archives (M182, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
03/01/1847 - 09/23/1848
UNLV Microforms
Microfilm copy of handwritten letters sent, and proclamations and circulars issued by the military Governors and the Secretary of State of California from March l, 1847, to September 23, l848.
Call Number:
F801 .U45x 1848a
Register of letters received and letters received by Headquarters, 9th Military Department, 1848-1853.
National Archives (M1102, 7 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1848 - 12/31/1853
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (MICRO F801 .U45x 1848a Guide)
Call Number:
HN384.5 .B27x 1977a
The local reports to the general board of health, 1848-1857
Hassocks, England : Harvester Press
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1848 - 12/31/1857
UNLV Microforms
This series provides a detailed and specific picture of the Industrial Revoltution in Britain. There are 399 reports of social conditions covering 296 British localities. The reports include every topic the inspectors felt affected moral and physical welfare of the population as well as the administration of the locality visited.
Finding Aids:
The Local Reports to the General Board of Health, 1848-1857: A Complete Listing and Guide to the Harvester Press Microfilm collection (MICRO HN384.5 .B27x 1977a Guide) There is also a complete alphabetical listing on microfiche sheet #1.
Call Number:
F880 .U588 1962
State Department territorial papers, Oregon, 1848-58
National Archives (M419, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1848 - 12/31/1858
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HD183.D5 L48x 1965a
Letters sent by the Lands and Railroads Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1904
National Archives (M620, 310 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1904
UNLV Microforms
This 310 reel collection of letters deals with politics, history, railroads, and public land policy during the Age of Expansion, The Civil War era, and the Reconstruction.
Finding Aids:
Letters sent by the Land and Railroad Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1904 (MICRO HD183.D5 L48x 1965a Guide)
Call Number:
E93 .U965x 1824a
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, New Mexico superintendency, 1849-1880
National Archives (M234, 37 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 37 reel collection contains historical records and letters sent by the New Mexico Superintendency concerning policy and relationships with the New Mexico Indians. The period covered starts shortly after the Mexican War, includes the Civil War, and ends in 1880. Reel 546. 1849-1842 -- Reel 547. 1854-1855 -- Reel 548. 1856-1857 -- Reel 549. 1858-1859 -- Reel 550. 1860-1861 -- Reel 551. 1862-1863 -- Reel 552. 1864-1865 -- Reel 553. 1866 -- Reel 554. 1867 -- Reel 555. 1868 -- Reel 556. 1869 -- Reel 557. 1870 -- Reel 558. 1871 -- Reel 559. 1872 (A667-P256) -- Reel 560. 1872 (P257)-1873 (D315) -- Reel 561. 1873 (D317-W1742) -- Reel 562. 1874 (A1-L334) -- Reel 563. 1874 (L336-Y11) -- Reel 564. 1875 (A8-S105) -- Reel 565. 1875 (S114-W1823) -- Reel 566. 1876 (A5-G385) -- Reel 567. 1876 (G386-R92) -- Reel 568. 1876 (R95-S663) -- Reel 569. 1876 (S676-W1374) -- Reel 570. 1877 (A2-M931) -- Reel 571. 1877 (N44-P427) -- Reel 572. 1877 (P431-W1238) -- Reel 573. 1878 (A8-I2047) -- Reel 574. 1878 (I2064-T187) -- Reel 575. 1878 (T192-W2487) -- Reel 576. 1879 (A120-R383 -- Reel 577. 1879 (R384-T470) -- Reel 578. 1879 (T471-Y11) -- Reel 579. 1880 (A27-M1998) -- Reel 580. 1880 (M2276- T9) -- Reel 581. 1880 (T11-W240) -- Reel 582 1880 (W247-Y70)
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U95x
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, Utah Superintendency, 1849-1880.
National Archives (M234, 10 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 10 reel collection consists of letters and official reports from Indian Agents in the Utah Superintendency. It is a source of information about US Government policy and relationships with the Indians of Utah. The earliest letters and reports date to shortly after Utah became a US Territory. Reel 897. 1849-1855 -- reel 898. 1856-1858 -- reel 899. 1859-1860 -- reel 900. 1861-1862 -- reel 901. 1863-1865 -- reel 902. 1866-1869 -- reel 903. 1870-1872 -- reel 904. 1873-1874 -- reel 905. 1875-1877 -- reel 906. 1878-1880.
Finding Aids:
"Pamphlet accompanying Microcopy no. 234" (MICRO E93.U659x 1966) which lists the contents of the entire 926 reels of microform collection of "Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80"
Call Number:
E93 .U665x 1849a
Letters sent by the Indian Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1903
National Archives (M606, 127 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1903
UNLV Microforms
This 127 reel collection contains letters sent by the Indian Division of the Secretary of the Interior and is a source of US Goverment politics, policy, and relationships with Indians. The time span covered by this collection includes the Age of Manifiest Destiny, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, and most of the Progressive Era.
Finding Aids:
Reels 121-127 contain an index covering the years 1849-1897.
Call Number:
E93 .U966x 1849a
Records of the New Mexico Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849-80
National Archives (T21, 30 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
This 37 reel collection contains historical records and letters sent by the New Mexico Superintendency concerning policy and relationships with the New Mexico Indians. The period covered starts shortly after the Mexican War, includes the Civil War, and ends in 1880. Reel 546. 1849-1842 -- Reel 547. 1854-1855 -- Reel 548. 1856-1857 -- Reel 549. 1858-1859 -- Reel 550. 1860-1861 -- Reel 551. 1862-1863 -- Reel 552. 1864-1865 -- Reel 553. 1866 -- Reel 554. 1867 -- Reel 555. 1868 -- Reel 556. 1869 -- Reel 557. 1870 -- Reel 558. 1871 -- Reel 559. 1872 (A667-P256) -- Reel 560. 1872 (P257)-1873 (D315) -- Reel 561. 1873 (D317-W1742) -- Reel 562. 1874 (A1-L334) -- Reel 563. 1874 (L336-Y11) -- Reel 564. 1875 (A8-S105) -- Reel 565. 1875 (S114-W1823) -- Reel 566. 1876 (A5-G385) -- Reel 567. 1876 (G386-R92) -- Reel 568. 1876 (R95-S663) -- Reel 569. 1876 (S676-W1374) -- Reel 570. 1877 (A2-M931) -- Reel 571. 1877 (N44-P427) -- Reel 572. 1877 (P431-W1238) -- Reel 573. 1878 (A8-I2047) -- Reel 574. 1878 (I2064-T187) -- Reel 575. 1878 (T192-W2487) -- Reel 576. 1879 (A120-R383 -- Reel 577. 1879 (R384-T470) -- Reel 578. 1879 (T471-Y11) -- Reel 579. 1880 (A27-M1998) -- Reel 580. 1880 (M2276- T9) -- Reel 581. 1880 (T11-W240) -- Reel 582 1880 (W247-Y70)
Call Number:
E93 .U666x 1849a
Selected classes of letters received by the Indian Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1880
National Archives (M825, 32 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1880
UNLV Microforms
The records reproduced in this 32 reel collection are from the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and are a source of information about US Government policy and relations with Native Americans. The time period spanned by this collection includes the Westward Expansion, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, and the rise of the Progressive Era.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by a guide (MICRO E93.U666x 1849a Guide)
Call Number:
F801 .U44x 1849a
Letters sent by the 9th Military Department, the Department of New Mexico, and the District of New Mexico, 1849-1890
National Archives (M1072, 7 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1890
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (MICRO F801 .U44x 1849a Guide)
Call Number:
ML1 .N11
19th century American music periodicals
Alexandria, VA : Chadwyck-Healey, Inc.,
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1849 - 12/31/1940
UNLV Microforms
This 407 reel collection spans the years 1849 - 1940. These periodicals feature news, reviews, philosophical commentary, and musical composition. Included are articles on drama, literature, and the pictoral arts as well. Music periodical literature of the nineteenth century was one of the first sources of music education, and was instrumental in shaping the artistic taste of the times. Included are accounts of the growing concert life in America and of the works of new and significant composers from both this country and Europe.
Finding Aids:
A checklist of American music periodicals, 1850-1900 (MICRO ML1 .N11 Guide). The library has limited holdings. See circled entries in the guide.
Call Number:
AN2 .F76
Frontier Guardian, Kanesville, Iowa
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
02/21/1849 - 06/18/1852
UNLV Microforms
This Mormon newspaper was published briefly while the Mormons were temporarily camped in Iowa during their massive migration to Utah. Orson Hyde was the first editor from Feb. 7, 1849, until 1852 when Jacob Dawson assumed editorship. Under Dawson the banner changed to Frontier Guardian and Iowa Sentinel. An Additional and more complete copy is available on Reel 13 of the microfilm research collection entitled Utah and the Mormons; call number: F821 .U83x 1830a.
Call Number:
GN301 .H86x
Human relations area files
Subject Category:
Anthropology & Archaeology, Ethnic Studies, History Great Britain, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1994
UNLV Microforms
This collection organized first into separate cultural files, each of which contains descriptive information on one culture or on a closely related group of cultures. Each distinct culture is designated by a unique letter/number code called OWC (Outline of World Cultures) code. The source materials in each file are organized according to a comprehensive subject classification system presented in the OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials). Each subject classification is designated by a unique number code. Each file contains both a complete, page-order, text copy of every source included in that file, plus a series of numbered category divisions within which all particular subjects are listed to the side of the text to indicate that specific category.
Finding Aids:
FINDING AIDS: To locate a topic of category use the index in (OCM) Outline of Cultural Materials (MICRO GN 345.3 .O95). Other helpful finding aids include: (OWC) Outline of World Cultures (MICRO GN 345.3 .M87 1963); Nature and Use of the HRAF FILES: A research and teaching guide (MICRO GN301 .L25 1974). Another finding aid on microfiche is: Index to the Human relations area files (GN301 .H86x). This index updates and replaces the paper index (issued in 1972) and it's supplement (issued in 1979) covers categories through 1983. HRAF source bibliography (REF Z5111 .H73), a two volume set lists all authors in the HRAF files. There are catalog cards for subject, author, and title access located by the assistance counter.
Call Number:
F826 .U562x 1850a
Interior Department territorial papers, Utah, 1850-1902
National Archives (M428, 6 reels)
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1902
UNLV Microforms
This 6 reel collection highlights Utah's history, politics and government.
Finding Aids:
Interior Department territorial papers, Utah, 1850-1902 (MICRO F826 .U562x 1850a Guide)
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1850 C45
Census of the United States (1850). Population. Rhode Island: Providence County and Providence City. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States 1850, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census).
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M432, 2 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HA261.5 1850 .C45
Census of the United States (1850). Population. California. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850, California (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M432, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Butte and Calaveras Counties -- Reel 2. El Dorado County -- Reel 3. Los Angeles, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, San Joaquin, and San Luis Obispo Counties -- Reel. 4. Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Colusa, Shasta, Trinity, Tuolumme, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA531.5 1850 .C45
Census of the United States (1850). Population. New Mexico. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States 1850, New Mexico (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M432, 4 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. Bernalillo and Rio Arriba Counties -- Reel 2. Santa Ana and Santa Fe Counties -- Reel 3. San Miguel and Taos Counties -- Reel 4. Valencia County.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA591.5 1850 .C45
Census of the United States (1850). Population. Oregon. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850, Oregon (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M432, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
HA661.5 1850 .C45
Census of the United States (1850). Population. Utah. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850, Utah (Manuscript Census).
National Archives (M432, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1850 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: The federal population census 1790 - 1890 (Micro HA201 1790 .U53 1985)
Call Number:
AN2 .D47
Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies
Collection Dates:
06/15/1850 - 01/28/1880
UNLV Microforms
Begun in June 15, 1850, this important Mormon paper was the first newspaper published in Utah Territory. It was originally designed to record the passing events of the territory and to promote the interests, welfare, pleasure, and amusement of the citizenry. It also included foreign and national news. Indexes are on microfilm reels. A daily edition started on Nov. 21, 1867; and library has from 1880 - 1940 under call number AN2 .D469. Title varies: Deseret News Weekly and Deseret Weekly.