Call Number:
JV1016 .G83x 1981
Records of the British Colonial Office, class 5 / edited by Randolph Boehm.
Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1700 - 12/31/1783
UNLV Microforms
This 6 reel collection is only one segment of a 5 part Collection of the Colonial Office Records. The Board of Trade documents are the letters and reports from the colonial governors to officials in Britain (usually the Board of Trade or the secretaries of State). Material in this collection summarizes and comments upon events that occurred within the colonies.
Finding Aids:
A Guide to British Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 5 Files (MICRO JV1016 .G83x 1981 Guide).
Call Number:
PR973 .U558x 1985
Popular literature in eighteenth and nineteenth century Britain : the Robert White collection of chapbooks from the University Library, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Brighton, England : Harvester Press Microform Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature, Music
Collection Dates:
01/01/1700 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
This collection of ephemeral literature reflects the literature of the poorer classes in England. These chapbooks provided news, entertainment, and sensation for this group. Included are riddles and jests, tales for moral instruction, fortune tellings, adaptations of popular ballads such as Robin Hood, and songs - romantic, lighthearted and scurrilous. The works display strong nationalist spirit and loyal attachment to folk heros of the day. UNLV has Pt. 1. Robert White Collection of Chapbooks from the University Library, Newcastle upon Tyne (reels 1-16).
Finding Aids:
Popular Literature in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Britain: The Robert White Collection of Chapbooks from the University Library, Newcastle upon Tyne: A Listing and Guide to the Harvester Microform Collection (MICRO PR973 .U558x 1985 Guide).
Call Number:
PG3317.S54 A6 1935b
Selections. 1935. Neizdannye sochineniia / kniaz M.M. Shcherbatov.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1700 - 12/31/1799
UNLV Microforms
Russian poetry, history and criticism in the Soviet Union...18th century. 213 pages.
Call Number:
ML120.U5 K45 1980
The national tune index
University Music Editions, c1980. University Music Editions, c1980.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1700 - 12/31/1799
UNLV Microforms
This 80 fiche collection is a bibliography of 18th century secular music.
Finding Aids:
The national tune index user's guide: 18th century secular music (MICRO ML 120.U5 R12 1980 Guide). Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
HT1162 .M675 1998
Slave trade journals and papers: part 1: the Humphrey Morice papers from the Bank of England
Bank of England, Adam Matthew Publications
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History Great Britain, History World, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1700 - 01/01/1735
UNLV Microforms
"The Morice Papers offer not only details of the career of perhaps the foremost London slave trader of his generation, but also fascinating evidence on day-to-day dealings in enslaved Africans on the African coast in the early eighteenth century. As such, they are an indispensable source for scholars of the transatlantic slave trade and the African diaspora"--Publisher's website
reel 1. Slave journal of Humphrey Morice (M7/6 (1721)-M7/14 (1730)) -- reel 2. Journal of Humphrey Morice (M7/196 (1708-1709), M7/20 (1709-1710)) ; Trading accounts and personal papers : letters 1-150 (v. 1-3) -- reel 3. Trading accounts and personal papers : letters 151-246 (v. 4-5) ; Personal and business papers, ca. 1700-1731 (v. 6) -- reel 4. Personal and business papers, ca. 1700-1731 (v. 7-8) ; Documents relating to British trade with Africa, America and the West Indies, 1720-1725 ; Letter book of Humphrey Morice (M7/35 (1703))
Finding Aids:
Guide in UNLV Microforms index area HT1162 .M675 1998
Call Number:
LA205 .T57 1976
Early American Books and Pamphlets in the field of Education
Subject Category:
Education, History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1708 - 12/31/1898
UNLV Microforms
This 14 reel collection features 130 books and pamphlets divided into four sub categories: ideas, theory and argument; institutional activities and history; biography; and textbooks. The focus is primarily American education in the 1800s. Some references are made to European education models and plans for establishment of public schools. All aspects of education are addressed from the primary to university level. Included are histories and practices of various universities: William and Mary College, Brown University, Harvard, Columbia, University of Michigan, Yale, University of Virginia, University of California, Amherst College, and others. Biographies of notable educators Ezra Stiles, Gallaudet, Pestalozzi and others are included in the biography portion of the collection.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide. (Micro LA205 .T57 1976 guide)
Call Number:
AN2.A2 B67
Boston Gazette, Boston, Massachusetts
Boston, Mass.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
12/21/1719 - 09/17/1798
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
AN3 .E37
Eighteenth century provincial newspapers in association with the British Library NEWSPLAN. Ipswich papers, Ipswich, England
Brighton, Sussex, England : Harvester Microform
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1720 - 12/31/1800
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a collection that brings together all known issues of newspapers for a broad range of towns throughout England, and offers a distinctive and unrivaled insight into all areas of life in the provinces, often playing a significant role in local political and economic debate. The identity and date of the first English provincial newspaper is uncertain, but by 1712, fifteen newspapers had been established, and by the end of the century there were well over fifty. In the second half of the eighteenth century, the provincial papers' earliest dependence on London publications decreased; and emphasized greater concentration on local news. Local essays, letters, and numerous local advertisements are featured. General contents and details of any untraced or missing issues; and original location of every issue are listed at the beginning of each reel. reel 1. Ipswich journal, or, the Weekly mercury, 1720-1729 --reel 2. Ipswich journal, or, the Weekly mercury, 1730-1731. Ipswich gazette, 1732-1737 -- reel 3-32. Ipswich journal, 1739-1800.
Finding Aids:
Eighteenth century English provincial newspapers: Series three: Ipswich newspapers (MICRO AN3 .E37 Guide).
Call Number:
AN3 .E35
Eighteenth century provincial newspapers in association with the British Library NEWSPLAN. Derby papers, Derby, England
Brighton, Sussex, England : Harvester Microform
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1721 - 12/31/1792
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a collection that brings together all known issues of newspapers for a broad range of towns throughout England, and offers a distinctive and unrivaled insight into all areas of life in the provinces, often playing a significant role in local political and economic debate. The identity and date of the first English provincial newspaper is uncertain, but by 1712, fifteen newspapers had been established, and by the end of the century there were well over fifty. In the second half of the eighteenth century, the provincial papers' earliest dependence on London publications decreased; and emphasized greater concentration on local news. Local essays, letters, and numerous local advertisements are featured. General contents and details of any untraced or missing issues; and original location of every issue are listed at the beginning of each reel. reel 1. The Derby post-man, 1721. The British spy, or, Derby post-man, 1727-1731. The Derby mercury, 1732-1734 -- reel 2-18. The Derby mercury, 1735-1799 -- reel 19. The Derby mercury, 1800. Harrison's Derby journal, 1776 -- reel 20. Harrison's Derby journal, 1777-1779. The Derby herald, 1792.
Finding Aids:
Eighteenth century English provincial newspapers: Series two: Derby newspapers (MICRO AN3 .E35 Guide).
Call Number:
AN2.A2 N49
New England Courant, Boston, Massachusetts
Boston : James and Benjamin Franklin.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
08/01/1721 - 06/25/1726
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
KF8202 1722a
Ratified Indian treaties, 1722-1869
National Archives (M668, 16 reels)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1722 - 12/31/1869
UNLV Microforms
This 16 reel collection consists of ratifed treaties conducted with Indians in all regions of the US. The scope of the collection includes the colonial period, the days of the early republic, the age of expansion and manifest destiny, the Civil War, and ends early in the Reconstruction. Because of the vast scope of the treaties contained in this collection, it is an important source of US history, Indian History, and evolving US Government politics and policy towards Indians.
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by a guide: (MICRO KF8202 1722a Guide)
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 27
Sonatas, op. 2. Zwolf Sonaten fur Violine und Generalbass nebst einem Trio fur Violine, Violoncell und Generalbass : 2. Buch der Sonaten, Paris ca. 1732 / Jean-Marie Leclair ; mit einem ausgesetzten Generalbass hrsg. von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1732 - 12/31/1732
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-090 to BD-092).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
HT867 .S58 1971
Slavery, source material and critical literature
Lost Cause Press
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History Great Britain, History US, History World, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1733 - 12/31/1935
UNLV Microforms
The bulk of this collection spans the 19th century. Items composing this collection have been selected from Dwight L. Dumond's A Bibliography of Antislavery Literature in America and the subject group "Slavery" in the Library of Congress Card Catalog. Included are publications of the Anti-slavery Society, speeches by John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, recollections of abolitionists, histories of underground railroads, plays about slaves, letters of travelers, and materials from other parts of the world especially the West Indies and South America.
Finding Aids:
Slavery : source material and critical literature : a list of microfiche editions (MICRO HT867 .S58 1986 vols. 1 and 2 Guide). There are two volumes to this guide. Volume 1 chronicles a comprehensive listing of units 1 through 15 with unit 16 listed in the back. Volume 2 features unit 17. There are catalog cards for subject, author, and title access located by the assistance counter.
Call Number:
Z232.S88 W55x 1738a
The William Strahan archive from the British Library, London, 1738-1861
Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1738 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
This 23 reel microfilm collection comprised of 121 volumes that make up the archive, describes the company's activities from its foundation in 1738 to 1861; including its evolution into Spottiswoode Ltd. This series--Printing and Publishing History-- chronicles the day-to-day operations of the printing house as well as publishing records and details of many scholarly works. William Strahan printed some, if not all, of the works of most major authors of the century: Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, Cook's Voyages, Johnson's Rasselas, Fielding's Tom Jones, Blackstone's Commentaries, Hume's History of England, and Johnson's Dictionary. Records contain information about technological advances such as the canal system, the East India Company, the Goldsmith's Company, and Societies for the Progagation of Gospel and the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. Pt. 1. Reel 1-12. Printing ledgers, lost books, accounts, and memoranda, 1739-1815 (Additional manuscripts 48800-48861) -- pt. 2. Reels 13-23. Accounts, inventories, correspondence, lists of employees, notes on a strike of 1836, and other papers, 1815-1855 (Additional manuscripts 48862-48918)
Finding Aids:
Printing and publishing history, series 1: the Strahan Archive from the British library. A listing and guide to parts one and two (MICRO Z232.S88 W55x 1738a Guide). Guide includes detailed listing of reel contents.
Call Number:
AN3 .E34
Eighteenth century provincial newspapers in association with the British Library NEWSPLAN. Bath papers, Bath, England
Brighton, Sussex, England : Harvester Microform
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1744 - 12/31/1800
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a collection that brings together all known issues of newspapers for a broad range of towns throughout England, and offers a distinctive and unrivaled insight into all areas of life in the provinces, often playing a significant role in local political and economic debate. The identity and date of the first English provincial newspaper is uncertain, but by 1712, fifteen newspapers had been established, and by the end of the century there were well over fifty. In the second half of the eighteenth century, the provincial papers' earliest dependence on London publications decreased; and emphasized greater concentration on local news. Local essays, letters, and numerous local advertisements are featured. General contents and details of any untraced or missing issues; and original location of every issue are listed at the beginning of each reel. reel 1-14. Bath journal, 1744-1800 -- reel 15. Bath advertiser, 1755-1760. Bath chronicle, or, Universal register, 1760. Martin's Bath chronicle, 1763. Farley's Bath journal,1756 -- reel 16-26. Bath chronicle and weekly gazette, 1760-1800 -- reel 27. Salmon's mercury, or, Entertaining repository, 1777-1781 -- reel 28. Bath register and western advertiser, 1792-1793 -- reel 29-31. Bath herald, 1792-1800.
Finding Aids:
Eighteenth century English provincial newspapers: Series one: Bath newspapers (MICRO AN3 .E34 Guide).
Call Number:
F290.B96 B88 1996
Butler plantation papers: the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania
Adam Matthew Publications
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1744 - 12/30/1885
UNLV Microforms
This project provides long, detailed runs of documents for the period 1786-1885, concerning the running of the South Carolina and Georgia Estates owned by the Butler family. The plantation managers� correspondence includes the papers of Roswell King and his son, Roswell King junior, Alexander Blue and James M Couper as well as Slave Lists, Slave Registers and Crop and Livestock Reports.
This collection enables scholars to build up a complete economic picture of slave holding and the cotton planting business � but the records are also rich in insights into the intellectual and social history of slavery. Scholars can compare these records with Fanny Kemble�s famous Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation 1838-1839 (1863) which describes the same Butler Estates.
The project also makes available the political papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and features correspondence with John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Aaron Burr, Albert Gallatin, Thomas Jefferson and General James Wilkinson.
This microfilm set will benefit anyone studying Slavery, Plantations and the American South in the period 1787-1804.
Finding Aids:
Online guide
Online guide includes publisher's note, contents of reels and detailed listing.
Call Number:
F592 .E37 1904a
Early western travels, 1748-1846 : a series of annotated reprints of some of the best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the aborigines and social and economic conditions in the middle and far West ... / edited with notes ...
Cleveland, Ohio : A.H. Clark
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1748 - 12/31/1846
UNLV Microforms
Some of the classics in this series include: the Journals of Conrad Weiser (1748) and Thomas Morris (1764); Andre Michaux's Travels in Kentucky, (1793-96); Bradbury's Travels in the Interior of America, (1809-1811); Ross's Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, (1810-1813); Faux's Memorable Days in America (1819-20); James' account of S.H. Long's Expedition (1819-20); Pattie's Personal Narratives; Ogden's Letters from the West (1821-23); Maximillian, Prince of Wied's Travels in the Interior of North America (1832-34); Flagg's the Far West (183637); DeSmet's letters and sketches (1841-42); and Palmer's Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-46.
Finding Aids:
Prefatory information on fiche no. 1 describes contents of the set.
Call Number:
ML96.4 .H47 1752a
The Johannes Herbst collection: c. 1752-1812 / The Moravian Music Foundation Archives, Winston-Salem.
University Music Editions, c1976.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1752 - 12/31/1812
UNLV Microforms
This 258 microfiche collection has long been recognized as the most important single collection of the study of Moravian music. Over a thousand anthems, forty-five oratorios, cantatas and other extended choral works, several volumes of song and keyboard pieces, and books of text are included in this lifetime work.
Finding Aids:
Catalog of Johannes Herbst Collection (Music Ref. ML97.H375 G6). Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
D2 .A7
Annual register (London, England : 1965)
London : Longmansd
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1758 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
A retrospective narrative of yearly events, this is a rich and valuable source of information and commentary on social and political conditions, as well contemporary biography. Contents include descriptive essays of English, foreign and colonial history; obituaries of prominent people; and a selection of reviews, papers, and essays in literature, science, and the arts.
Finding Aids:
Each year includes an index.
Call Number:
E184.6 .S53 1970
Slavery source materials
NCR, Microcard Editions
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1760 - 12/31/1918
UNLV Microforms
This 962 fiche collection contains over 441 titles of books and pamphlets about slavery in America from its beginnings through the Civil War. Topics include the abolition movement, living and working conditions, the slave trade, the Fugitive Slave Act, travelers' reports, religious debates, and more. Among the authors represented are Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Phyllis Wheatley, Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Ellery Channing, and Charles Sumner.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword, title, author, and subject.
Call Number:
AN2.A2 P76
Providence Gazette, Providence, Rhode Island
Providence, R.I.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
10/20/1762 - 10/08/1825
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's. William Goddard published the first issue on October 20, 1762, with the title Providence Gazette and Country Journal. Due to a lack of support, the paper suspended publication with the May 11, 1765, issue but resumed publication on August 9, 1766. During this hiatus, one unnumbered issue was published on August 24, 1765. The following year an extraordinary issue accompanied by a supplement on Mar. 12, 1766, was also printed. Devoted to foreign and domestic issues and advertisements. In later years, literary and business articles were added to the publication. Title varies: Providence Gazette ; and Country Journal: and Providence Gazette, and Moral Political & Commercial Register.
Call Number:
AN2.A2 G46
Georgia Gazette, Savannah, Georgia
Savannah : James Johnson.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
04/07/1763 - 05/23/1770
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
F373 .U588 1958a
State department territorial papers, Orleans series, 1764-1813
National Archives (M260, 13 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1764 - 12/31/1813
UNLV Microforms
Reel 1. v. 1, April 24, 1764-December 13, 1833 -- Reel 2. v. 2, August 19, 1803-December 27, 1803 -- Reel 3. v. 3, January 2, 1804-March 30, 1804 -- Reel 4. v. 4, April 7, 1804-August 29, 1804 -- Reel 5. v. 5, September 1, 1804-December 31, 1804 -- Reel 6. Janury 1, 1805-June 21, 1805 -- Reel 7. v. 7, July 5, 1805-December 15, 1805 -- Reel 8. v. 8, January 2, 1806 - December 31, 1806 -- Reel 9. v. 9, January 15, 1807-December 27, 1808 -- Reel 10. v. 10, January 1, 1809-December 31, 1809 -- Reel 11. v. 11, February 12, 1810-December 28, 1810 -- Reel 12. v. 12, January 3, 1811-December 20, 1811 -- Reel 13. v. 13, January 2, 1812-December 6, 1813.
Call Number:
E208 .A427 1973
American Rebellion : entry books (WO 36), 1773-1783 / Public Record Office, London
Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly Resources, [1973]
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1773 - 12/31/1783
UNLV Microforms
This 1 reel of microfilm contains extracts of orders given to the British Army in America during the American Revolution. Documents from the British War Office, now housed in the Public Record Office.
Call Number:
E203 .S843
B.F. Stevens' facsimiles of manuscripts in European archives relating to America, 1773-1783 / B/F. Stevens; with descriptions, editorial notes, collations, references and translations.
New York : AMS Press
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World
Collection Dates:
06/19/1773 - 10/01/1783
UNLV Microforms
This 14 reel, 25 volume collection focuses primarily on the time period of the American revolution (1777-1780). These documents are primary sources and consist of facsimiles of confidential correspondence of the British Government or of its secret intercepted intelligence.
Finding Aids:
B.F. Stevens' facsimiles of manuscripts in European archives relating to America, 1773-1783 (MICRO E203 .S843 Index).This index is extremely descriptive and contains a chronological arrangement to materials, an alphabetical arrangement as well as an extensive subject matter index. Reel 14 (volume 25) of this collection contains an index divided into three sections: 1. chronological arrangement of documents complete with document number. 2. alphabetical arrangement mainly by author and some subject entries. 3. subject matter index. Document number references are listed on all boxes.
Call Number:
PS653 .A48 1967
American fiction, 1774 - 1900
Research Publications, 1967
Subject Category:
Literature, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1774 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
This comprehensive microfilm set includes approximately 10,800 titles of prose fiction written by Americans between 1774 and 1900. Genres include: novels, romances, tales, short stories, fictitious biographies, travels, sketches, and allegories. The collection reflects the changing themes in American literature from novels on daily life and manners during the early period to fictional response to the winds of political and social change in the mid-1800s. After the Civil War, regional works such as those of Samuel Clemens grew in favor. These were pre-empted in the late 1800's by those reflecting the socioeconomic turmoil of the era.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword, title, and author. American Fiction 1774-1900 Cumulative Author Index to the Microfilm Collection by Lyle Wright (MICRO Z1231.F4 W95). Wright's three bibliographies to American fiction between 1774 and 1900 can also be used for the full bibliographic citations (MICRO Z1231.F4 W9, MICRO Z1231.F4 W92, MICRO Z 1231.F4 W93.) Americna Fiction Volume III 1876 - 1900 reel guide (MICRO Z 1231.F4 W933 v. 3). There are catalog cards for author and title access located by the assistance counter.
Call Number:
KF4502 .D63 v.3 suppl.
The Documentary history of the ratification of the Constitution / edited by Merrill Jensen. v. 3 suppl.
Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1776 - 12/31/1791
UNLV Microforms
This supplement is a documentation of the history of the debate of the Constitution in Pennsylvania. This collection contains letters, pamphlets, and newspaper articles which amplify the arguments of the opponents and supporters of the Constitution.
Finding Aids:
Microfiche include a List of Documents and Appendices.
Call Number:
KF4502 .D63 v.2 suppl.
The Documentary history of the ratification of the Constitution / edited by Merrill Jensen. v. 2 suppl.
Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1776 - 12/31/1791
UNLV Microforms
This supplement is a documentation of the history of the debate of the Constitution in Pennsylvania. This collection contains letters, pamphlets, and newspaper articles which amplify the arguments of the opponents and supporters of the Constitution.
Finding Aids:
Microfiche include a List of Documents and Appendices.
Call Number:
F314 .U588 1946a
State department territorial papers, Florida series, 1777-1824
National Archives (M116, 11 reels)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1777 - 12/31/1824
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
HQ1111 .H572x
History of Women. Periodicals
New Haven, CT: Research Publications, Inc
Subject Category:
History US, Literature, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1781 - 01/30/1940
UNLV Microforms
These periodicals span not only women issues such as birth control, suffrage, and temperance; but also feature magazines about homemaking and fashion.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword. or title . A guide, History of Women: Guide to the Microfilm collection (MICRO Z7965 .H527x 1983b), provides access by periodical title. Every entry listed comes complete with the reel number and dates of each periodical. Most periodicals are in English; but a few are in French and German.
Call Number:
F495 .U588 1963a
State Department territorial papers, territory northwest of the river Ohio, 1781-1801
National Archives (M470, 1 ree1)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1781 - 12/31/1801
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
AN2.A2 A44
American Mercury, Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford, Conn. : Elisha Babcock & Son.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
07/12/1784 - 12/26/1820
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
CT3260 .A54x 1984a
American women's diaries. New England
New Canaan, CT : Readex Film Products
Subject Category:
History US, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1789 - 12/31/1846
UNLV Microforms
This 21 reel collection reflects the lives of eight middle and upper class women residing on the Eastern Seaboard in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. The diaries provide insights to the events of the era as well as into the daily life of the women. It is a rich source of experiences, observations, and opinions of the authors.
Finding Aids:
Guide and index to Women's Diaries: A Readex Microfilm Collection from the files of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol 1: New England Women. (MICRO CT3260 .G85x 1984 v. 1).
Call Number:
UA24.A7 N388x 1789a
Letters received by the Secretary of War, unregistered series, 1789-1861
National Archives (M222, 34 reels)
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1789 - 12/31/1861
UNLV Microforms
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by reel guide (UA24.A7 N388x 1789a Guide)
Call Number:
DC141 .B8 1834a
Histoire parlementaire de la revolution francaise : ou, Journal des assemblees nationales, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1815 : contenant le narration des evenements ...
Paris : Paulin
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1789 - 12/31/1815
UNLV Microforms
This 200 microfiche collection focuses primarily on the history politics and government of France from 1789 to 1815.
Call Number:
F592 .U548 1951
Territorial papers of the United States Senate, 1789-1873
National Archives, M200
Subject Category:
History US, History US West
Collection Dates:
01/01/1789 - 12/31/1873
UNLV Microforms
This collection features documents relating to the territorial affairs among the records of both the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government. The papers are arranged by territory and provide vital source materials on significant phases of self-government and the administration of Territories before admission to statehood. The library owns only a partial set of the collection--reel 13. Oregon, 1824-71 -- reel 15. Utah, 1849-70 ; Washington, 1853-68 -- reel 17. Colorado, 1860-68 ; Nevada, 1860-65 -- reel 18. Dakota, 1858-73 ; Arizona, 1857-65 -- reel 19. Idaho, 1863-70 ; Montana, 1863-69 ; Wyoming, 1869-71
Call Number:
DC141 .F76 1966
French revolutionary material, Maclure collection, University of Pennsylvania
Subject Category:
History World, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1789 -
UNLV Microforms
This 372 reel collection contains a variety of materials from the time of the French Revolution. Included are Department Reports, Proceedings of Tribunals, the French Constitution, and Proceedings of the General Assembly.
Finding Aids:
Micro Z2179 .P4 Description of the contents of the collection. Arranged by subject and indexed by name and committee. In French.
Micro DC141 .F76 1966 Reel Index. List of contents by reel including dates of coverage for periodicals.
Call Number:
AN2.A2 G39
Gazette of the United States, New York, New York
New York ; Philadelphia.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
04/15/1789 - 02/18/1804
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's.
Call Number:
HA617.P9 1790 C45
Census of the United States (1790), Population. Rhode Island. Population schedules of the first census of the United States 1790, Rhode Island (Manuscript Census)
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service (M637, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1790 - 12/31/1790
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
F517 .U588 1963a
State Department territorial papers, territory southwest of the river Ohio, 1790-1795
National Archives (M471, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1790 - 12/31/1795
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
E184.6 .A44 1997
American Negro Historical Society collection, 1790-1905 / published in cooperation with the Historical Society of Pennsylvannia
[Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [1997] [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [1997]
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US
Collection Dates:
01/01/1790 - 12/31/1979
UNLV Microforms
This 12 reel collection contains a rich source of materials, and documents the American Black Experience in, Pennsylvania from 1790 to 1979. Founded in 1897, the American Negro Historical Society collected and preserved relevant materials from a myriad of organizations and individuals----Pennsylvania State Equal Rights League, Bannecker Institute, Lebanon Cemetery, Agriculture and Mechanics Association of PA and NJ, Benezet Joint Stock Association, Pythian Baseball Club, Jacob C. White Sr., Jacob C. White, Jr., Isaiah C. Wears, William Still, Leon and Beatrice Gardiner and several Philadelphia churches. The collection includes letters, minutes, reports, papers, newspaper clippings, financial records, and portraits of prominent black leaders; along with miscellaneous printed materials. Approximately three fourths of the collection spans the dates from 1790 to 1905.
Finding Aids:
American Negro Historical Society collection, 1790-1905 / published in cooperation with the Historical Society of Pennsylvannia (MICRO E184.6 .A44 1997).
Call Number:
HD8393.A1 W67x 1986
Working class autobiographies from the British Library, London
Brighton, Sussex, England : Harvester Press Microform Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1792 - 12/31/1889
UNLV Microforms
The library has the first 18 reels of this microfilm set which covers the years 1792 to 1889. The editors selected materials to reflect the economic life, diverse experiences, and activities of the Nineteenth Century working class in Great Britain. These writings provide a formal record of living conditions as well as people's own views of their lives in ways which may contradict versions provided in history books. It includes military and maritime adventures, spiritual memoirs, thieves tales, and accounts of self-improvement and the pursuit of knowledge.
Finding Aids:
Working Class Autobiographies from the British Library, London : guide to reels 1 - 18 (MICRO HD8393.A1 W67x 1986 Guide). Guide includes reel and author index. Each reel also includes reel contents and author index.
Call Number:
E98.C7 U525x 1795a
Letter book of the Creek Trading House, 1795-1816
National Archives (M4, 1 reel)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1795 - 12/31/1816
UNLV Microforms
Reproduction of handwritten copies of letters concerning commerce sent and received by the agent of the Creek Indian Trading House between 1795 and 1816. The letters are arranged in chronological order.
Call Number:
HV6715 .F48 1852a
A few important facts submitted to the consideration of manufacturers, importers, jobbers, retailers ... illustrating the ruinous tendency of gambling and gambling houses upon the business interests of the United States by the American Association..
Subject Category:
History US, Hotel & Business
Collection Dates:
01/01/1795 - 12/31/1852
UNLV Microforms
Illustrating the ruinous tendency of gambling and gambling houses upon the business interests of the United States by the American Association for the Suppression of Gambling ( 1 reel ).
Call Number:
AN2.A2 B68
Boston Price Current and Marine Intelligencer, Boston, Massachusetts
Boston : Russell and Cutler.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
09/07/1795 - 12/28/1820
UNLV Microforms
This is part of a 52 reel set of microfilm containing newspapers from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, Georgia, and Rhode Island from the late 1700's to early 1800's. Title varies: Russell's Gazette, Commercial and Political; Boston Gazette; Boston Commercial Gazette