U.S. Newspapers on Microfilm

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


State City Title Dates Call Number
AZPhoenixArizona RepublicMay 19, 1890 - Dec. 31, 1945AN2 .A77
AZPhoenixArizona Weekly RepublicanMay 29, 1890 - Dec. 29, 1892AN2 .A79
AZPrescottArizona MinerMar. 9, 1864 - Dec. 26, 1879AN2 .A75
AZTucsonArizona Weekly CitizenJan. 5, 1895 - Apr. 24, 1897AN2 .A784
AZTucsonDaily Arizona CitizenMar. 6, 1879 - Dec. 31, 1880AN2 .D25
AZTucsonArizona Daily CitizenJan. 16, 1885 - Jul. 30, 1892AN2 .D25


State City Title Dates Call Number
CALake TahoeLake Tahoe NewsJan. 3, 1973 - May 31, 1984AN2 .A1
CALos AngelesLos Angeles TimesDec. 4, 1881 - Sept 30, 2009AN2 .L67
CALos AngelesLA OpinionSep. 18, 1926 - Dec. 31, 1970AN62 .O65
CAMarkleevilleAlpine EnterpriseMay 1979 - DateAN2 .A1
CAMontereyCalifornianAug. 15, 1846 - Nov. 11, 1848AN2.C39
CAPomonaPomona Center NewsJun. 30 - Aug. 8, 1942AN2 .P66
CASan DiegoSan Diego Free PressNov. 1, 1968 - Nov. 28, 1969AN2 .S26
CASan DiegoSan Diego UnionMar. 20, 1871 - Dec. 31, 1950AN2 .S264
CASan FranciscoCalifornia ChronikApr. 28, 1866 - Nov. 3, 1866AN2 .C35
CASan FranciscoPacific CitizenOct. 15, 1929 - Dec. 1994AN2 .P33
CASan FranciscoSan Francisco ChronicleJan. 16, 1865 - Dec. 31, 1936AN2 .S27
CASan FranciscoVoce Del PopoloJan. 4, 1868 - Mar. 8, 1905AN38 .V63
CASanta AnitaSanta Anita PacemakerJun. 9 - Sep. 9, 1942AN2 .S315
CAS. Lake TahoeTahoe Daily TribuneJan. 2, 1964 - DateAN2 .A1
CATahoe CityTahoe WorldJun. 27, 1969 - DateAN2 .A1
CATruckeeSierra SunJan. 5, 1967 - Jun. 26, 1968;
Jul. 2, 1969 - Dec. 29. 1970;
Apr. 7, 1971 - Date
AN2 .A1
CODenverRocky Mountain NewsAug. 27, 1860 - Dec. 31, 1940AN2 .R63
CTHartfordAmerican MercuryJul. 12, 1784 - Dec. 26, 1820AN2.A2 A44
CTHartfordConnecticut MirrorJul. 10, 1809 - Dec. 15, 1832AN2.A2 C66


State City Title Dates Call Number
DCWashingtonNational EraJan. 7, 1847 - Mar. 22, 1860AN2 .N38
DCWashingtonWashington PostJan. 1, 1996 - Feb. 22,2008AN2 .W37


State City Title Dates Call Number
GASavannahGeorgia GazetteApr. 7, 1763 - May 23, 1770AN2.A2 G46


State City Title Dates Call Number
IAKanesvilleFrontier GuardianFeb. 21, 1849 - Feb. 20, 1852AN2 .F76
IAKanesvilleFrontier Guardian and Iowa SentinelMar. 4, 1851 - Jun. 18, 1852AN2 .F76
IDBoiseIdaho StatesmanJul. 26, 1864 - Dec. 31, 1937AN2 .I33
ILChicagoChicago Tribune  AN2 .I33
ILNauvooNauvoo NeighborMay 3, 1843 - Oct. 29, 1845AN2 .W39
ILNauvooWASPApr. 16, 1842 - Apr. 19, 1843AN2 .W39


State City Title Dates Call Number
MABostonBoston GazetteDec. 21, 1719 - Sep. 17, 1798AN2.A2 B67
MABostonBoston Price CurrentSep. 7, 1795 - Dec. 28, 1820AN2.A2 B68
MABostonChristian Science MonitorJan. 2, 1999 - Jan. 2008AN2 .C54
MABostonNew England CourantAug. 7, 1721 - Jun. 25, 1726AN2.A2 N49
MABostonWeekly RehearsalSep. 27, 1731 - Aug. 11, 1735AN2.A2 N49
MOSt. LouisSt. Louis LuminaryNov. 22, 1854 - Dec. 15, 1855AN2 .S72
MTButteMontana SocialistMar. 9, 1913 - Dec. 1, 1917AN2 .M66
MTButteButte MinerJun. 1, 1876 - Apr. 2, 1878AN2 .B878
MTButteDaily MinerAug. 5, 1879 - Jan. 1, 1890;
May 1, 1893 - Dec. 31, 1925
AN2 .B88
MTButteDaily IntermountainJan. 2, 1886 - Dec. 31, 1912AN2 .D35


State City Title Dates Call Number
NVNevada Newspaper List   
NMAlbuquerqueAlbuquerque JournalJan. 31, 1882 - Dec. 31, 1945AN2 .A42
NMLas VegasDaily OpticJan. 20, 1880 - Dec. 31, 1888AN2 .D39
NMSanta FeSanta Fe Daily New MexicanJan. 3, 1886 - Feb. 24, 1953AN2 .S333
NMSanta FeSanta Fe New MexicanJul. 9, 1868 - May 27, 1883AN2 .S33
NYNew YorkGazette of the United StatesApr. 15, 1789 - Feb. 18, 1804AN2.A2 G39
NYNew YorkNational ObserverJan. 5, 1970 - Jul. 11, 1977AN2 .N42
NYNew YorkNew York TimesSep. 18, 1851 - Feb. 29, 2008AN2 .N49
NYNew YorkNew York Weekly Tribune    
NYNew YorkWall Street JournalJul. 8, 1889 - May 30, 2009AN2 .W35


State City Title Dates Call Number
ORPortlandOregonianFeb. 4, 1861 - Jan. 11, 1942AN2 .O74


State City Title Dates Call Number
RIProvidenceProvidence GazetteOct. 20, 1762 - Oct. 8, 1825AN2.A2 P76
RIProvidenceRhode Island RepublicanMar. 22, 1809 - Dec. 27, 1820AN2.A2 R52


State City Title Dates Call Number
TXEl PasoEl Paso TimesApr. 2 - Jun. 10, 1881;
Apr. 11, 1883 - Jan. 28, 1942
AN2 .E42


State City Title Dates Call Number
UTSalt Lake CityDeseret NewsJun. 15, 1850- Jan. 28, 1880AN2 .D47
UTSalt Lake CityDeseret Evening NewsJan. 2, 1880 - Dec. 31, 1940AN2 .D469
UTSalt Lake CitySalt Lake City TribuneJan. 1, 1875 - Dec. 31, 1940AN2 .S24


State City Title Dates Call Number
WASeattleDaily IntelligencerJun. 5, 1876 - Oct. 1, 1881AN2 .S439
WASeattleSeattle Daily Post-IntelligencerApr. 5, 1882 - Nov. 30, 1890AN2 .S44
WASeattleSeattle Daily TimesMay 3, 1886 - Dec. 31, 1940AN2 .S43
WASeattleWeekly IntelligencerAug. 5, 1867 - Aug. 7, 1880AN2 .W44
WASpokaneSpokesman ReviewAug. 6, 1884 - Dec. 31, 1900AN2 .S66
WASpokaneWestern Mining NewsJul. 7, 1972 - Dec. 31, 1981AN2 .A1
WAWalla WallaWalla Walla StatesmanDec. 20, 1861 - Dec. 18, 1869AN2 .W38
WYCheyenneCheyenne LeaderSep. 19, 1867 - Dec. 31, 1940AN2 .C47
WYHeart MountainHeart Mountain SentinelNov. 7, 1942 - Jun. 2, 1945AN2 .H43