Call Number:
G161 .H2
Works. Hakluyt Society.
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1000 - 12/31/1883
UNLV Microforms
Organized in 1846, this society had as its objective the publication of original narratives of important voyages, travels, expeditions, and other geographical records. The collection is wide reaching and is not restricted to a particular age, region, or group of travelers. For example, voyages include those of Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Sir Richard Hawkins, Hernando de Soto, and Captain James Cook. Materials are of particular interest to students of history, geography, navigation, and ethnology.
Finding Aids:
Each narrative has its own index on the last card of each microfiche set. Annual reports are appended to some of the volumes. Guide is available at Microforms Assistance Counter.
Call Number:
ML174 .C86 1931b
Histoire de l'harmonie au moyen age / E. de Coussemaker.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1000 - 12/31/1300
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (AZ-001 to AZ-009). This 9 microfiche series focuses primarily on music history, theory, and criticisms from the years 500 to 1400. It also includes music manuscripts.
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
DA25 .B5
Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores; Or, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages.
Washington, D.C.: Microcard Editions
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1066 - 12/31/1465
UNLV Microforms
Commonly known as the "Rolls Series" this collection of historical documents spans the era from the invasion of the Romans to the reign of Henry VIII. In addition to the original text, the editors provide biographical sketches of the authors, remarks necessary to clarify the chronology, and occasional notes to establish the correctness of the text. Some of the materials included are: J. Capgrave's The Chronicles of England; Political Poems and Songs, Relating to English History; Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry VI; J. C. Roberton's Materials for the History of Thomas Becket; Chronicles of the Reigns of Edwards I and II; Icelandic sagas; and the Red Book of the Exchequer.
Finding Aids:
Titles in Series: A Handbook for Librarians and Students, Eleanora A. Baer (REF AI3 .B3 1978 v. 1) and Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi (REF Z6203 .R42 v.1) provide a complete list of all entries within this collection.
Call Number:
ML174 .C86 1865a
L'art harmonique aux XIIe et XIIIe siecles / E. de Coussemaker.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1100 - 12/31/1200
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (AZ-010 to AZ-020). This 11 microfiche collection series focuses primarily on music history and criticism from the years 500 to 1400. Included is music manuscripts and information on various musicians.
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
KD370 .E54x 1809a.
English state trials, 1163-1858
Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly Resources
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1163 - 12/31/1858
UNLV Microforms
This 14 reel microfilm collection is a fundamental source for the study of English history, politics, law, and culture from 1163 to 1858; and includes proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors.
Finding Aids:
Some indexes are included on the microfilm reels.
Call Number:
M2 .T67 1897b
L'Arte musicale in Italia : pubblicazione nazionale delle piu importanti opere musciali italiane dal secolo XIV al XVIII . . .
G. Ricordi & C., 1897-1908. G. Ricordi & C., 1897-1908. G. Ricordi & C., 1897-1908
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1200 - 12/31/1599
UNLV Microforms
This 48 microfiche, 7 volume collection includes Italian vocal music, instrumental music, madrigals, and church and organ music.
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers. State papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice, and other libraries in Northern Italy (1201-1675).
Washington, D.C.: Microcard Editions, Inc. 1968
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1202 - 12/31/1675
UNLV Microforms
This 38 volume collection is arranged chronologically by year and volume number. It contains letter books, senate deliberations, council decrees, dispatches, and letters.
Finding Aids:
Most volumes have a preface before the text of each volume and a general index at the end of each volume.
Call Number:
NE55.L7 A3 1984
Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum Division I: Political and personal satires (no.1 to no.17,391)
London: Printed by order of the Trustees
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature
Collection Dates:
01/01/1320 - 12/31/1832
UNLV Microforms
This 11 reel collection contains text descriptions of political and personal satirical prints and drawings in the British Museum. The descriptions are arranged in chronological order by date from 1320 - 1832. Cross references to other prints in the collection are listed in the description and specify number of print and year (i.e. No. 252, 1641). The actual prints are on microfilm call number for the collection (NE55.L7 A32x 1978), English cartoons and satirical prints 1320 - 1832, in the British Museum: prints 1 - 17,391.
Finding Aids:
The Partial Online Index at the Library Of Congress. Provides access to about 25% of the collection and also includes materials from English cartoons and satirical prints 1320-1832 in the British Museum.
Partial Online Index at the Library of Congress
Call Number:
NE55.L7 A32x 1978
English cartoons and satirical prints 1320-1832, in the British Museum : prints 1-17,391.
Cambridge, England : Chadwyck-Healey ; Teaneck, N.J. : Somerset House
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature
Collection Dates:
01/01/1320 - 12/31/1832
UNLV Microforms
This 21 reel collection contains the political and personal satirical prints in the British Museum. Each print is numbered. Full text description of each print can be found on microfilm (NE55.L7 A3 1984, Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum Division I). The Partial Online Index provides access to 25% the collection and in it, materials from this collection are identified with a call number beginning PC1.
Finding Aids:
Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum Division I on microfilm (NE55.L7 A3 1984).
Partial Online Index at the Library of Congress
Call Number:
DA690.E118 R4x 1400a
Records of an English village : [Earls Colne, 1400-1750 / edited by Alan Macfarlane]
Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1400 - 12/31/1750
UNLV Microforms
This collection's aim is to reconstruct as fully as possible the lives of the individuals who lived in Earls Colne, Essex, England. The records of this village are divided into three categories: Church, State, and Estate. Included in this collection are: maps of the area, a date index, a name index, a place index, and an individuals index. v. 1. Church records (sheets 1-19) -- v. 2. State records (sheets 20-30) -- v. 3. Estate records. pt. 1. 1603-1750 (sheets 31-49). pt. 2. 1450-1602 (sheets 50-68) -- Maps (sheets 69-70) -- Date index (sheets 71-78) -- Name index (sheets 79-96) -- Subject index (sheets 97-108) -- Land index (sheets 109-111) -- Place index (sheets 112-113) --Individual index (sheets 114 -126)
Finding Aids:
Guide to Records of and English village: Earls Colne, 1400 - 1750, three volumes (MICRO DA690.E118 R4x 1400a v. 1 - 3 Guide). Volume one contains Church records; volume two contains State records, and volume 3 contains Estate records. Guides also feature references and further readings, a glossary, conventions and abbreviations, and a section on how to use and a list of the microfiche.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b
Publikation alterer praktischer und Theoretischer Musikwerke.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1400 - 12/31/1896
UNLV Microforms
This 97 microfiche series includes Greek and Roman music, early German works to 1800, operas to 1800, hymns, sacred songs, musical instruments-early works to 1800, chamber music, and madrigals. This compilation reflects many composers and authors and various types of work.
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 1-4
Ein Hundert funfzehn weltliche u. einige geistliche Lieder : mit deutschem, lateinischem, franzosischem und italienischem Text zu vier, funf und sechs Stimmen gesetzt von den bedeutendsten Meistern des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts ...
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1400 - 12/31/1599
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-001 to BD-013).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.