Sleep is an integral part of good health according to researchers. And yet, worldwide, statistics show that 51% of adults do not get sufficient sleep. What is sufficient sleep? How do we determine if we are getting it? Join the staff in Scholarly Communication and Data Services, and take a look at the eye opening research being produced here at UNLV.
Digitalscholarship@UNLV has a wide variety of downloadable articles, posters, theses and dissertations which address sleep. Most children sleep peacefully. There are a few though with sleep apnea. To learn more about sleep apnea, visit the repository. Has the daily stress we are all living under had an impact on your sleep quality? Read more about stress and sleep via this search. If you are hungry for more bedtime reading, download one of these publications.
We here at the libraries hope you enjoy our reading suggestions about sleep. But perhaps sleep studies make you drowsy, May is also Clean Air Month. There has been an increase in media surrounding improvements in air quality since the novel coronavirus sent most of us home, check out the 233 faculty publications on air quality.
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