This video tutorial discusses the benefits of creating an ORCID iD to manage your researcher identity online.


As you progress throughout your career and create scholarly and creative works, it can be frustrating to attempt to track them in multiple locations. You may even find that other folks have similar names to you - leading to confusion over time.

ORCID, or Open Researcher and Contributor I.D., is a unique and persistent identifier for researchers in a wide variety of fields. Once you make an ORCID iD, it stays with you as you change institutions, change names, and gather more publications, presentations, and grants.

An ORCID iD ensures that your work is attributed to you, by differentiating you from folks with similar names, and helps you assert ownership of your work through your online presence as a scholar.

It can also serve as an ongoing list of your scholarly work including publications, presentations, and grants that isn’t tied to your institution, so as you move throughout your career, your expanding list of publications can grow automatically.

It is super simple. To make a profile, you can login to ORCID using Gmail, which means you just need to use your UNLV email account. No need to remember another set of login credentials.

While setting up your profile, you are completely in charge. Any element except your name can be 1 of 3 levels of privacy

  • Public
  • Trusted partners
  • Nobody but you

There is an ever-growing list of places to sync your profile with in order to effortlessly update and ORCID iD can link to many types of faculty reporting software!

For more information, be sure to check out the ORCID @ UNLV Research Guide or the ORCID ID Help page.

Ask your liaison librarian for more information and check the library website to see what ORCID-related workshops will be happening soon.