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2022-2027 Strategic Themes
These are the six primary strategic themes that the University Libraries will concentrate on throughout 2022-2027. More detailed projects, initiatives, and goals are maintained by each library division, and are visible to library staff internally, on division pages in the library staff website.
External-facing (How the University Libraries serves our communities.)
Cultivate a welcoming, inclusive, and accessible environment that values the diverse experiences and needs of our users and ourselves.
Educate students and support the success of all learners.
Support and engage in scholarly and creative inquiry to sustain and advance UNLV's R1 Institution status.
Develop mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance our community's health, culture, and intellectual vitality.
Internal-facing (How we work within the University Libraries.)
Nurture a culture of inclusivity, respect, and trust within the Libraries.
Responsibly and empathetically manage the people, resources, and infrastructure that facilitate our work.