Inclusion and Equity Committee

Committee charge

The Inclusion and Equity Committee (IEC) was formed in 2017 and is charged by the Library Leadership Team to:

  • Support a shared understanding of diversity and inclusion at UNLV Libraries as articulated in the Libraries’ statement on diversity and inclusion.
  • Strengthen the Libraries’ commitment to an inclusive environment, both for Libraries staff and in our public spaces and services.


  • Identify and/or create opportunities and venues for discussion of diversity, equity, and inclusivity issues within the Libraries. As appropriate, the committee will utilize these discussions to inform its work and to highlight issues with Libraries’ administration and other relevant partners.
  • Recommend and partner in the design and delivery of relevant training and development opportunities for all Libraries employees.
  • Advise Libraries’ administration and Library Council on policy and other issues related to diversity and inclusion. In particular, the Inclusion and Equity Committee should be a resource to develop best practices and link the Libraries to appropriate campus and/or external partners to further its diversity and inclusion goals.
  • Support the Libraries’ (and UNLV’s) commitment to increase its recruitment, representation and retention of historically underrepresented groups in all levels of staff by recommendation of best practices, procedures and programs.
  • As appropriate, charge taskforce and working groups, including membership beyond the committee, to achieve the assigned deliverables.

Committee membership

  • Committee members are selected from faculty and staff throughout the Libraries and includes a representative from the Libraries Leadership Team. 
  • Members serve staggered two-year terms.



The Inclusion and Equity Committee received the inaugural Growth, Inclusivity, Voice, and Excellence (GIVE) Award from the UNLV Women's Council. The award recognizes diversity initiatives in areas of research, teaching, student services, administration, and community outreach by UNLV-affiliated individuals and programs.

The IEC was recognized for its “ambitious three-pronged task force initiative to address diversity in hiring and recruitment” as outlined in the Recommendations for Diverse Recruitment Report.

IEC members who contributed to the report were Avery Boddie, James Cheng, Brittany Fiedler, Michaelyn Haslam, Edi Martinez-Flores, Thomas Padilla, Claytee White, Annette Day, Kelsey George, Huston Green, Amanda Melilli, Courtney Brombosz, Kelsey Mazmanyan, Sue Wainscott, Eva Luna, Kee Choi, Stormye Hendrix, Amy Tureen, and Heidi Johnson.

Committee projects


Proposal for a private lactation space and changing table

To support a diverse community that includes the children and families of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors, the IEC worked with the Library Leadership Team to develop a private, reservable lactation space with sink, paper towels, hand cleaner, small refrigerator, chairs, and tables.

Pronoun buttons/badges for staff

With the goal of affirming and empowering Libraries staff, the IEC offers pronoun buttons/badges that can be worn while working.

Engagement and discussion

Podchat series

Developed a podchat series where library faculty and staff watch TED Talks or similar videos on various Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion topics and lead discussions of the themes brought up in the videos.

Diversity initiatives speakers from other campus departments

The IEC arranges for guest speakers from various campus diversity initiatives to speak at library council meetings which all library staff can attend.

Book discussion series

Developed and led 10 discussions on 1-2 chapters of Ijeoma Oluo’s So You Want to Talk About Race every month, 2019-20.

Professional development, diverse recruitment and retention

Professional development funding program

As part of the IEC’s charge to develop an inclusive culture, retain diverse staff, and support the profession as a whole, the committee developed and is currently running a two year pilot program. The program supports faculty and staff attending DEI-related professional development events by providing additional funding beyond existing professional development funds.

Annual equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) goals for individual faculty and staff

Proposed and developed a plan for each academic and administrative faculty member to set at least one yearly EDI goal as part of the Libraries’ ongoing efforts to center and strengthen our commitment to EDI.

Recommendations report for diverse recruitment

Developed the Diverse Recruitment project to fulfill the IEC’s charge to support the Libraries’ commitment to increasing representation and retention of historically underrepresented groups at all levels of staff. The report offers a series of recommendations for the Libraries’ Leadership Team (LLT) and the Libraries to consider implementing.

Inclusion and Equity Committee Recommendations for Diverse Recruitment Report

Learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Questions? Contact the Inclusion and Equity Committee at