Lied Library offers a variety of technology items that UNLV affiliates can borrow. For more information and to borrow items, visit the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of Lied Library.
Before you borrow
Fill out the technology and laptop user agreement form.
Epson VS350 projector
7 day loan
Portable projector available for presentations.
Portable projector screen
7 day loan
Collapsible white surface for use with a projector.
Poster tube
7 day loan
Cylinder tube able to carry posters.
Presentation remote
7 day loan
Remote to control slideshow presentations with USB connection.
Terms of use
- You will return the equipment and all of its accessories, pieces, and parts safely to the Lied Library Circulation Service Desk by the correct due date/time.
- You assume full responsibility for the equipment during the loan term, including any damage, loss, or theft, and agree to pay all appropriate replacement and/or repair expenses due to negligence.
- You are responsible for setting up and operating the equipment and understand that the University Libraries does not provide technical support.
- You will pay all late fees associated with returning the equipment after the given due date/time.