Call Number:
CD1068.A2 S63 1989
The social history of property and possessions.
Reading, England ; Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1436 - 12/31/1814
UNLV Microforms
This 13 reel collection includes will, inventories, and related materials in the University Archives at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. It spans primarily the years 1436 - 1814. These materials are critical sources for establishing names, relationships, and personal information from which can be gained as immense amount of information about living conditions, capitalist values, wealth distributions, and the importance placed on particular commodities. For wills before 1580, the inventories commonly list all books owned by the deceased, which can reveal much about literary taste and the currency of certain books. The material is divided into several categories: an index to the wills; the wills themselves are arranged alphabetically; the inventories; miscellaneous group of materials relating to the chancellor's court; administration bonds arranged alphabetically; accounts arranged alphabetically and Benefactors Registers of the Bodleian Library up to 1850.
Finding Aids:
The Social History of Property and Possessions. Reading, England: Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications, 1989 (MICRO CD1068.A2 S63 1989 Guide). Guide includes reel contents and date/person index.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873 Bd. 6
Vocal music. Selections. Eine Sammlung ausgewahlter Kompositionen zu 4, 5 und 6 Stimmen : bestehend in 1 Messe, Motetten, Psalmen und Chansons / . . .
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1466 - 12/31/1539
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-018 to BD-020).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
HQ1111 .H57x
History of Women.
New Haven, CT: Research Publications, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, Literature, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1479 - 11/09/1945
UNLV Microforms
This collection which consists of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, and photographs was selected from holdings at Radcliffe College, Smith College, University of Illinois (Circle Campus), Boston Public Library, and Scripps College for Women. The books are arranged chronologically beginning with those up to 1799 and ending with the 1916-20 era. Over 2000 pamphlets cover broad topical categories including birth control, education, professions, women's rights, and women's organizations. The Research Society consultants selected about 80,000 pages of manuscripts based on what they deemed to be significant. These are grouped according to originating individual or organization. Eight hundred photographs provide visual reference to the topics.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword, title, author, and subject. A guide, History of Women: Guide to the Microfilm collection (MICRO Z7965 .H527x 1983b). The guide provides access to the microform materials by main entry, periodical title, subject, and name index to the photographs. Catalogs from the various contributing libraries also provide access: Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America: The Manuscript Inventories and Catalogs of the Manuscripts, Books, and Pictures (MICRO Z7965 .A78 1973), The Ida Rust Macpherson Collections (MICRO Z7961 .S32) and Catalogs of the Sophie Smith Collection, Women's History Archive, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts (MICRO Z7965 .S65 1975).
Call Number:
E29.N3 A55 2003
Africans in the New World, 1493-1834: from the John Carter Brown library
Adam Matthew Publications, John Carter Brown Library
30 microfilm reels : positive ; 35 mm. + 1 guide (21 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.)
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History Great Britain, History US, History World, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1493 - 01/01/1864
UNLV Microforms
This project serves as an introduction to the history of Africans in the Americas, from the first direct shipment of slaves across the Atlantic in 1518, to the last known shipment to Cuba in 1864. It presents a variety of perspectives, including those of slave merchants, plantation owners, merchants, ship's captain's, slaves and abolitionists
A sample of titles in this collection: Manifiesto que a Su Magestad ... Haze el Capitan Don Juan de Villalobos / Villalobos -- Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Iles Antilles de l'Amerique / Rochefort -- Kurtze und warhaffte Beschreibung der See-Reisen von Amsterdam in Holland nacher Brasilien in America, und Angola in Africa / Augspurger -- Journal d'un voyage sur les Costes d'Afrique et aux Indes d'Espagne / Snelgrave --Journal of a Voyage to Brazil and Residence There ... / Graham [Callcott] -- Gazophilatium Regium Perubicum / Aguero -- English-American his Travail by Sea and Land; or, A New Survey of the West-Indies / Gage -- Impartial Description of Surinam upon the Continent of Guiana in America / Warren -- Beschryvinge Van het Heerlijcke ende Gezegende Landt Guajana / Keye -- Present State of Virginia / Jones -- Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America / Pereyra -- History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies / Edwards -- Historical and Practical Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco / Tatham -- Proclamation ... a ses Concitoyens de la ville du Cap / L'Ouverture -- Particular Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo -- Codigo Formado Por Los Negros de la Isla de Santo Domingo de la Parte Francesa Hoi Estado de Hayti / Cancelada
Finding Aids:
E29.N3 A55 2003 guide
Print guide (2 copies)
Call Number:
PQ6173 .E82 1991
Escritoras espanolas / Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid.
Chadwyck-Healey Espana
Subject Category:
Ethnic Studies, History World, Literature, Theater, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1500 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
This 2085 fiche collection features novels, dramas, and poems written by women. This Spanish Literature collection is divided into 2 parts. Part 1: writings from 1500 to 1800 and highlighting the woman's situation; mostly about women's character in public life with spiritual and religious writings. Part 2: writings from 1800 to 1900 reflects the understanding of women's roles in society and social class restrictions.
Finding Aids:
Escrituras espanolas, 1500-1900 : catalogo / La Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (MICRO PQ 6173 .E82 1992 v.1 &v.2). Authors are listed alphabetically.
Call Number:
BF1566 .R48 1983
Witchcraft in Europe and America.
Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1500 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
This 104 reel collection spans the 15th to the 20th century concentrating primarily on the 16th to the 18th centuries. In addition to the classic texts, the collection includes anti-persecution writings, works by penologists (those who administered torture), legal and church documents, exposes of persecutions, philosophical writings and transcripts of trials and exorcisms. Included are the pronouncements of advocates of witch persecution - Binsfield, Boguet, Del Rio, Remi- which can be compared and contrasted to the courageous wanting of Bekker, Loher, Loos, Scot, Spee- who doubted the validity of witch believers and witch trials. The majority of texts are in Latin, English, and German, but the collection contains documents in French, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, and Spanish.
Finding Aids:
Witchcraft in Europe and America: Guide to the microfilm collection (MICRO BF1566 .R47 1983). The guide is divided into two parts: the main entry index, arranged alphabetically by author (or title where appropriate); and title listing, includes all items listed alphabetically by title. Each entry in the guide lists reel number and item number.
Call Number:
Calendar of letters and papers, Foreign and Domestic. Henry VIII 1509-1545.
Washington D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1509 - 12/31/1545
UNLV Microforms
This 610, 20 vol. fiche collection contains official papers relating to various subjects pertaining to economic, law, military, political, social, domestic and foreign issues. Included are letters to and from individuals, and governmental officials. Fiche are mostly in chronological order by date.
Finding Aids:
Some volumes are split into parts and at the beginning of each part and or volume is a listing of contents.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 11
Musica getutscht : und aussgezoge durch Sebastianu Virdung Priesters von Amberg, und alles Gesang ausz den Note in die Tabulature diser benante dryer Instrumete, der Orgeln, der Laute und d Floten transferieren zu lerne kurtzlich gemacht zu . . .
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1511 - 12/31/1511
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-032 to BD-033).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 9
Erhart Oeglin's Liederbuch zu vier Stimmen: Augsburg 1512.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1512 - 12/31/1512
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-026 to BD-027).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 8
Selections. Eine Sammlung ausgewahlter Kompositionen zu vier und funf Stimmen : bestehend in deutschen geistlichen und weltlichen Liedern, Hymnen und Motetten/ Heinrich Finck
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1524 - 12/31/1524
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-024 to BD-025).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 7
Geystliche gesangk Buchleyn. Wittembergisch geistlich Gesangbuch von 1524 : zu drei, vier und funf Stimmen / Johann Walther.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1524 - 12/31/1524
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-021 to BD-023).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 11
Musica instrumentalis deudsch.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1528 - 12/31/1545
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-069 to BD-074).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
Z1251.S8 D62 1981
Documentary relations of the Southwest : master bibliography / [general editor, Charles W. Polzer]
Tucson, Ariz. : Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1530 - 12/31/1824
UNLV Microforms
This 18 fiche bibliography of 10,994 documents contains information pertaining to the northern portion of New Spain for the years 1530 - 1824. Each document entry supplies vital information for that document such as author, date written, place of writing, people in the document, places mentioned, ethnic groups, subject categories, and a summary of the document's contents. The following indexes accompany the Master Bibliography: Persons (4 fiche), Places (3 fiche), Ethnic Groups (2 fiche), Key Words ( 1 fiche), General Information (1 fiche), and Archives (1 fiche).
Finding Aids:
Documentary relations of the Southwest (MICRO Z1251.S8 D62 1981 Guide).
Call Number:
Z688.S5 S58x 1989
Shakespeare at Stratford upon Avon, [1879-1974] : the libraries of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Part 6
Stratford-upon-Avon, Eng. : Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature, Theater
Collection Dates:
01/01/1534 - 12/31/1743
UNLV Microforms
This fiche collection covers the books in the Shakespeare Centre Library up to 1700 and includes all aspects of Shakespeare, Shakespeariana, and theatre studies. Included are first editions of Shakespeare's plays as well as source books and a wide range of Elizabethan and seventeenth century items relating to contemporary literature and everyday life. pt. 6. Printed books to 1700
Finding Aids:
Shakespeare at Stratford upon Avon: (MICRO Z6888.S5 S58x 1989 pt. 6 Guide).
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 23
60 Chansons zu vier Stimmen : aus der ersten Halfte des 16. Jahrhunderts von franzosischen und niederlandischen Meistern / in Partitur gesetzt und herausgegeben von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1538 - 12/31/1549
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-080 to BD-082).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
E184.6 D63X 1933
Doctoral Research on the Negro.
University Microfilms.
Subject Category:
Education, Ethnic Studies, History US, Literature, Music, Social Conditions, Theater
Collection Dates:
01/01/1540 - 12/31/1966
UNLV Microforms
This collection contains 952 reels of dissertations written between 1933 and 1966 for American universities covering every aspect of study relating to the Negro in the United States. Categories include social institutions and conditions (demography, religion, social class); individual characteristics (intelligence, health); economic status; education history; political and civil rights; and humanities (literature, folklore, drama, music). Dissertations concerned with blacks outside of the United States are excluded.
Finding Aids:
A Bibliography of Doctoral Research on the Negro, 1933-1966. (MICRO E184.6 D63x 1933 Guide). Guide includes Author, title, institution, and date of dissertation. There are brief annotations of some of the work.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 29
Der Zweite Teil der Kurtzweiligen guten frischen teutschen Liedlein : zu singen fast lustig im mehrstimmigen Tonsatze / [zusammengestellt von] Georg Forster ; in Partitur gebracht von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1540 - 12/31/1540
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-095 to BD-097).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
Q115 .R74 1971
Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government
Research Publications, 1971
Subject Category:
Anthropology & Archaeology, Botany, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1540 - 12/31/1898
UNLV Microforms
This 72 reel microfilm collection contains information on many varied explorations throughout the United States and some world expeditions. A few countries include: South America, Japan, China, Mongolia, Tibet, and the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Reports were mainly published between the years 1803 - 1898. However, some world reports, such as Coronado's expedition, contain information dating back to 1540. Many of these reports are primary sources or contain primary source information. Findings include a diverse range of subjects: anthropology, botany, geology, topography, hydrology, ornithology, paleontology and zoology. Studies cover a broad range of topics such as routes of railroads and wagon roads, geological and geographical reports of many Western U.S. regions, Indian tribes and their cultures, i.e. The sacred formulas of the Cherokees, etc.
Finding Aids:
Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States Government [A contribution toward a bibliography] (MICRO Z1236 .U68 1969). This guide is a reel index sorted alphabetical by main entry - the reel numbers are handwritten in the margins. Please note that this guide is not a subject index even though some subject entries are included. The library has author, title and subject catalog cards for this collection located in the low card catalog drawers in the northeast corner of the microform cabinet area (as of 2017) - reel numbers are also penciled on these cards. A map of the Hydrographical basin of the Upper Mississippi River accompanies reel 35 no. 358 (MICRO Q115 .R74 1971).
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Domestic series of the reigns of Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth and James I. 1547 - 1625.
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1547 - 12/31/1625
UNLV Microforms
This 200 fiche, 12 volume collection spans the time period of 1547 - 1625; and covers a wide range of topics including government finances, administrative problems and practices, rebellion, relations with Parliament and leading political figures, social, economic and religious policies, and military and naval affairs. V.1. 1547-1580 Edward VI., Mary. Elizabeth. 1856. V.2. 1581-1590 Elizabeth. 1865. V.3. 1591-1594 Elizabeth. 1867. V.4. 1595-1597 Elizabeth. 1869. V.5. 1596-1601 Elizabeth. 1869. V.6. 1601-1603 Elizabeth; with addenda, 1547-1565. 1870. V.7. 1566-1579 Elizabeth, addenda, 1566-1579. 1871. V.8. 1606-1610 James I. 1857. V.9. 1611-1618 James I. 1858. V.10. 1619-1623 James I. 1858. V.11 1623-1625 James I., with addenda. 1859. V.12. 1580-1625 Elizabeth and James I., addenda. 1872.
Finding Aids:
There is a general index at the end of each volume on the microfiche.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Foreign series, of the reign of Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth (1547-82).
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1547 - 12/31/1582
UNLV Microforms
This 256 fiche collection is divided into three sections: Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. Edward VI's papers contains abstracts of official correspondence transmitted from abroad, for the information of the English government from 1547-1553. Mary's papers contain official correspondence from 1553-1558. Elizabeth's papers span the years 1558-1582 and contains 16 volumes.
Finding Aids:
Each sub collection has prefaces and general idexes. Prefaces are at the beginning of each collection or volume and indexes are at the end of each collection or volume.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 16
Dodekachordon. Selections. Glareani Dodecachordon : Basileae, 1547 / Ubersetzt und ubertragen von Peter Bohn.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1547 - 12/31/1547
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-050 to BD-057).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
F591 .W4633x
Western Americana: frontier history of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1550-1900.
Research Publications
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, History US, History US West, History World, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1550 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
Over 7,000 titles selected primarily from the collections of the Beineke Library at Yale and the Newberry Library at the University of Chicago compose this collection. These printed sources, ranging from broadsides to congressional reports, cover the discovery, exploration, settlement and development of North America from the Mexican border to the Arctic Ocean and the Mississippi Valley to the Pacific Ocean. Some of the major topics included are: exploration, contact between Indians and whites, the fur trade, the Texas Revolution, the role of the Hudson's Bay Co. in Canada, the mining frontier, the Mormon experience, the railroads, and the sheep and cattle industry.
Finding Aids:
All records to this collection may be accessed on-line through Keyword, Author, Subject, and Title fields. Paper copy of Guide: Western Americana: Frontier History of the History of the Trans-Mississippi West 1550 - 1900: Guide and Index the Microfilm Edition (MICRO Z1251.W5 W48, vols. 1 - 2)
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 25
Motets. Selections. Eine ausgewahlte sammlung Motetten zu 4, 5, 6 und 8 Stimmen / Gregor Langius ; in Partitur gesetzt und mit einer Klavierpartitur versehen von Reinhold Starke.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1555 - 12/31/1587
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-086 to BD-087).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
PN2091.S8 V53x 1985
Theatre set designs in the Victoria and Albert Museum
Emmett Microform, 1985.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1560 - 12/31/1985
UNLV Microforms
The color reproductions included in this collection include 1985 drawings, watercolors and prints representing nearly 170 artists, 350 plays, and 400 different productions for ballet, opera, pantomime, and theater from 1560 to date. The designs are arranged alphabetically by artist and then by title of the play.
Finding Aids:
A printed catalog of the same title as the microfiche collection is arranged by artists' names and dates where known, title of play, set design, production, producer, author, date, and theater where known and the page and fiche frame number. An alphabetical title index of the play is also included (MICRO PN2091.S8 V53x 1985 Index).
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 19
Kurzweilige teutsche lieder. Jakob Regnart's Deutsche dreistimmige Lieder nach Art der Neapolitane / nebst Leonhard Lechner's funfstimmiger Bearbeitung ; Hrsg. von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1560 - 12/31/1599
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-067 to BD-068).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 24
Cantiones sacrae (1565) XVII Motetten, zu vier und funf Stimmen / Gallus Dressler ; in Partitur gesetzt und mit einer Klavierpartitur versehen von A. Halm und Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1565 - 12/31/1565
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-083 to BD-085).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 22
Vocal music. Selections. Zwanzig deutsche geistliche vierstimmige Lieder, Erfurt 1575 : Die Passion nach dem Evangelisten Johannes, zu vier Stimmen, Wittenberg 1568 ; und , Die Passion nach dem 22. Psalmen Davids (1574)
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1568 - 12/31/1575
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-078 to BD-079).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Colonial 1574 - 1733.
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1574 - 12/31/1733
UNLV Microforms
This 602 fiche collection contains 40 volumes of state papers relating to many topics of deep and general interest on nearly every subject of British colonial history. Some colonies featured are the America settlements including Canada, the Caribbean, and colonies as far away as China and Japan. Arrangement of the volumes for the most part is chronological. The state papers include such items as correspondence sent to colonies of charters, commissions, instructions, minutes and proceedings, and journals. Vol.I. America and West Indies, 1574 - 1660 Vol.II. East Indies, China and Japan, 1513 - 1616 Vol.III. East Indies, China and Japan, 1617 - 1621 Vol.IV. East Indies, China and Japan, 1622 - 1624 Vol.V. America and West Indies, 1661 - 1668 Vol.VI. East Indies, China and Persia, 1625 - 1629 Vol.VII. America and West Indies, 1669 - 1674 Vol.VIII. East Indies and Persia, 1630 - 1634 Vol.IX. America and West Indies, 1675 - 1676, with Addenda 1574 - 1674 Vol.X. America and West Indies, 1677 - 1680 Vol.XI. America and West Indies, 1681 - 1685 Vol.XII. America and West Indies, 1685 - 1688 Vol.XIII. America and West Indies, 1689 - 1692 Vol.XIV. America and West Indies, 1693 - 1696 Vol.XV. America and West Indies, May 1696 - Oct., 1697 Vol.XVI. America and West Indies, Oct., 1697 - Dec., 1698 Vol.XVII. America and West Indies, 1699; with Addenda 1621 - 1698 Vol.XVIII. America and West Indies, 1700 Vol.XIX. America and West Indies, 1701 Vol.XX. America and West Indies, Jan. - Dec. 1st, 1702 Vol.XXI. America and West Indies, Dec. 1st, 1702-1703 Vol.XXII. America and West Indies, 1704 - 1705 Vol.XXIII. America and West Indies, 1706 - June, 1708 Vol.XXIV. America and West Indies, June, 1708 - 1709 Vol.XXV. America and West Indies, 1710 - June, 1711 Vol.XXVI. America and West Indies, July 1711 - June, 1712 Vol.XXVII. America and West Indies, July 1712 - July, 1714 Vol.XXVIII. America and West Indies, Aug., 1714 - Dec., 1715 Vol.XXIX. America and West Indies, 1716 - July, 1717 Vol.XXX. America and West Indies, Aug., 1717 - Dec., 1718 Vol.XXXI. America and West Indies, 1719 - Feb., 1720 Vol.XXXII. America and West Indies, Mar., 1720 - Dec., 1721 Vol.XXXIII. America and West Indies, 1722 - 1723 Vol.XXXIV. America and West Indies, 1724 - 1725 Vol.XXXV. America and West Indies, 1726 - 1727 Vol.XXXVI. America and West Indies, 1728 - 1729 Vol.XXXVII. America and West Indies, 1730 Vol.XXXVIII. America and West Indies, 1731 Vol.XXXIX. America and West Indies, 1732 Vol.XL. America and West Indies, 1733
Finding Aids:
Located on the fiche most volumes have a preface before the text of each volume and a general index at the end of each volume.
Call Number:
PN5124.W6 W65x 1992 pt.1
Women advising women. pt. 1
Marlborough, Wiltshire, England : Adam Matthew
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1577 - 12/31/1834
UNLV Microforms
This 17 reel collection is largely based on 40 pt. 1 publications covering the period 1577 - 1834, Genres include: prescriptive literature - describing the qualitites of an ideal woman to which all should aspire; practical manuals dealing with cookery, the home, marriage, childbirth and child rearing; advice literature - in which self appointed moral censors respond to reader's letters, literary and theatrical review; tatlers - giving society news and gossip; fashion journals; general instructional journals; entertainments; and, political literature concerning either general issues such as poverty and education, or particular feminist causes. pt. 1. Early women's journals, c1700-1832, from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Finding Aids:
Women Advising Women (MICRO PN5124.W6 W66x 1992 pt.1). Guide includes detailed listing of reel contents.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 21
Neue geistliche und weltliche Lieder : zu funf und vier Stimmen : Konigsberg 1589 / Johann Eccard ; in Partitur gesetzt von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1589 - 12/31/1589
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-075 to BD-077).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
PN1621 .S6
Source materials in the field of theatre
University Microfilms, 1956.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1598 - 12/31/1899
UNLV Microforms
Gathered from scattered private holdings as well as American and foreign libraries, this 22 reel collection makes available to the researcher more than eighty books, periodicals, manuscripts, journal, and diaries considered by the compilers to be of historical and critical importance to the study of the theatre. One quarter of the collection is in the English language, the balance is in French, German, and Italian languages.
Finding Aids:
Source Materials in the Field of Theatre: an annotated bibliography and subject index to the microfilm collection (MICRO PN1621 .S6). Some records can be accessed through the library catalog.
Call Number:
PN5124.W6 W65x 1992 pt.2
Women advising women. pt. 2
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Literature, Music, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1599 - 12/31/1842
UNLV Microforms
This 20 reel collection focuses primarily on the period of 1599-1842. It features prescriptive literature and conduct books, including household manuals; letter writing manuals, guidance books on marriage and child rearing; advice books on diet, health and law; guides to the education of young women; and description of correct moral behavior; songbooks written for women; and women's literature and fashion. pt. 2 - reel 1. Women's rights & status -- reel 2. Marriage, women & the law -- reel 3. Mothers and daughters -- reel 4. Education -- reel 5-6. Religion and morality -- reel 7-8. Cookery and domestic life -- reel 9. Letter writing: language and literature -- reel 10-11. Language and literature -- reel 12-13. Entertainment; Fashion and society -- reel 14. Miscellanea -- reel 15-20. Almanacs for women.
Finding Aids:
Women advising women (MICRO PN5124.W6 W66x 1992 pt.2). Guide includes detailed list of reel contents as well as publisher's note.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 10, etc.
Die Oper von ihren ersten Anfangen bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1600 - 12/31/1734
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-028 to BD-031 ; BD-034 to BD-037 ; BD-044 to BD-047 ; BD-058 to BD-066).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 15
Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesang. Lustgarten : eine Sammlung deutsche Lieder zu vier, funf, sechs und acht Stimmen, nebst elf Instrumentalsatzen / komponirt von Hans Leo Hassler, 1601.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1601 - 12/31/1601
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-048 to BD-049).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
AN3 .E17
Early English Newspapers, England
New Haven, Conn. : Research Publications.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1603 - 12/31/1818
UNLV Microforms
This 1207 reel collection preserves a significant record of social, intellectual, and political history. Two collections: Dr. Charles Burney's collections of newspapers dating from 1603 to 1818, acquired by the British Museum in 1818 and John Nicholl's newspapers collection purchased by the Bodlean Library in 1865 comprise the bulk of this collection. Among some of the titles in the collection are: British Journal, Daily Courant, Daily Gazetteer, Daily Post, Evening Post General Advertiser, Lloyd's Evening Post, London Chronicle, London Evening Post, London Gazette, Morning Chronicle, London Daily Advertiser, Post-Man, Historical Account, St. James' Chronicle, Whitehall Evening Post.
Finding Aids:
All records for this collection are accessible through the library catalog. Records can be searched by keyword, title, and subject. Early English newspapers: bibliography and guide to the microfilm collection (MICRO Z6956.G6 C68 1983). The guide is divided into two sections: a title/date listing and unit summary.
Call Number:
F1030.7 .Z96 1896b
The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 / Reuben Gold Thwaites, editor.
Microcard Foundation
Subject Category:
Anthropology & Archaeology, Ethnic Studies, History US, History World, Native Americans
Collection Dates:
01/01/1610 - 12/31/1791
UNLV Microforms
The Jesuits were among the first Europeans to inhabit the area called New France. This area encompassed what is now New England and the Great Lakes region of the U.S. and Canada. The Jesuits kept detailed records of their travels and explorations among the Indians. Their writings from 1610-1791 provide a rich source of material for studies in anthropology, history, religion, geography, and ethnology. This 73 volume set contains the original French, Latin, and Italian texts plus English translations, notes, and an exhaustive analytical index. Ruben Thwaites (Secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin) wrote the general introduction to the collection and provides a summary of the work of the Jesuits. The full Thwaites set is reproduced in this collection.
Finding Aids:
Volumes 72 and 73 on microfiche contain an analytical index to the series.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 2
Schone geistliche Psalmen. 82 geistliche Kirchenlieder zu funf Stimmen : Nurnberg 1616 / Martin Zeuner ; herausgegeben von Rob. Eitner.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1616 - 12/31/1616
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-093 to BD-094).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
DA385 .R96 1682a
Historical collections of private passages of state, weighty matters in law, remarkable proceedings in five parliaments : beginning the sixteenth year of King James. anno 1618, and ending the fifth year of King Charls [sic], anno 1629 / ...
London : Printed by J.A. for Robert Boulter
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History US, Law & Legal History
Collection Dates:
01/01/1618 - 12/31/1629
UNLV Microforms
This 150 microfiche (8 volume) collection "renders a faithful account of several traverses of state and of the most important passages in debate between the advocates for prerogative and liberty in early Stuart England." Rushworth hoped to present the unbiased causes and consequences of the Civil War and gather together information which would separate truth from falsehood. Included are transactions in parliamentary debates, consultations between both houses, resolutions of parliament, and some of the laws which resulted from those debates and consultations. Volumes 1 through 7 are chronological and volume 8 is concerned primarily with the tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford...upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons assembled in Parliament..begun the 22 of March 1640 and continued...until the 10th of May 1641.
Finding Aids:
Fiche #1 has an index.
Call Number:
M2 .G39 1873b Bd. 13
De organoraphia. Syntagma. II. Teil, Von den Instrumenten
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1618 - 12/31/1618
UNLV Microforms
Fiche number (BD-038 to BD-043).
Finding Aids:
Guide to Music Microfiche sets (MICRO ML145.U55 B4). Photocopy compilation of 6 x 10 in. cards originally supplied with each collection in the microfiche reprint series published by University Music Editions, cc1972-c1980.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Domestic series of the reign of Charles I (1625-1649).
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1625 - 12/31/1649
UNLV Microforms
This 385 fiche, 23 volume collection contains papers not only public and private, and general and individual but also local and personal. Included in the years of the reign of Charles I were years of war and foreign maritime expeditions which generated much text during those periods. The papers give an entire history of a day to day account of incidents.
Finding Aids:
Most volumes have a preface before the text of each volume and a general index at the end of each volume.
Call Number:
E162 .M53 1988
Pre-revolutionary diaries at the Massachusetts Historical Society
Microfilm edition of the pre-revolutionary diaries, 1635-1774
Boston : Massachusetts Historical Society ; Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1988
13 microfilm reels : positive ; 35 mm. + 1 guide (50 p. ; 28 cm.)
Subject Category:
History US, Social Conditions, Women's Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1635 - 01/01/1774
UNLV Microforms
276 diaries written by 112 people, filmed from the collection at the Massachusetts Historical Society
Finding Aids:
Accompanied by guide: Guide to the Microfilm edition of the pre-revolutionary diaries, 1635-1774.
Microform index area E162 .M53 1988
Call Number:
ML120.U5 C35 1989
The national tune index : early American wind & ceremonial music, 1636-1836
University Music Editions, c1989. University Music Editions, c1989.
Subject Category:
Collection Dates:
01/01/1636 - 12/31/1836
UNLV Microforms
This 28 fiche collection is a bibliography of instrumental music. This second phase of the National tune index (NT 1/2) is a computer generated seven part index of 20,733 citations taken from 1,077 pieces of sheet music and 298 collections found in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and France.
Finding Aids:
The national tune index: early American wind and ceremonial music, 1636-1836 (MICRO ML120.U5 C35 1989 Guide).
Call Number:
DA400 .T537 1742a
A collection of the state papers of John Thurloe ... : containing authentic memorials of the English affairs from the year 1638, to the restoration of King Charles II / published from the originals, formerly in the library of John lord Somers ...
London : Printed for the executor of F. Gyles
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1638 - 12/31/1660
UNLV Microforms
This 200 (7 volume) microfiche collection contains "authentic" memorials of English affairs from 1638 to the restoration of King Charles II(1660). Arranged chronologically, the collection has numerous original letters and papers from the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Earl of Shelburn. Other items include: 1) letters written by the Council of State during the two protectorates of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, and John Thurloe; 2) letters from English ambassadors, envoys, generals, admirals etc. during the period in Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Germany, Poland, and Russia; 3) letters from the military; 4) letters from the governors and officials of New England, Jamaica, Barbadoes; 5) intercepted letters for different persons at home and abroad; 6) letters relating to plots; 7) orders of parliament; 8) treaties, memorials, etc.; and 9) accounts of revenues of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Finding Aids:
Each microfiche volume has a complete index.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Domestic series of the Commonwealth (1649-1660).
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions, Inc.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1649 - 12/31/1660
UNLV Microforms
This 220 fiche, 13 volume collection of official papers highlight day to day activities in the commonwealth in the period of 1649-1660. The papers give an account of all incidents - proceedings of the council of state along with tables of attendees, letters and papers relating to the military, and warrants for payment of money.
Finding Aids:
Most volumes have a preface before the text of each volume and a general index at the end of each volume.
Call Number:
BX2592 .D78 1655b
Monasticon anglicanum, sive, Pandectae coenobiorum ... : a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, ex mss. codd. ad monasteria olim pertinentibus / archivis ... bibliothecis ... digesti per Rogerum Dodsworth ... [et] Gulielmum Dugdale.
Londini : typis Richardi Hoddginsonne
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1655 - 12/31/1673
UNLV Microforms
This collection is composed primarily of the charters of foundation, donation, and confirmation granted to English monasteries at their first erection. These documents contain information respecting the history and biography of English monarchism and of cathedrals and collegiate churches. In Latin.
Finding Aids:
Indexes to the microfiche set can be found on the last fiche of each volume.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, Charles II, Domestic (1660-1677).
Washington, D.C.: Microcard Editions.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1660 - 12/31/1677
UNLV Microforms
This 18 volume fiche collection spans the years 1660-1677. This collection is a compilation of all domestic issues such as petitions, proclamations, letters, memorandums, depositions, warrants, statements, instructions, etc. of the day to day activities.
Finding Aids:
Most volumes contain a table of contents list on fiche 1 of each volume. Most are in chronological order.
Call Number:
Z6034.U49 H39 1976
Bibliography of American-published geology, 1669 to 1850
Boulder, Colo. : Geological Society of America, 1976
Subject Category:
Environmental Studies
Collection Dates:
01/01/1669 - 12/31/1850
UNLV Microforms
Call Number:
DA679 .A13x 1972a
London directories from the Guildhall Library, 1677-1900.
New Haven : Research Publications
Subject Category:
History Great Britain, Social Conditions
Collection Dates:
01/01/1677 - 12/31/1900
UNLV Microforms
This 60 reel collection is a primary source material for the study of life in and around London during the era. In addition to highlighting the names of prominent personalities, the directories reflect and describe the growth and changes of London through the listing of streets, individuals, and trades. Group I. 1677-1799 (except directories published by T. Boyle). Reel 11-22--Group II. 1800-1855 (except those published by T. Boyle and the Post Office Directories). Reel 23-60. Reels 59-60 numbered as Group II, vol. 25.
Finding Aids:
Composed of all the directories in the Guildhall Library at the time of microfilming, the collection is arranged chronologically.
Call Number:
BX480 .M6 1880b
Feofan Prokopovich kak pisatel / Petra Morozova.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1681 - 12/31/1736
UNLV Microforms
Russian history concerning Feofan, Abp. of Novgorod, 1681 - 1736 and biographical information on bishops in Russia. 402 pages.
Call Number:
DK129 .P37 1887b
Pisma i bumagi imperatora Petra Velikago
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1688 - 12/31/1725
UNLV Microforms
Correspondence of Peter I, Emperor of Russia from 1688 - 1725. Seven volumes (115 fiche).
Call Number:
DA435 .R26 1744b
The history of England during the reigns of K. William, Q. Anne, and K. George I. : with an introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers, Charles and James ; in which are to be found the seeds of the revolution.
London : D. Browne
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1689 - 12/31/1714
UNLV Microforms
This 1 reel contains a review of the reigns of King Charles II and King James II. The history of England during the interregnum. During the reign of King William and Queen Mary. During the reign of King William III.
Call Number:
Calendar of state papers, William III, Domestic (1689-1695).
Washington, D.C. : Microcard Editions.
Subject Category:
History Great Britain
Collection Dates:
01/01/1689 - 12/31/1695
UNLV Microforms
This 6 volume fiche collection spans the years 1689-1695. The collection is a compilation of all domestic issues such as proceedings, warrants, proclamations, appointments, orders, passes, etc. of the day to day activities.
Finding Aids:
Most volumes contain a table of contents listing on the first fiche of each volume. Volumes are in chronological order.
Call Number:
DK131 . U8 1858b
Istoriia tsarstvovaniia Petra Velikago / N. Ustrialova.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1689 - 12/31/1725
UNLV Microforms
Russian History of the reign of Peter I, Emperor of Russia, spanning the years 1689 - 1725. Six volumes; volume five not published.
Call Number:
DK180 .S54 1896b
Works. 1896. Sochineniia kniazia M. M. Shcherbatova / pod red. I.P. Khrushchova i A.G. Boronova.
Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre Microfiche. Tumba, Sweden : International Documentation Centre
Subject Category:
History World
Collection Dates:
01/01/1689 - 12/31/1801
UNLV Microforms
Russian history concerning politics and government spanning 1689 - 1801. Two volumes.